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Street Fighter Alpha 2

Street Fighter Alpha 2



achievements (93)

iconinfoRA score
Clear the game with RYU on 4 stars or higher
5 points
Shinkuu HadoukenShinkuu Hadouken
Clear the game with RYU on 8 Stars
10 points
Clear the game with KEN on 4 stars or higher
5 points
Clear the game with KEN on 8 Stars
10 points
Ashura SenkuuAshura Senkuu
Clear the game with AKUMA on 4 stars or higher
5 points
Shun Goku SatsuShun Goku Satsu
Clear the game with AKUMA on 8 Stars
10 points
Sonic BoomSonic Boom
Clear the game with CHARLIE on 4 stars or higher
5 points
Somersault JusticeSomersault Justice
Clear the game with CHARLIE on 8 Stars
10 points
Hyakuretsu KyakuHyakuretsu Kyaku
Clear the game with CHUN-LI on 4 stars or higher
5 points
Rising JaguarRising Jaguar
Clear the game with ADON on 4 stars or higher
5 points
Hazan TenshoukyakuHazan Tenshoukyaku
Clear the game with CHUN-LI on 8 Stars
10 points
Jaguar AssassinJaguar Assassin
Clear the game with ADON on 8 Stars
10 points
Jigoku ScrapeJigoku Scrape
Clear the game with KATANA on 4 stars or higher
5 points
Meido no MiyageMeido no Miyage
Clear the game with KATANA on 8 Stars
10 points
Izuna no Hiji OtoshiIzuna no Hiji Otoshi
Clear the game with GUY on 4 stars or higher
5 points
Bushin Hassou KenBushin Hassou Ken
Clear the game with GUY on 8 Stars
10 points
The BirdieThe Birdie
Clear the game with BIRDIE on 4 stars or higher
5 points
Bull RevengerBull Revenger
Clear the game with BIRDIE on 8 Stars
10 points
Soul ReflectSoul Reflect
Clear the game with ROSE on 4 stars or higher
5 points
Soul IllusionSoul Illusion
Clear the game with ROSE on 8 Stars
10 points
Skull DiverSkull Diver
Clear the game with M. BISON on 4 stars or higher
5 points
Psycho CrusherPsycho Crusher
Clear the game with M. BISON on 8 Stars
10 points
Tiger CrushTiger Crush
Clear the game with SAGAT on 4 stars or higher
5 points
Tiger GenocideTiger Genocide
Clear the game with SAGAT on 8 Stars
10 points
Clear the game with DAN on 4 stars or higher
5 points
Shinkuu GadoukenShinkuu Gadouken
Clear the game with DAN on 8 Stars
10 points
Haru IchibanHaru Ichiban
Clear the game with SAKURA on 8 Stars
10 points
Sakura JimeSakura Jime
Clear the game with SAKURA on 4 stars or higher
5 points
Colonel CarrierColonel Carrier
Clear the game with ROLENTO on 4 stars or higher
5 points
Mine SweeperMine Sweeper
Clear the game with ROLENTO on 8 Stars
10 points
Yoga FlameYoga Flame
Clear the game with DHALSIM on 4 stars or higher
5 points
Yoga StrikeYoga Strike
Clear the game with DHALSIM on 8 Stars
10 points
Screw PiledriverScrew Piledriver
Clear the game with ZANGIEF on 4 stars or higher
5 points
Final Atomic BusterFinal Atomic Buster
Clear the game with ZANGIEF on 8 Stars
10 points
Clear the game with GEN on 4 stars or higher
5 points
Clear the game with GEN on 8 Stars
10 points
Ryu's RivalRyu's Rival
Unlock and beat Ryu's rival (Sakura) while playing on 4 stars or higher
5 points
Ken's RivalKen's Rival
Unlock and beat Ken's rival (Dan) while playing on 4 stars or higher
5 points
Akuma's RivalAkuma's Rival
Unlock and beat Akuma's rival (Ryu) while playing on 4 stars or higher
5 points
Charlie's RivalCharlie's Rival
Unlock and beat Charlie's rival (Rolento) while playing on 4 stars or higher
5 points
Chun-Li's RivalChun-Li's Rival
Unlock and beat Chun-Li's rival (Gen) while playing on 4 stars or higher
5 points
Adon's RivalAdon's Rival
Unlock and beat Adon's rival (M. Bison) while playing on 4 stars or higher
5 points
Katana's RivalKatana's Rival
Unlock and beat Katana's rival (Ken) while playing on 4 stars or higher
5 points
Guy's RivalGuy's Rival
Unlock and beat Guy's rival (Rose) while playing on 4 stars or higher
5 points
Birdie's RivalBirdie's Rival
Unlock and beat Birdie's rival (Dhalsim) while playing on 4 stars or higher
5 points
Rose's RivalRose's Rival
Unlock and beat Rose's rival (Akuma) while playing on 4 stars or higher
5 points
M. Bison's RivalM. Bison's Rival
Unlock and beat M. Bison's rival (Charlie) while playing on 4 stars or higher
5 points
Sagat's RivalSagat's Rival
Unlock and beat Sagat's rival (Adon) while playing on 4 stars or higher
5 points
Dan's RivalDan's Rival
Unlock and beat Dan's rival (Guy) while playing on 4 stars or higher
5 points
Sakura's RivalSakura's Rival
Unlock and beat Sakura's rival (Sagat) while playing on 4 stars or higher
5 points
Rolento's RivalRolento's Rival
Unlock and beat Rolento's rival (Katana) while playing on 4 stars or higher
5 points
Dhalsim's RivalDhalsim's Rival
Unlock and beat Dhalsim's rival (Zangief) while playing on 4 stars or higher
5 points
Zangief's RivalZangief's Rival
Unlock and beat Zangief's rival (Birdie) while playing on 4 stars or higher
5 points
Gen's RivalGen's Rival
Unlock and beat Gen's rival (Chun-Li) while playing on 4 stars or higher
5 points
Shin AkumaShin Akuma
Defeat Shin Akuma while playing on max difficulty
25 points
Ryu's Strong RivalRyu's Strong Rival
Unlock and beat Ryu's rival (Sakura) while playing on 8 Stars
5 points
Ken's Strong RivalKen's Strong Rival
Unlock and beat Ken's rival (Dan) while playing on on 8 Stars
5 points
Akuma's Strong RivalAkuma's Strong Rival
Unlock and beat Akuma's rival (Ryu) while playing on 8 Stars
5 points
Charlie's Strong RivalCharlie's Strong Rival
Unlock and beat Charlie's rival (Rolento) while playing on 8 Stars
5 points
Chun-Li's Strong RivalChun-Li's Strong Rival
Unlock and beat Chun-Li's rival (Gen) while playing on 8 Stars
5 points
Adon's Strong RivalAdon's Strong Rival
Unlock and beat Adon's rival (M. Bison) while playing on 8 Stars
5 points
Katana's Strong RivalKatana's Strong Rival
Unlock and beat Katana's rival (Ken) while playing on 8 Stars
5 points
Guy's Strong RivalGuy's Strong Rival
Unlock and beat Guy's rival (Rose) while playing on 8 Stars
5 points
Birdie's Strong RivalBirdie's Strong Rival
Unlock and beat Birdie's rival (Dhalsim) while playing on 8 Stars
5 points
Rose's Strong RivalRose's Strong Rival
Unlock and beat Rose's rival (Akuma) while playing on 8 Stars
5 points
M. Bison's Strong RivalM. Bison's Strong Rival
Unlock and beat M. Bison's rival (Charlie) while playing on 8 Stars
5 points
Sagat's Strong RivalSagat's Strong Rival
Unlock and beat Sagat's rival (Adon) while playing on 8 Stars
5 points
Dan's Strong RivalDan's Strong Rival
Unlock and beat Dan's rival (Guy) while playing on 8 Stars
5 points
Sakura's Strong RivalSakura's Strong Rival
Unlock and beat Sakura's rival (Sagat) while playing on 8 Stars
5 points
Rolento's Strong RivalRolento's Strong Rival
Unlock and beat Rolento's rival (Katana) while playing on 8 Stars
5 points
Dhalsim's Strong RivalDhalsim's Strong Rival
Unlock and beat Dhalsim's rival (Zangief) while playing on 8 Stars
5 points
Zangief's Strong RivalZangief's Strong Rival
Unlock and beat Zangief's rival (Birdie) while playing on 8 Stars
5 points
Gen's Strong RivalGen's Strong Rival
Unlock and beat Gen's rival (Chun-Li) while playing on 8 Stars
5 points
Shin Weak AkumaShin Weak Akuma
Defeat Shin Akuma while playing on 4 stars or higher
25 points
Flawless BossFlawless Boss
Defeat the last Boss in Arcade Mode on level 4 or above with Perfect in one round.
5 points
Perfect BossPerfect Boss
Defeat the last Boss in Arcade Mode on level 8 with Perfect in one round.
10 points
Perfect RivalPerfect Rival
Defeat your Rival while playing on level 8 in Arcade Mode.
10 points
Flawless RivalFlawless Rival
Defeat your Rival while playing on level 4 or above in Arcade Mode with Perfect in one round.
5 points
Direct to the EndDirect to the End
Clear the game without losing any fight on level 8 in Arcade Mode.
25 points
Straight to the EndStraight to the End
Clear the game without losing any fight on level 4 or above in Arcade Mode.
10 points
Max ComboMax Combo
Perform a Combo of 25 or more hits in level 4 or above in Arcade Mode.
5 points
One StarOne Star
Win a round with a Super Combo 1 Star on Maximum difficulty!
2 points
Two StarsTwo Stars
Win a round with a Super Combo 2 Stars on Maximum difficulty!
3 points
Three StarsThree Stars
Win a round with a Super Combo 3 Stars on Maximum difficulty!
4 points
Custom ComboCustom Combo
Win a round with a Custom Combo on Maximum difficulty!
2 points
Win a round with a Special Move on Maximum difficulty!
2 points
Win a round with a Throw on Maximum difficulty!
2 points
Win a round with a Time-out on Maximum difficulty!
3 points
Win a round with an Alpha Counter on Maximum difficulty!
5 points
Win a round with a Weak Simple Move on Maximum level!
2 points
Win a round with a Special Move Blocked on Maximum difficulty!
3 points
Win a round with a Shun Goku Satsu on Maximum difficulty!
3 points
Win a round with a Perfect on Maximum difficulty!
5 points

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