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~Hack~ Pokemon Brown Version

~Hack~ Pokemon Brown Version


Game Boy

achievements (40)

iconinfoRA score
Rival Round 1Rival Round 1
Defeat Mura in Tim's Lab
1 points
Rival Round 2Rival Round 2
Defeat Mura in Hayward City
5 points
Rival Round 3Rival Round 3
Defeat Mura in Haunted Forest
10 points
Defeat KarpmanDefeat Karpman
Earn Marine Badge in Merson City
10 points
Defeat LilyDefeat Lily
Earn Hail Badge in Owsauri City
10 points
Defeat SparkyDefeat Sparky
Earn Sparky Badge in Jaeru City
10 points
Defeat LoisDefeat Lois
Earn Sprout Badge in Moraga Town
10 points
Defeat KojiDefeat Koji
Earn Fist Badge in Castro Valley
10 points
That's just programm-code!That's just programm-code!
Find Porygon in Route 55
3 points
Defeat Giovanni Round 1Defeat Giovanni Round 1
Defeat Giovanni in Silph Co. Warehouse
10 points
Fire is better then Psycho!Fire is better then Psycho!
Trade Abra for Magmar in Route 52 House (if you don't own Magmar)
5 points
I think swim is the bestI think swim is the best
Trade Clefairy for Lapras in Hayward City
5 points
Yeah, it's bigger than that!!!Yeah, it's bigger than that!!!
Trade Shellder for Rhyhorn in Route 49 House (if you don't own Rhyhorn)
5 points
Moon Stone? Just save it!Moon Stone? Just save it!
Trade Nidoqueen for Nidoking in Moraga Town House
5 points
Just heal!Just heal!
Trade Pidgey for Chansey in Castro Valley (if you don't own Chansey)
5 points
No Ghost anymore?!No Ghost anymore?!
Catch Kangaskhan in Haunted Forest
5 points
Only sleep or just wake up?!Only sleep or just wake up?!
Catch Snorlax on Route 61
5 points
Electric Legendary PokemonElectric Legendary Pokemon
Catch Raikou or Zapdos in Power Plant
10 points
Defeat SheralDefeat Sheral
Earn PSI Badge in Seashore City
10 points
Defeat JoeDefeat Joe
Earn White Badge in Castro Forest
10 points
No Johto Badge anymore?!No Johto Badge anymore?!
Defeat Bug Catcher in Azalea Town
10 points
Defeat Giovanni Round 2Defeat Giovanni Round 2
Earn Star Badge in Eagulou City
10 points
Just study Fossil?!Just study Fossil?!
Get Omanyte in Hayward City
5 points
Fire Legendary PokemonFire Legendary Pokemon
Catch Entei or Moltres in Cave on Route 53
10 points
Water Legendary PokemonWater Legendary Pokemon
Catch Suicune or Articuno in Mt.Boulder
10 points
It's so sweet, isn't?!It's so sweet, isn't?!
Trade Gligar for Eevee in Botan City (if you don't own Eevee)
5 points
Wanna fight?!Wanna fight?!
Trade Butterfree for Tyrogue in Botan City (if you don't own Tyrogue)
5 points
So, rich...So, rich...
Buy Jigglypuff in Poke Center (Route 67 behind Seneca Cavern)
5 points
Psychic Legendary PokemonPsychic Legendary Pokemon
Catch Mewtwo or Mew in Secret Cave
10 points
Pokemon Master!Pokemon Master!
Beat the Elite Four and the Champion of the Rijon League
25 points
Elite StompElite Stomp
Beat the Elite Four and the Champion of the Rijon League with only one Pokemon in your party
25 points
Get the Pokemon in Slot 1 from Level 99 to Level 100
10 points
Party is the best!Party is the best!
Assemble a full team of Pokemon in your party
5 points
Very rare, eehhh...Very rare, eehhh...
Trade Rhyhorn for Crobat in Unknown Cave (if you don't own Crobat)
5 points
Gold or Silver Legendary PokemonGold or Silver Legendary Pokemon
Find Ho-Oh or Lugia in Unknown Cave
10 points
Defeat Patrol Pallet in Unknown Cave
25 points
Study another Fossil?!Study another Fossil?!
Get Kabuto in Hayward City
5 points
Study Fossil third time?!Study Fossil third time?!
Get Cranidos in Hayward City
5 points
Master of Brown VersionMaster of Brown Version
Defeat Patrol Pallet in Unknown Cave with only one Pokemon in your party
25 points
Gotta Catch 'em All - BrownGotta Catch 'em All - Brown
Catch 210 Pokemon without external trading
50 points

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