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Tales of the Abyss

Tales of the Abyss


PlayStation 2

achievements (277)

iconinfoRA score
Poverty PreachingPoverty Preaching
Watch the Cutscene in which Tear teaches Luke how to cook Rice Balls.
3 points
Miso HappyMiso Happy
Acquire the Recipe for Spaghetti.
3 points
Unexpected HelpUnexpected Help
Defeat the Liger Queen in the Cheagle Woods.
5 points
Queen of the WoodsQueen of the Woods
Defeat the Liger Queen on Very Hard or Unknown Difficulty.
10 points
The Bane of ManyThe Bane of Many
Obtain the Collector's Book.
3 points
Would a book be classified as a Sandwich?Would a book be classified as a Sandwich?
Acquire the Sandwich Recipe.
1 points
Searching for SpoilsSearching for Spoils
Unlock the Sostenuto Shop in St. Binah.
5 points
The Symbol of St. BinahThe Symbol of St. Binah
Watch a Cutscene atop St. Binah's Tree
3 points
Sonic SparringSonic Sparring
Have Luke learn his Sonic Thrust Arte.
4 points
Defeat Arietta at the top of Chorel Castle.
10 points
Dancing in the BallroomDancing in the Ballroom
Defeat the Sword Dancer in Chorel Castle.
10 points
Brawling in the BallroomBrawling in the Ballroom
Defeat the Sword Dancer in Chorel Castle on Very Hard or Unknown Difficulty.
25 points
Acquire the Fried Chicken Recipe from the Ant Lion Man.
3 points
Items for IntelligenceItems for Intelligence
Get a free souvenir from a Merchant in Chesedonia.
3 points
Dolls in the DrawersDolls in the Drawers
Obtain the Time Traveling Hero.
1 points
Red Ship Green ShipRed Ship Green Ship
Obtain the Winged Boots on the Katsbert Ferry.
3 points
Highway RobberyHighway Robbery
Have Luke learn his Demon Fist Arte.
5 points
Abandoned AtrocityAbandoned Atrocity
Defeat Abaddon at the end of the Abandoned Factory.
5 points
A Bad AbaddonA Bad Abaddon
Defeat Abaddon on Very Hard or Unknown Difficulty.
10 points
Chosen by the CouncilChosen by the Council
Obtain the Hod Citizen Registry.
3 points
I can feel the power!I can feel the power!
Obtain Mieu Attack.
1 points
Keeping in-SyncKeeping in-Sync
Defeat Sync and Largo in Zao Ruins on Very Hard or Unknown Difficulty.
10 points
You're a curious cat, NatYou're a curious cat, Nat
Earn Natalia's Curious Princess Title.
5 points
Trading for SwordsTrading for Swords
Trade enough items in Din's Shop to receive a Last Fencer.
10 points
Trading for PhantasiaTrading for Phantasia
Trade enough items in Din's Shop to receive a Swordian Dymlos.
10 points
Trading for RodsTrading for Rods
Trade enough items in Din's Shop to receive a Star Rod.
10 points
Trading for SpearsTrading for Spears
Trade enough items in Din's Shop to receive a Diabolic Fang.
10 points
Trading for BowsTrading for Bows
Trade enough items in Din's Shop to receive an Elven Bow.
10 points
Trading for ClothesTrading for Clothes
Trade enough items in Din's Shop to receive a Queen Cloak.
5 points
Trading for ArmorTrading for Armor
Trade enough items in Din's Shop to receive a Reflex.
5 points
Trading for a GuardTrading for a Guard
Trade enough items in Din's Shop to receive a Solar Guard.
5 points
Trading for RibbonsTrading for Ribbons
Trade enough items in Din's Shop to receive a Magical Ribbon.
5 points
Trading for AccessoriesTrading for Accessories
Trade enough items in Din's Shop to receive a World Charm.
25 points
Trading for RingsTrading for Rings
Trade enough items in Din's Shop to receive an Effecti Ring.
25 points
Trading for WondersTrading for Wonders
Trade enough items in Din's Shop to receive a Wonder Symbol.
25 points
Trading for SymbolsTrading for Symbols
Trade enough items in Din's Shop to receive a Krona Symbol.
25 points
Trading for GemstonesTrading for Gemstones
Trade enough items in Din's Shop to receive an Alexandrite.
25 points
Roll up the WorldRoll up the World
Trade enough items in Din's Shop to receive The Prince.
10 points
Trading for CoresTrading for Cores
Trade enough items in Din's Shop to receive the Largamente Capacity Core.
10 points
Aerial SweepAerial Sweep
Have Guy learn his Tempest Arte.
5 points
Regrettable ReunionRegrettable Reunion
Defeat Legretta at the end of Deo Pass
5 points
I'm no ReplicaI'm no Replica
Defeat Asch in Yulia City.
10 points
Who's Lying now?Who's Lying now?
Defeat Asch in Yulia City on Very Hard or Unknown Difficulty.
25 points
I Didn't KnowI Didn't Know
Witness the events that lead up to Luke receiving his Replica Model title.
5 points
Raw MinRaw Min
Acquire the Ramen Recipe.
1 points
Barraged by BanditsBarraged by Bandits
Have Natalia learn her Gallant Barrage Arte.
3 points
A Helping HandA Helping Hand
Acquire the Recipe for Soba Noodles.
3 points
The Third HymnThe Third Hymn
Have Tear learn her Holy Song Arte.
3 points
Do You Even Cook, Bro?Do You Even Cook, Bro?
Acquire the Recipe for Pizza.
2 points
The Sea of DoorsThe Sea of Doors
Find Natalia and Ion in the Oracle Headquarters.
3 points
Acquire the Recipe for Sushi.
1 points
Leafy GreensLeafy Greens
Acquire the Recipe for Salad.
1 points
All Grown UpAll Grown Up
Receive Anise's Grown-up Child Title.
3 points
Live To ServeLive To Serve
Receive Tear's Easygoing Waitress Title.
5 points
The Usual?The Usual?
Acquire the Recipe for Curry.
2 points
Cursed No LongerCursed No Longer
Witness the events leading up to Guy receiving his Malkuth Nobleman Title.
5 points
Defeat the Sword Dancer's Second Form.
5 points
Everyone Danced FuriouslyEveryone Danced Furiously
Defeat the Sword Dancer's Second Form on Very Hard or Unknown Difficulty.
10 points
Tear's Biggest FanTear's Biggest Fan
Get your refund from Ayn after attempting to give him the Fanzine.
5 points
That's right, it goes into the Square Hole!That's right, it goes into the Square Hole!
Acquire the Push & Pull Girl Title for Anise.
10 points
Defeat the Blade Rex in Meggiora Highlands.
5 points
Savior of YuliaSavior of Yulia
Complete the Yulia Items Sidequest.
5 points
Controlling the FononsControlling the Fonons
Complete Shurrey Hill and obtain the Passage Commander Title for Luke.
5 points
Starvation SolverStarvation Solver
Obtain the Magical Pouch.
5 points
The GuardianThe Guardian
Defeat the Tyrannopion in the Zao Ruins.
5 points
Lesson LearnedLesson Learned
Buy back Tear's Pendant.
5 points
Master GailardiaMaster Gailardia
Witness a cutscene involving Guy and Van.
3 points
It's a recipe we don't know!It's a recipe we don't know!
Acquire the Egg Bowl Recipe.
1 points
Sprawling for SpinozaSprawling for Spinoza
Obtain the Dark Wings Badge.
5 points
Have I Changed?Have I Changed?
Witness a hidden scene in Tataroo Valley.
2 points
The Fonons to FlyThe Fonons to Fly
Obtain the Mieu Wings Ability.
3 points
Sweetness in the FlowersSweetness in the Flowers
Acquire the Cake Recipe.
3 points
Teachy TearTeachy Tear
Acquire Tear's Big Sister Title.
5 points
For the People, to the PeopleFor the People, to the People
Witness the events leading up to Natalia Receiving her Child of Lanvaldear Title.
3 points
Expertly MaidExpertly Maid
Acquire Tear's Proud Maid Title.
3 points
Solo SlayerSolo Slayer
Win the Coliseum Advanced Singles Tournament as Luke and receive the Sword of Swords title.
10 points
Solo SingerSolo Singer
Win the Coliseum Advanced Singles Tournament as Tear and receive the Perfect Healer title.
10 points
Solo SorcererSolo Sorcerer
Win the Coliseum Advanced Singles Tournament as Jade and receive the Battle Master title.
10 points
Solo SlicerSolo Slicer
Win the Coliseum Advanced Singles Tournament as Guy and receive the Golden Knight title.
10 points
Solo SubduerSolo Subduer
Win the Coliseum Advanced Singles Tournament as Anise and receive the Devastating Cutie title.
10 points
Tales of TalesTales of Tales
Win against the Coliseum's Cameo Battle.
25 points
Tales ChampionTales Champion
Win the Cameo Battle on Very Hard or Unknown Difficulty.
50 points
Tournament TeamworkTournament Teamwork
Win the Team Tournament - Advanced Level in the Coliseum and receive the Gold Trophy.
10 points
The Sigmund StyleThe Sigmund Style
Receive Guy's Sigmund Tactician Title.
5 points
Sword of the SixthSword of the Sixth
Obtain the Lost Celesti Weapon.
3 points
An Electrifying PurchaseAn Electrifying Purchase
Have Luke learn his Lightning Blade Arte.
5 points
Watching The WaterfallsWatching The Waterfalls
Witness a secret cutscene in the Grand Chokmah Throne Room.
2 points
Quick ThinkingQuick Thinking
Acquire Tear's Singer of the Verse Title.
5 points
Magical MeltdownMagical Meltdown
Defeat the Repair Fonbot on Very Hard or Unknown Difficulty AND without weakening its Fonic Artes.
10 points
Secrets of the HighlandsSecrets of the Highlands
Solve three puzzles in the Meggiora Highland's Chambers, and then defeat the Repair Fonbot.
5 points
Soaring StrengthSoaring Strength
Have Guy learn his Soaring Light Spear Arte.
5 points
The Dousing SwordThe Dousing Sword
Obtain the Vorpal Sword.
5 points
Mieu MassacreMieu Massacre
Acquire Luke's Barrel Breaker Title.
10 points
Shady TraderShady Trader
Acquire Jade's Lawman Title.
5 points
I Hate HistoryI Hate History
Witness a scene involving a brief history of Baticul.
2 points
Hide and SeekHide and Seek
Acquire Jade's Emperor's Best Friend Title.
5 points
Go! Go! Abyss!Go! Go! Abyss!
Acquire Everybody's Abyss Ranger Costume.
10 points
Monster MashMonster Mash
Help out the people of Engave and receive Rose's Charm.
5 points
An Elegant FinishAn Elegant Finish
Acquire Natalia's Labryrinth Princess Title.
5 points
Ghosts and ToastsGhosts and Toasts
Learn how to make Toast by completing the Keterburg Mansion.
10 points
A Day at the SpaA Day at the Spa
Acquire Everybody's Swimsuit Costume Titles.
5 points
Accidental BlissAccidental Bliss
Acquire Guy's Naughty Devil Title.
3 points
The Book Lost to TimeThe Book Lost to Time
Witness a scene about the origins of Yulia City.
2 points
Give me a Drink, BartenderGive me a Drink, Bartender
Acquire Guy's Good Spirits Title.
4 points
Full Metal BlacksmithFull Metal Blacksmith
Create the Full Metal Edge through the Blacksmith Sidequest.
5 points
Good as GoldGood as Gold
Create the Golden Armor through the Blacksmith Sidequest.
5 points
Power StonesPower Stones
Have Jade learn his Absolute Arte.
5 points
A Job for the SuperiorA Job for the Superior
Obtain the Rugnican Death Cap in Mushroom Road with Asch still in the party.
5 points
A Cure Amidst the PoisonA Cure Amidst the Poison
Deliver the Rugnican Death Cap.
10 points
Collection CompleteCollection Complete
Acquire Jade's Item Collector title.
50 points
Devoting To PeaceDevoting To Peace
Learn the Healing Force Arte with Natalia.
5 points
Fonons of FlamesFonons of Flames
Upgrade Mieu Fire into Mieu Fire 2.
5 points
The Flaming SwordThe Flaming Sword
Obtain the Flamberge.
3 points
Arctic AdventuresArctic Adventures
Obtain the Refined Flightstone.
10 points
Happy Mappy NappyHappy Mappy Nappy
Acquire Natalia's Adventurous Princess Title.
10 points
The Kidnapping IncidentThe Kidnapping Incident
Acquire Anise's Cat Cat Kitty Cat Title.
5 points
The Key to ThievesThe Key to Thieves
Acquire Luke's Noble Rogue Title.
5 points
The Catalyst's BowThe Catalyst's Bow
Obtain the Holy Quelquatl.
5 points
Geocaching GremlinsGeocaching Gremlins
Acquire Natalia's Star of Malkuth Title.
5 points
Cheagle Rescue MissionCheagle Rescue Mission
Obtain a Holy Seal and Dark Seal for saving some Cheagles.
5 points
Dawn of the New OrderDawn of the New Order
Witness the events at the end of the Isle of Feres.
3 points
Defeat the Sword Dancer for the final time.
10 points
One Last BowOne Last Bow
Defeat the Sword Dancer for the last time on Very Hard or Unknown Difficulty.
25 points
The Arte of Fonic SightThe Arte of Fonic Sight
Acquire Jade's Soft Meanie Title.
5 points
The DualThe Dual
Defeat Arietta in the Cheagle Woods.
10 points
History of the ScoreHistory of the Score
Take the Daath Pilgrimage with Tear or Anise.
3 points
Reckless SpenderReckless Spender
Acquire Luke's Financial Investor Title.
10 points
Light of LanvaldearLight of Lanvaldear
Acquire Luke's Viscount Title.
3 points
Seeking SeedsSeeking Seeds
Acquire Guy's Hard Worker Title.
5 points
A Hymn for the FallenA Hymn for the Fallen
Have Tear learn her Judgment Arte.
5 points
Josette and AslanJosette and Aslan
Acquire Guy's Dashing Gent Title.
10 points
Witch DoctorWitch Doctor
Acquire Jade's Doctor Mambo Title.
3 points
A Reflection on MyselfA Reflection on Myself
Witness a scene in Yulia city involving Luke's Resolve.
2 points
Larg and in ChargeLarg and in Charge
Defeat Largo in the second visit to the Absorption Gate.
5 points
A Proper SendoffA Proper Sendoff
Witness a scene where Natalia laments Largo when leaving the Absorption Gate.
3 points
Florian's FavoriteFlorian's Favorite
Acquire the Recipe for Stew
3 points
Culinary GeniusCulinary Genius
Acquire the Miso Stew Recipe.
3 points
Cooking for LukeCooking for Luke
Acquire Luke's Cook Title by Mastering all Recipes.
25 points
Cooking for TearCooking for Tear
Acquire Tear's Grand Chef Title by Mastering all Recipes.
25 points
Cooking for JadeCooking for Jade
Acquire Jade's Experimental Chef Title by Mastering all Recipes.
25 points
Cooking for AniseCooking for Anise
Acquire Anise's Little Big Chef Title by Mastering all Recipes.
25 points
Cooking for GuyCooking for Guy
Acquire Guy's Cool Chef Title by Mastering all Recipes.
25 points
Cooking for NataliaCooking for Natalia
Acquire Natalia's Calamity Chef Title by Mastering all Recipes.
25 points
Ant! Lion! Man!Ant! Lion! Man!
Receive the Ant Lion Doll from the Ant Lion Man.
10 points
Astral BladesAstral Blades
Have Jade learn his Prism Sword Arte.
5 points
Heart and SeekHeart and Seek
Obtain the Heart of Chaos Catalyst Weapon.
3 points
Little Candy StealerLittle Candy Stealer
Acquire Anise's Little Devil Title.
3 points
Another AllowenceAnother Allowence
Acquire Luke's Sonic Blast Arte.
5 points
Cosmic CatastrophyCosmic Catastrophy
Learn Jade's Meteor Storm Arte.
5 points
Regrettable FinaleRegrettable Finale
Defeat Legretta in Eldrant.
5 points
The Student Surpasses the MasterThe Student Surpasses the Master
Defeat Asch in Eldrant.
10 points
Synced no moreSynced no more
Defeat Sync in Eldrant.
5 points
Light And DarkLight And Dark
Obtain the Unicorn Horn Catalyst Weapon.
5 points
Oblivious RomanticOblivious Romantic
Acquire Guy's Hopeless Dreamer Title.
5 points
Musical MisadventuresMusical Misadventures
Acquire Tear's Servant of Melodies Title.
10 points
Eternal FriendshipEternal Friendship
Obtain the Jewel of Gardios.
5 points
Dedication to the PeopleDedication to the People
Acquire Natalia's Beloved Princess Title.
3 points
A Parent's Greatest JoyA Parent's Greatest Joy
Acquire Luke's Vegabond Son Title.
3 points
Fontech FanaticFontech Fanatic
Acquire Guy's Fontech Scholar Title.
3 points
Dense to DamselsDense to Damsels
Acquire Anise's Mini Maven Title.
3 points
Purity of the SoulPurity of the Soul
Acquire Tear's Flower of the Qliphoth Title.
3 points
Indirect ImmigrationIndirect Immigration
Acquire Jade's Gambler at Heart Title.
3 points
A Letter from GiselleA Letter from Giselle
Acquire Tear's Locrian Colonel Title.
5 points
Fighting of the SpiritFighting of the Spirit
Acquire Everybody's Final Battle Costume Titles.
5 points
Chief of Chef'sChief of Chef's
Acquire Anise's Grand Master Chef Title.
10 points
The CatalystThe Catalyst
Defeat Nebilim.
25 points
The Original ReplicaThe Original Replica
Listen to Jade's story and unlock the power of the Catalyst Weapons.
5 points
The Power of FriendshipThe Power of Friendship
Acquire Luke's Tactical Leader Title.
10 points
The Big BangThe Big Bang
Witness a scene involving Jade and Dist in the Malkuth Military Headquarters.
5 points
Familiar FacesFamiliar Faces
Defeat the Replica's in The Abyss.
10 points
A Real M.CA Real M.C
Acquire Tear's Monster Collector Title.
10 points
Know Thy EnemyKnow Thy Enemy
Use a Magic Lens to scan every enemy in the entire game.
50 points
Tataroo Valley CompletionTataroo Valley Completion
Find every treasure and Scan every enemy in Tataroo Valley.
25 points
Cheagle Woods CompletionCheagle Woods Completion
Find every treasure and Scan every enemy in Cheagle Woods. (Excluding the Secret Box Chest)
10 points
Fubras River CompletionFubras River Completion
Find every treasure and Scan every enemy in Fubras River.
10 points
Choral Castle CompletionChoral Castle Completion
Find every treasure and Scan every enemy in Choral Castle.
5 points
Zao Ruins CompletionZao Ruins Completion
Find every treasure and Scan every enemy in the Zao Ruins.
10 points
Ortion Cavern CompletionOrtion Cavern Completion
Find every treasure and Scan every enemy in Ortion Cavern
10 points
Aramis Spring CompletionAramis Spring Completion
Find every treasure and Scan every enemy in Aramis Spring.
5 points
Theor Forest CompletionTheor Forest Completion
Find every treasure and Scan every enemy in Theor Forest.
5 points
Meggiora Highlands CompletionMeggiora Highlands Completion
Find every treasure and Scan every enemy in the Meggiora Highlands.
10 points
Shurrey Hill CompletionShurrey Hill Completion
Find every treasure and Scan every enemy in Shurrey Hill.
10 points
Inista Marsh CompletionInista Marsh Completion
Find every treasure and Scan every enemy in Inista Marsh.
10 points
Mount Roneal CompletionMount Roneal Completion
Find every treasure and Scan every enemy in Mount Roneal.
10 points
Absorption Gate CompletionAbsorption Gate Completion
Find every treasure and Scan every enemy in the Absorption Gate.
25 points
Mount Zaleho CompletionMount Zaleho Completion
Find every treasure and Scan every enemy in Mount Zaleho.
25 points
Feres Island CompletionFeres Island Completion
Find every treasure and Scan every enemy in Feres Island
10 points
Tower of Rem CompletionTower of Rem Completion
Find every treasure and Scan every enemy in the Tower of Rem.
5 points
Radiation Gate CompletionRadiation Gate Completion
Find every treasure and Scan every enemy in the Radiation Gate
5 points
Eldrant CompletionEldrant Completion
Find every treasure and Scan every enemy in Eldrant.
25 points
Mushroom Road CompletionMushroom Road Completion
Find every treasure and Scan every enemy in Mushroom Road.
10 points
Replica Facility CompletionReplica Facility Completion
Find every treasure and Scan every enemy in the Replica Facility of the Abyss.
25 points
Akzeriuth Mineshaft CompletionAkzeriuth Mineshaft Completion
Find every treasure and Scan every enemy in the Akzeriuth Mineshaft.
5 points
Abandoned Factory CompletionAbandoned Factory Completion
Find every treasure and Scan every enemy in the Abandoned Factory.
10 points
Deo Pass CompletionDeo Pass Completion
Find every treasure and Scan every enemy in Deo Pass
5 points
Oracle Headquarters CompletionOracle Headquarters Completion
Find every treasure and Scan every enemy in the Oracle Headquarters.
10 points
Boss BooksmartBoss Booksmart
Scan every boss enemy in the game.
25 points
A Tale of an AbyssA Tale of an Abyss
Complete the Game and watch the credits after.
25 points
Champions of LoreleiChampions of Lorelei
Defeat the Final Boss on either Very Hard or Unknown Difficulty.
25 points
Going and Going and GoingGoing and Going and Going
Attain a 100 hit combo for the first time.
10 points
With Ion at my sideWith Ion at my side
Perform Luke's Mystic Arte Extension.
5 points
Focusing the FononsFocusing the Fonons
Perform Luke's Secret Mystic Arte.
10 points
Mystic MelodyMystic Melody
Perform Tear's Secret Mystic Arte.
10 points
I Dwell Amidst the Abounding Light of HeavenI Dwell Amidst the Abounding Light of Heaven
Perform Jade's Secret Mystic Arte.
10 points
Lucky LuckyLucky Lucky
Perform Anise's Secret Mystic Arte.
10 points
Piercing PerfectionPiercing Perfection
Perform Natalia's Secret Mystic Arte.
10 points
Aformentioned Tactical LeaderAformentioned Tactical Leader
Learn all AD Skills with Luke.
10 points
Superb SongstressSuperb Songstress
Learn all AD Skills with Tear
10 points
Magic MasterMagic Master
Learn all AD Skills with Jade
10 points
Anise's ADvancementsAnise's ADvancements
Learn all AD Skills with Anise
10 points
Sigmund PerfectionSigmund Perfection
Learn all AD Skills with Guy.
10 points
Perfect PrincessPerfect Princess
Learn all AD Skills with Natalia.
10 points
Helping HandHelping Hand
Discover all of Tear's FOF Artes.
5 points
Elemental EnigmaElemental Enigma
Discover all of Jade's FOF Artes.
5 points
Paradoxical PrincessParadoxical Princess
Discover all of Natalia's FOF Artes.
5 points
Replica ReplicatorReplica Replicator
Discover all of Asch's FOF Artes.
10 points
Bustin' the DragonBustin' the Dragon
Acquire Luke's Dragon Buster Title.
10 points
Bustin' with StyleBustin' with Style
Acquire Luke's Dragon Buster? Title.
10 points
Bustin' for LukeBustin' for Luke
Acquire all pieces for Luke's Art in Dragon Buster.
5 points
Bustin' for TearBustin' for Tear
Acquire all pieces of Tear's Art in Dragon Buster.
5 points
Bustin' for JadeBustin' for Jade
Acquire all pieces of Jade's Art in Dragon Buster.
5 points
Bustin' for AniseBustin' for Anise
Acquire all pieces of Anise's Art in Dragon Buster.
5 points
Bustin' for GuyBustin' for Guy
Acquire all pieces of Guy's Art in Dragon Buster.
5 points
Bustin' for NataliaBustin' for Natalia
Acquire all pieces of Natalia's Art in Dragon Buster.
5 points
Bustin' for MieuBustin' for Mieu
Acquire all pieces of Mieu's Art in Dragon Buster.
5 points
Bustin' for EverybodyBustin' for Everybody
Acquire all pieces of the final Artpiece in Dragon Buster.
5 points
Mystearious AssassinMystearious Assassin
Get blasted to Tataroo Valley.
2 points
Solo SniperSolo Sniper
Win the Coliseum Advanced Singles Tournament as Natalia and receive the Coliseum Princess title.
10 points
Maid to ServeMaid to Serve
Learn how to make the Fruit Cocktail Recipe.
5 points
Defeat Sync for the second time.
5 points
Assaulting my AllowenceAssaulting my Allowence
Have Luke learn his Slag Assault Art.
5 points
Thirst for BattleThirst for Battle
Acquire the Berserker Title for Luke.
10 points
Piggie PainPiggie Pain
Obtain the Blood Pain Catalyst Weapon.
5 points
Beastmaster BeatdownBeastmaster Beatdown
Defeat Arietta at Chorel Castle on Very Hard or Unknown Difficulty.
25 points
Prototype ModelPrototype Model
Defeat Kaiser Dist R onboard the Kaiser Ship.
5 points
Robo RepellantRobo Repellant
Defeat Kaiser Dist R on Very Hard or Unknown Difficulty.
10 points
No Shrimp to Fry itNo Shrimp to Fry it
Acquire the Fried Rice Recipe.
3 points
Speed and PowerSpeed and Power
Defeat Sync and Largo at the end of the Zao Ruins.
5 points
Defeat Legretta in Deo Pass on Very Hard or Unknown Difficulty.
10 points
Creeping in the CaveCreeping in the Cave
Defeat Ancylopolyp in the Ortion Caverns.
5 points
Shaking in his ShellShaking in his Shell
Defeat Ancylopolyp on Very Hard or Unknown Difficulty.
10 points
Beta ModelBeta Model
Defeat Kaiser Dist RX.
5 points
A slight ImprovementA slight Improvement
Defeat Kaiser Dist RX on Very Hard or Unknown Difficulty.
10 points
Defeat the Blade Rex on Very Hard or Unknown Difficulty.
10 points
Attack while it's tail's up!Attack while it's tail's up!
Defeat the Tyrannopion on Very Hard or Unknown Difficulty.
10 points
Unique UnicornUnique Unicorn
Defeat the Uniceros in Tataroo Valley.
5 points
United against UnicornsUnited against Unicorns
Defeat Uniceros on Very Hard or Unknown Difficulty.
10 points
Subduing to SyncopeSubduing to Syncope
Defeat Sync for the second time on Very Hard or Unknown Difficulty.
10 points
Farewell, FonbotFarewell, Fonbot
Defeat the Repair Fonbot in the Meggiora Highlands.
5 points
Defeat the Three Major Generals on Mt. Roneal.
10 points
Triple TroubleTriple Trouble
Defeat the Three Major Generals on Mt. Roneal on Very Hard or Unknown Difficulty.
25 points
The MasterThe Master
Defeat the boss in the Absorption Gate.
25 points
The Master of MastersThe Master of Masters
Defeat the boss in the Absorption Gate on Very Hard or Unknown Difficulty.
25 points
Lamentable LavaLamentable Lava
Defeat the Fyr Bronc in Mt. Zaleho.
5 points
Magma MeltdownMagma Meltdown
Defeat Fyr Bronc on Very Hard or Unknown Difficulty.
10 points
Sandy SpearsSandy Spears
Defeat the Sand Worm and obtain the Gae Bolg.
5 points
High NoonHigh Noon
Defeat Arietta in Cheagle Woods on Very Hard or Unknown Difficulty.
25 points
The Final ModelThe Final Model
Defeat Kaiser Dist XX in the Tower of Rem.
5 points
Large But Out of ChargeLarge But Out of Charge
Defeat Largo in the Absorption Gate on Very Hard or Unknown Difficulty.
10 points
Revenge for IonRevenge for Ion
Defeat Gigant Mohs at the end of the Radiation Gate.
5 points
Bringing a Sword to a GunfightBringing a Sword to a Gunfight
Defeat Legretta in Eldrant on Very Hard or Unknown Difficulty.
10 points
A Proper DuelA Proper Duel
Defeat Asch in Eldrant on Very Hard or Unknown Difficulty.
25 points
Ultimate PowerUltimate Power
Defeat Nebilim on Very Hard or Unknown Difficulty.
50 points
Imposter SyndromeImposter Syndrome
Defeat the Replica's in The Abyss on Very Hard or Unknown Difficulty.
25 points
Ambush in the AbyssAmbush in the Abyss
Defeat Replicantis at the end of The Abyss.
10 points
Brilliant OverkillBrilliant Overkill
Perform Guy's Secret Mystic Arte.
10 points
Assimilated AnomolyAssimilated Anomoly
Discover all of Luke's FOF Artes.
5 points
Overpowering OddityOverpowering Oddity
Discover all of Guy's FOF Artes.
5 points
Sandstorm SweepSandstorm Sweep
Defeat the Sand Worm on Very Hard or Unknown Difficulty.
10 points
Scrapped MetalScrapped Metal
Defeat Kaiser Dist XX on Very Hard or Unknown Difficulty.
10 points
Renouncing the ScoreRenouncing the Score
Defeat Gigant Mohs on Very Hard or Unknown Difficulty.
10 points
Out of SyncOut of Sync
Defeat Sync in Eldrant on Very Hard or Unkown Difficulty.
10 points
Abyssal AnnihilatorAbyssal Annihilator
Defeat Replicantis on Very Hard or Unknown Difficulty.
25 points
Cutie ContrarionCutie Contrarion
Discover all of Anise's FOF Artes.
5 points
Sheridan's SpecialSheridan's Special
Acquire the Recipe for Udon Noodles.
2 points
Soup Has LayersSoup Has Layers
Acquire the Recipe for Onion Soup
2 points
Scam Artist? [m]Scam Artist? [m]
Acquire the Gratin Recipe from the Ant Lion Man.
4 points
© 2024 smol farm. Game content copyright their respective owners. Built by Thorne (/u/ens0).