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Saiyuki: Journey West

Saiyuki: Journey West



achievements (246)

iconinfoRA score
Treasure Hunter I: Monkey RockTreasure Hunter I: Monkey Rock
Open sole treasure chest on Monkey Rock
1 points
Brave MonkBrave Monk
Kill at least one Wolfman on Monkey Rock
1 points
The Day of RevivalThe Day of Revival
Complete story battle on Monkey Rock
3 points
Treasure Hunter II: Mt. DarkwindTreasure Hunter II: Mt. Darkwind
Open both treasure chests on Mt. Darkwind
3 points
Wrath of the Were-MonkeyWrath of the Were-Monkey
Have Son Goku kill 3 or more enemies in a single turn on Mt. Darkwind
5 points
Complete story battle on Mt. Darkwind
5 points
Tactician I: Mt. DarkwindTactician I: Mt. Darkwind
Complete story battle on Mt. Darkwind without Son Goku retreating
2 points
Treasure Hunter III: Ko LodgeTreasure Hunter III: Ko Lodge
Open both treasure chests in Ko Lodge
3 points
Friendly CompetitionFriendly Competition
[!] Have Sanzo and Son Goku together kill more than twice enemies compared to Cho Hakkai in Ko Lodge
5 points
The Raging BoarThe Raging Boar
Complete story battle in Ko Lodge
5 points
Tactician II: Ko LodgeTactician II: Ko Lodge
Complete story battle in Ko Lodge without Son Goku retreating
2 points
Treasure Hunter IV: Hawk IsleTreasure Hunter IV: Hawk Isle
Open sole treasure chest on Hawk Isle
2 points
Three Kings, One HillThree Kings, One Hill
Simultaneously position Sanzo, San Goku and Cho Hakkai on 3 highest spots on Hawke Isle during battle with Bronze Dragon
1 points
The Girl Who Calls the StormThe Girl Who Calls the Storm
Complete story battle on Hawk Isle
3 points
Tactician III: Hawk IsleTactician III: Hawk Isle
Complete story battle on Hawk Isle without retreats
1 points
Treasure Hunter V: Grace SpringTreasure Hunter V: Grace Spring
Open all three treasure chests in Grace Spring
4 points
Have Sa Gojo at full health when he reaches escape point in Grace Spring
2 points
Exterminator I: Grace SpringExterminator I: Grace Spring
Defeat all enemies before reinforcements arrive in Grace Spring
5 points
The Lonely WarriorThe Lonely Warrior
Complete story battle in Grace Spring
5 points
Tactician IV: Grace SpringTactician IV: Grace Spring
Complete story battle in Grace Spring without retreats
2 points
Exterminator II: Chin LodgeExterminator II: Chin Lodge
Defeat all enemies before routing Old Man Nyoi in Chin Lodge
5 points
A New-found PowersA New-found Powers
[!] In Chin Lodge summon Mother on 1st turn and resummon her every next turn after summon ends until victory
3 points
Night Attack!Night Attack!
Complete story battle in Chin Lodge
5 points
Tactician V: Chin LodgeTactician V: Chin Lodge
Complete story battle in Chin Lodge without retreats
2 points
Damage Rhinon no later than turn 3 by any party member other than Sanzo in Mire River
2 points
Exterminator III: Mire RiverExterminator III: Mire River
Defeat all enemies before routing Rhinon in Mire River
5 points
The River BanditsThe River Bandits
Complete story battle in Mire River
5 points
Tactician VI: Mire RiverTactician VI: Mire River
Complete story battle in Mire River without retreats
3 points
Best Customer IBest Customer I
Buy all pawned items in Tang region stores
5 points
Sociable Monk ISociable Monk I
Witness all scenes in both Tang region town facilities
3 points
Two Birds, One Stone, TwiceTwo Birds, One Stone, Twice
[!] Have Hakkai and Ryorin each damage two enemies using their special attacks in a single turn in battle vs. M. Poison
3 points
Exterminator IV: Cherry PlainsExterminator IV: Cherry Plains
Defeat all enemies before routing Madame Poison Ivy in Cherry Plains
5 points
The Sleeping Cherry PrincessThe Sleeping Cherry Princess
Complete story battle in Cherry Plains
5 points
Tactician VII: Cherry PlainsTactician VII: Cherry Plains
Complete story battle in Cherry Plains without retreats
3 points
Treasure Hunter VI: Dream WorldTreasure Hunter VI: Dream World
Open sole treasure chest in Dream World
1 points
Elemental DiversityElemental Diversity
[!] In Dream World perform one action per each of five elements in a single turn
3 points
Exterminator V: Dream WorldExterminator V: Dream World
Defeat all enemies before routing Mahoraga in Dream World
5 points
Imprisoned in NightmareImprisoned in Nightmare
Complete story battle in Dream World
5 points
Tactician VIII: Dream WorldTactician VIII: Dream World
Complete story battle in Dream World without retreats
3 points
Smithy ISmithy I
Upgrade weapons of all five mandatory companions to level 2 in Mire River or Yuimen smithy
5 points
Unique Jobs IUnique Jobs I
Complete all unique one-time jobs in Tang region
5 points
Treasure Hunter VII: Lucky TempleTreasure Hunter VII: Lucky Temple
Open both treasure chests in Lucky Temple
3 points
A Tragedy of LoveA Tragedy of Love
Complete story battle in Lucky Temple
5 points
Complete story battle in Lucky Temple by deploying only Sanzo and Shu Ryorin
5 points
Tactician IX: Lucky TempleTactician IX: Lucky Temple
Complete story battle in Lucky Temple without retreats
3 points
Treasure Hunter VIII: FiretopTreasure Hunter VIII: Firetop
Open all three treasure chests on Firetop
4 points
Exterminator VI: FiretopExterminator VI: Firetop
Defeat all enemies before routing Yaksa on Firetop
5 points
Hit Him Where It Hurts!Hit Him Where It Hurts!
[!] Defeat Yaksa using only attacks with bonus damage (position or terrain advantage, elemental affinity)
10 points
The Warrior in FlamesThe Warrior in Flames
Complete story battle on Firetop
5 points
Tactician X: FiretopTactician X: Firetop
Complete story battle on Firetop without retreats
3 points
Treasure Hunter IX: Infidel CityTreasure Hunter IX: Infidel City
Open all three treasure chests in Infidel City
4 points
Exterminator VII: Infidel CityExterminator VII: Infidel City
Defeat all enemies before routing King Kobi in Infidel City
5 points
Vengeful ApeVengeful Ape
Have Great Ape deliver final blow to King Kobi in Infidel City
3 points
Executioners WindExecutioners Wind
Complete story battle in Infidel City
5 points
Tactician XI: Infidel CityTactician XI: Infidel City
Complete story battle in Infidel City without retreats
3 points
Treasure Hunter X: Mist MountainTreasure Hunter X: Mist Mountain
Open all three treasure chests on Mist Mountain
4 points
Doppelganger HuntDoppelganger Hunt
[!] Have everyone defeat at least one of their fakes on Mist Mountain
10 points
Will the Real Goku Speak Up?Will the Real Goku Speak Up?
Complete story battle on Mist Mountain
5 points
Tactician XII: Mist MountainTactician XII: Mist Mountain
Complete story battle on Mist Mountain without retreats
3 points
Cave AssaultCave Assault
Deploy five party members and have them all inside cave within two turns in Tiger Cave
2 points
Treasure Hunter XI: Tiger CaveTreasure Hunter XI: Tiger Cave
Open all five treasure chests in Tiger Cave
5 points
Exterminator VIII: Tiger CaveExterminator VIII: Tiger Cave
Defeat all enemies before routing Tigra in Tiger Cave
5 points
In the Tigers CaveIn the Tigers Cave
Complete story battle in Tiger Cave
5 points
Tactician XIII: Tiger CaveTactician XIII: Tiger Cave
Complete story battle in Tiger Cave without retreats
3 points
Defeat all three operators while all four rocks are still in place on Helmet Peak
5 points
Exterminator IX: Helmet PeakExterminator IX: Helmet Peak
Defeat all enemies before routing either Vala or Apsara on Helmet Peak
5 points
The Earth MotherThe Earth Mother
Complete story battle on Helmet Peak
5 points
Tactician XIV: Helmet PeakTactician XIV: Helmet Peak
Complete story battle on Helmet Peak without retreats
3 points
Exterminator X: Prince ReikanExterminator X: Prince Reikan
Defeat all enemies before routing Prince Reikan during optional battle with him on Helmet Peak, Mt. Cloud or Dragon Cliff
5 points
No Means No!No Means No!
Have Ryorin or Bronze Dragon deliver final blow to Prince Reikan in optional battle with him
3 points
Followed AgainFollowed Again
Complete optional battle with Prince Reikan on Helmet Peak, Mt. Cloud or Dragon Cliff
5 points
Tactician XV: Prince ReikanTactician XV: Prince Reikan
Complete optional battle with Prince Reikan on Helmet Peak, Mt. Cloud or Dragon Cliff without retreats
3 points
Push That Rock!Push That Rock!
Push rock on any enemy during battle with Lady Tessen on Mt. Cloud
5 points
Exterminator XI: Mt. CloudExterminator XI: Mt. Cloud
Defeat all enemies before routing Lady Tessen on Mt. Cloud
5 points
The Dance of FireThe Dance of Fire
Complete story battle on Mt. Cloud
5 points
Tactician XVI: Mt. CloudTactician XVI: Mt. Cloud
Complete story battle on Mt. Cloud without retreats
3 points
Smithy IISmithy II
Upgrade weapons of all your companions to level 3 in Kucha smithy
5 points
Prize Collector IPrize Collector I
Obtain all prizes from card game in Kucha post office
10 points
You Do All the Dirty Work!You Do All the Dirty Work!
Lure Kinkaku to destroy all three rocks covering treasure chests
3 points
Treasure Hunter XII: Plateau Mt.Treasure Hunter XII: Plateau Mt.
Open all three treasure chests on Plateau Mt.
4 points
Exterminator XII: Plateau Mt.Exterminator XII: Plateau Mt.
Defeat all enemies before routing Kinkaku on Plateau Mt.
5 points
The Golden MonsterThe Golden Monster
Complete story battle on Plateau Mt.
5 points
Tactician XVII: Plateau Mt.Tactician XVII: Plateau Mt.
Complete story battle on Plateau Mt. without retreats
3 points
The Best Defense is a Good OffenseThe Best Defense is a Good Offense
In Lotus Cave have person marked by gourd operator be the one to finish her
3 points
Exterminator XIII: Lotus CaveExterminator XIII: Lotus Cave
Defeat all enemies before routing Ginkaku in Lotus Cave
5 points
The Gourd of DarknessThe Gourd of Darkness
Complete story battle in Lotus Cave
5 points
Tactician XVIII: Lotus CaveTactician XVIII: Lotus Cave
Complete story battle in Lotus Cave without retreats
5 points
Kinrei and GinreiKinrei and Ginrei
Have Kinrei and Ginrei join your party
5 points
Treasure Hunter XX: Windy PeakTreasure Hunter XX: Windy Peak
Open both treasure chests on Windy Peak
3 points
Eight StarsEight Stars
Perform Arrowstrike special attack by Kinrei and Ginrei on Windy before he can cast StunWind
5 points
Exterminator XIV: Windy PeakExterminator XIV: Windy Peak
Defeat all enemies before routing Windy on Windy Peak
5 points
Wind and Sand and RockWind and Sand and Rock
Complete story battle on Windy Peak
5 points
Tactician XIX: Windy PeakTactician XIX: Windy Peak
Complete story battle on Windy Peak without retreats
3 points
Treasure Hunter XIII: Infinity MountainTreasure Hunter XIII: Infinity Mountain
Open sole treasure chest on Infinity Mountain
2 points
Exterminator XV: Infinity MountainExterminator XV: Infinity Mountain
Defeat all enemies before routing Chin Genshi on Infinity Mountain
5 points
Student Vs. MasterStudent Vs. Master
Have Raging Boar deliver final blow to Tree Lord on Infinity Mountain
3 points
Oh, Teacher!Oh, Teacher!
Complete story battle on Infinity Mountain
5 points
Tactician XX: Infinity MountainTactician XX: Infinity Mountain
Complete story battle on Infinity Mountain without retreats
3 points
Chin GenshiChin Genshi
Have Chin Genshi join your party
5 points
Treasure Hunter XIV: CherchenTreasure Hunter XIV: Cherchen
Open both treasure chests in Cherchen
3 points
Third Time's the CharmThird Time's the Charm
Have three or more enemies charmed at the same time during battle with Master Ko in Cherchen
5 points
Exterminator XVI: CherchenExterminator XVI: Cherchen
Defeat all enemies before routing Master Ko in Cherchen
5 points
Tiger! Tiger!Tiger! Tiger!
Complete story battle in Cherchen
5 points
Tactician XXI: CherchenTactician XXI: Cherchen
Complete story battle in Cherchen without retreats
3 points
Wonders of the Mercy StaffWonders of the Mercy Staff
[!] Perform three different guardian granted spells during battle with Nagini on Dragon Cliff
3 points
Exterminator XVII: Dragon CliffExterminator XVII: Dragon Cliff
Defeat all enemies before routing Nagini on Dragon Cliff
5 points
Attack of the DragonAttack of the Dragon
Complete story battle on Dragon Cliff
5 points
Tactician XXII: Dragon CliffTactician XXII: Dragon Cliff
Complete story battle on Dragon Cliff without retreats
3 points
Smithy IIISmithy III
Upgrade weapons of all your companions to level 4 in Tokhara or Frontier Town smithy
5 points
Prize Collector IIPrize Collector II
Obtain all prizes from card game in Tokhara post office
10 points
Chef's ParadiseChef's Paradise
Obtain Chef's Paradise scroll in Tokhara post office
5 points
Treasure Hunter XV: PteronTreasure Hunter XV: Pteron
Open all three treasure chests in Pteron
4 points
Stop the Bleating!Stop the Bleating!
Silence Master Baa in Pteron
2 points
Exterminator XVIII: PteronExterminator XVIII: Pteron
Defeat all enemies before routing Master Baa in Pteron
5 points
The Bottomless PitThe Bottomless Pit
Complete story battle in Pteron
5 points
Tactician XXIII: PteronTactician XXIII: Pteron
Complete story battle in Pteron without retreats
5 points
Treasure Hunter XVI: Deadman GorgeTreasure Hunter XVI: Deadman Gorge
Open all three treasure chests in Deadman Gorge during battle with Kid Pyric
4 points
Collateral DamageCollateral Damage
Destroy all breakable objects and drop the bridge during battle with Kid Pyric
3 points
Exterminator XIX: Deadman GorgeExterminator XIX: Deadman Gorge
Defeat all enemies before routing Kid Pyric in Deadman Gorge
5 points
Prince of a Burnt LandPrince of a Burnt Land
Complete story battle with Kid Pyric in Deadman Gorge
5 points
Tactician XXIV: Deadman GorgeTactician XXIV: Deadman Gorge
Complete story battle with Kid Pyric in Deadman Gorge without retreats
3 points
Best Customer IIBest Customer II
Buy all pawned items in Westland region stores
5 points
Sociable Monk IISociable Monk II
Witness all scenes in Westland region town facilities (including sidequests and optional companions)
10 points
Treasure Hunter XVII: Mad TurtleTreasure Hunter XVII: Mad Turtle
Open both treasure chests in Deadman Gorge during battle with Mad Turtle
3 points
No Really Means NO!!No Really Means NO!!
Bait Mad Turtle on bridge and have Ryorin drop it down
10 points
Exterminator XX: Mad TurtleExterminator XX: Mad Turtle
Defeat all enemies before routing Mad Turtle in Deadman Gorge
5 points
The Love Crazed TurtleThe Love Crazed Turtle
Complete story battle with Mad Turtle in Deadman Gorge
5 points
Tactician XXV: Mad TurtleTactician XXV: Mad Turtle
Complete story battle with Mad Turtle in Deadman Gorge without retreats
3 points
Prince ReikanPrince Reikan
Have Prince Reikan join your party
5 points
Unique Jobs IIUnique Jobs II
Complete all unique one-time jobs in Westland region
10 points
Treasure Hunter XVIII: Storm MountainTreasure Hunter XVIII: Storm Mountain
Open both treasure chests on Storm Mountain
3 points
Supportive MonkSupportive Monk
[!] Have Sanzo take only supportive actions on Storm Mountain (heal, buff, potions, summon)
3 points
Exterminator XXI: Storm MountainExterminator XXI: Storm Mountain
Defeat all enemies before routing Scorpia on Storm Mountain
5 points
Breaching the DefensesBreaching the Defenses
Complete story battle on Storm Mountain
5 points
Tactician XXVI: Storm MountainTactician XXVI: Storm Mountain
Complete story battle on Storm Mountain without retreats
3 points
Dancing Around the BallDancing Around the Ball
[!] Defeat all Lord Taurus' minions without being hit by large steel ball once
10 points
Great Balls of Metal!Great Balls of Metal!
Complete story battle in Maze Hall
5 points
Tactician XXVII: Maze HallTactician XXVII: Maze Hall
Complete story battle in Maze Hall without retreats
3 points
Cannoneer ICannoneer I
Commandeer a cannon to damage any enemy in Fog Cave
5 points
Treasure Hunter XIX: Fog CaveTreasure Hunter XIX: Fog Cave
Open all three treasure chests in Fog Cave
4 points
Exterminator XXII: Fog CaveExterminator XXII: Fog Cave
Defeat all enemies before routing Lord Taurus in Fog Cave
5 points
The Bulls RoarThe Bulls Roar
Complete story battle in Fog Cave
5 points
Tactician XXVIII: Fog CaveTactician XXVIII: Fog Cave
Complete story battle in Fog Cave without retreats
3 points
Lord Taurus and Lady TessenLord Taurus and Lady Tessen
Have Lord Taurus and Lady Tessen join your party
5 points
Treasure Hunter XX: Star CaveTreasure Hunter XX: Star Cave
Open sole treasure chest in Star Cave
1 points
Harsh ParentingHarsh Parenting
[!] Have only Taurus or Tessen damage Kid Pyric in Star Cave
5 points
Exterminator XXIII: Star CaveExterminator XXIII: Star Cave
Defeat all enemies before routing Kid Pyric in Star Cave
5 points
Child of PurgatoryChild of Purgatory
Complete story battle in Star Cave
5 points
Tactician XXIX: Star CaveTactician XXIX: Star Cave
Complete story battle in Star Cave without retreats
3 points
Treasure Hunter XXI: Stone MountainTreasure Hunter XXI: Stone Mountain
Open sole treasure chest on Stone Mountain
2 points
Good to Have You All Back!Good to Have You All Back!
[!] Summon each guardian during battle with Mahoraga on Stone Mountain
5 points
Exterminator XXIV: Stone MountainExterminator XXIV: Stone Mountain
Defeat all enemies before routing Mahoraga on Stone Mountain
5 points
Winged Snake of DarknessWinged Snake of Darkness
Complete story battle on Stone Mountain
5 points
Tactician XXX: Stone MountainTactician XXX: Stone Mountain
Complete story battle on Stone Mountain without retreats
3 points
Smithy IVSmithy IV
Upgrade weapons of all your companions to level 5 in Midnight Tor or Port Town smithy before obtaining anyones ultimate weapon
5 points
Treasure Hunter XXII: Ice PeakTreasure Hunter XXII: Ice Peak
Open sole treasure chest on Ice Peak
2 points
Exterminator XXV: Ice PeakExterminator XXV: Ice Peak
Defeat all enemies before routing Deva on Ice Peak
5 points
No Repeated ActionsNo Repeated Actions
[!] Defeat everyone without taking same action twice except ''move'' and ''wait'' ( basic attacks counts as unique)
10 points
A Chill WindA Chill Wind
Complete story battle on Ice Peak
5 points
Tactician XXXI: Ice PeakTactician XXXI: Ice Peak
Complete story battle on Ice Peak without retreats
3 points
Best Customer IIIBest Customer III
Buy all pawned items in India stores
5 points
Prize Collector IIIPrize Collector III
Obtain all prizes from card game in Port Town post office
10 points
A Man's DrinkA Man's Drink
Beat all dojo masters in game to receive Gallant Ale
25 points
Emperor's TestEmperor's Test
Complete optional battle on Ice Peak during Emperor guardian quest
10 points
Think Fast!Think Fast!
[!] Defeat all enemies on Ice Peak during Emperor guardian quest with all of your turns taking less than 33 seconds [auto off]
10 points
Tactician XXXII: EmperorTactician XXXII: Emperor
Complete optional battle on Ice Peak during Emperor guardian quest without retreats
5 points
Treasure Hunter XXIII: CeylonTreasure Hunter XXIII: Ceylon
Open all four treasure chests in Ceylon
5 points
A Day Off for the GuardiansA Day Off for the Guardians
[!] Complete optional battle in Ceylon without summoning once
5 points
Quest for Star OreQuest for Star Ore
Complete optional battle in Ceylon
10 points
Tactician XXXIII: CeylonTactician XXXIII: Ceylon
Complete optional battle in Ceylon without retreats
5 points
Sociable Monk IIISociable Monk III
Witness all scenes in India town facilities (including sidequests and optional companions)
10 points
Ultimate WeaponUltimate Weapon
Use Star Ore in Port Town smithy to upgrade any companions weapon to max level
1 points
Treasure Hunter XXIV: Wing MountainTreasure Hunter XXIV: Wing Mountain
Open both treasure chests on Wing Mountain
3 points
Exterminator XXVI: Wing MountainExterminator XXVI: Wing Mountain
Defeat all enemies before routing Vala on Wing Mountain
5 points
Flawless TacticsFlawless Tactics
[!] Defeat all 7 Vala's minions using only attacks with bonus damage (area attacks may disrupt!)
10 points
The Mouse HuntThe Mouse Hunt
Complete story battle on Wing Mountain
5 points
Tactician XXXIV: Wing MountainTactician XXXIV: Wing Mountain
Complete story battle on Wing Mountain without retreats
3 points
Exterminator XXVII: Puppets PeakExterminator XXVII: Puppets Peak
Defeat all enemies before routing Apsara on Puppets Peak
5 points
Lazy MonkLazy Monk
[!] Defeat Apsara without Sanzo using any other command than ''move'' or ''wait''
5 points
The Spiders BanquetThe Spiders Banquet
Complete story battle on Puppets Peak
5 points
Tactician XXXV: Puppets PeakTactician XXXV: Puppets Peak
Complete story battle on Puppets Peak without retreats
3 points
Treasure Hunter XXV: KannaojTreasure Hunter XXV: Kannaoj
Open all three treasure chests in Kannaoj
4 points
Cannoneer IICannoneer II
Commandeer a cannon to damage Garda in Kannaoj
5 points
Exterminator XXVIII: KannaojExterminator XXVIII: Kannaoj
Defeat all enemies before routing Garda in Kannaoj
5 points
The Dancing WereBirdThe Dancing WereBird
Complete story battle in Kannaoj
5 points
Tactician XXXVI: KannaojTactician XXXVI: Kannaoj
Complete story battle in Kannaoj without retreats
3 points
Unique Jobs IIIUnique Jobs III
Complete all unique one-time jobs in India
10 points
Treasure Hunter XXVI: Thunder TempleTreasure Hunter XXVI: Thunder Temple
Open all three treasure chests in Thunder Temple
4 points
Devil's BaneDevil's Bane
Defeat Yaksa using only life (wood) element attacks
5 points
Exterminator XXIX: Thunder TempleExterminator XXIX: Thunder Temple
Defeat all enemies before routing Yaska in Thunder Temple
5 points
The Beginning of the EndThe Beginning of the End
Complete story battle in Thunder Temple
5 points
Tactician XXXVII: Thunder TempleTactician XXXVII: Thunder Temple
Complete story battle in Thunder Temple without retreats
3 points
Treasure Hunter XXVII: Heaven's DoorTreasure Hunter XXVII: Heaven's Door
Open both treasure chests at Heaven's Door
3 points
Exterminator XXX: Heaven's DoorExterminator XXX: Heaven's Door
Defeat all enemies before routing Nagini at Heaven's Door
5 points
The Hard WayThe Hard Way
[!] Defeat Nagini at Heaven's Door without using Werechange
5 points
Dragon's PassionDragon's Passion
Complete story battle at Heaven's Door
5 points
Tactician XXXVIII: Heaven's DoorTactician XXXVIII: Heaven's Door
Complete story battle at Heaven's Door without retreats
3 points
Treasure Hunter XXVIII: Martyr's StairsTreasure Hunter XXVIII: Martyr's Stairs
Open both treasure chests on Martyr's Stairs
3 points
Exterminator XXXI: Martyr's StairsExterminator XXXI: Martyr's Stairs
Defeat all enemies before routing Deva on Martyr's Stairs
5 points
Rarest of SpellsRarest of Spells
[!] Perform Chief's Paradise, Clone and UltraLife scroll spells during battle with Deva on Martyr's Stairs
3 points
Angel or DevilAngel or Devil
Complete story battle on Martyr's Stairs
5 points
Tactician XXXIX: Martyr's StairsTactician XXXIX: Martyr's Stairs
Complete story battle on Martyr's Stairs without retreats
3 points
Exterminator XXXII: Purity HallExterminator XXXII: Purity Hall
Defeat all enemies before routing Garda in Purity Hall
5 points
Clash of the TitansClash of the Titans
In Purity Hall defeat Garda using only were-attacks (werechange counts)
3 points
Dancing Werebird 2Dancing Werebird 2
Complete story battle in Purity Hall
5 points
Tactician XL: Purity HallTactician XL: Purity Hall
Complete story battle in Purity Hall without retreats
3 points
Treasure Hunter XXIX: Truths TempleTreasure Hunter XXIX: Truths Temple
Open sole treasure chest in Truths Temple
2 points
Four Crystals, Four TurnsFour Crystals, Four Turns
Destroy all four crystals within four turns
5 points
Exterminator XXXIII: Truths TempleExterminator XXXIII: Truths Temple
Have all enemies defeated when you deliver last blow to Asura in Truths Temple
10 points
Final Battle, While Life lastsFinal Battle, While Life lasts
Complete story battle in Truths Temple
10 points
Tactician XLI: Truths TempleTactician XLI: Truths Temple
Complete story battle in Truths Temple without retreats
5 points
Exterminator XXXIV: PitsExterminator XXXIV: Pits
Defeat all hands before routing Asura in Pits
10 points
Final Battle, While Life lasts 2Final Battle, While Life lasts 2
Complete story battle in Pits
10 points
Tactician XLII: PitsTactician XLII: Pits
Complete story battle in Pits without retreats
10 points
Art of WarArt of War
Complete whole game without retreating once
25 points
Good EndingGood Ending
Complete the game, watch epilogue and credits
5 points
Bad EndingBad Ending
Watch (not skip) Bad Ending
0 points
Master of Were-HaremMaster of Were-Harem
[!] In any non dojo battle deploy Sanzo and 5 companions of opposite sex and have everyone defeat at least one enemy
5 points
Great ApeGreat Ape
[!] Perform five different Great Ape's were-attacks in a single battle
3 points
Raging BoarRaging Boar
[!] Perform five different Raging Boar's were-attacks in a single battle
3 points
Bronze DragonBronze Dragon
[!] Perform five different Bronze Dragon's were-attacks in a single battle
3 points
River LordRiver Lord
[!] Perform five different River Lord's were-attacks in a single battle
3 points
Butterfly QueenButterfly Queen
[!] Perform five different Butterfly Queen's were-attacks in a single battle
3 points
[!] Perform all three Kinkaku's were-attacks in a single battle
2 points
[!] Perform all three Ginkaku's were-attacks in a single battle
2 points
Tree LordTree Lord
[!] Perform all three Tree Lord's were-attacks in a single battle
2 points
Mad TurtleMad Turtle
[!] Perform all three Mad Turtle's were-attacks in a single battle
2 points
Great BullGreat Bull
[!] Perform all three Great Bull's were-attacks in a single battle
2 points
[!] Perform all three Scorpio's were-attacks in a single battle
2 points
No HealingNo Healing
[!] Win map with max allowed party size without retreats and restoring HP by any means (potions, spells, summons or equipment)
5 points
Potion AddictPotion Addict
[!] In any battle use six different potions (Angel Fruit counts)
5 points
Have at least one of each buyable potions in inventory
3 points
Rich MonkRich Monk
Have 100000 or more gold
10 points
All ScrollsAll Scrolls
Have all 43 magic scrolls in inventory (at least 1 copy unequipped)
25 points
Have 150 or more different item types in inventory (open inventory on world map or town screen)
25 points
Were PowersWere Powers
Reach Were level 30 to unlock all were-attacks
10 points
Reach 99 total werechanges
10 points
Deliver 250K or more total damage
10 points
Defeat 777 or more enemies
25 points
[!] Werechange mandatory companion on 1st turn and win battle each next turn using costlier were-attack (max 7 turns)
5 points
Guardian CarouselGuardian Carousel
[!] Summon each of 6 guardians at least once starting on 1st turn and always summon before current summon ends
10 points
School of LifeSchool of Life
[!] Use all 8 life (wood) scrolls in a single battle (UltraLife excluded)
5 points
School of EarthSchool of Earth
[!] Use all 8 earth scrolls in a single battle (Chief's Paradise excluded)
5 points
School of WaterSchool of Water
[!] Use all 8 water scrolls in a single battle
5 points
School of FireSchool of Fire
[!] Use all 8 fire scrolls in a single battle (Clone excluded)
5 points
School of GoldSchool of Gold
[!] Use all 8 gold (metal) scrolls in a single battle
5 points

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