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Road Runner's Death Valley Rally

Road Runner's Death Valley Rally



achievements (41)

iconinfoRA score
Zipping AlongZipping Along
Complete level 1 - Zippity Splat
4 points
Whoa Be Gone!Whoa Be Gone!
Complete level 2 - Rock 'N Rivet
5 points
Beep, Beep!Beep, Beep!
Complete level 3 - Train Runnery
5 points
Going, Going, Gosh!Going, Going, Gosh!
Complete level 4 - Hopalong Casualty
5 points
That's All, Folks!That's All, Folks!
Defeat Wile E. Coyote and finally make the poor guy give up
25 points
Mock Wile E. Coyote as he plummets from the bridge on Zippity Splat 1
1 points
Accelleratti IncredibusAccelleratti Incredibus
Complete Zippity Splat 1 with at least 4:00 remaining
10 points
Velocitus TremenjusVelocitus Tremenjus
Complete Zippity Splat 2 with at least 3:00 remaining
10 points
Hot-Roddicus SupersonicusHot-Roddicus Supersonicus
Complete Zippity Splat 3 with at least 3:00 remaining
10 points
Speedipus RexSpeedipus Rex
Complete Rock 'N Rivet 1 with at least 3:00 remaining
10 points
Velocitus DelectiblusVelocitus Delectiblus
Complete Rock 'N Rivet 2 with at least 3:00 remaining
10 points
Complete Rock 'N Rivet 3 with at least 3:00 remaining
10 points
Dig-Outius Tid-BittiusDig-Outius Tid-Bittius
Complete Train Runnery 1 with at least 4:00 remaining
10 points
Tastyus SupersonicusTastyus Supersonicus
Complete Train Runnery 2 with at least 4:00 remaining
10 points
Birdibus ZippibusBirdibus Zippibus
Complete Train Runnery 3 with at least 4:00 remaining
10 points
Birdius High-BalliusBirdius High-Ballius
Complete Hopalong Casualty 1 with at least 2:00 remaining
10 points
Complete Hopalong Casualty 2 with at least 2:00 remaining
10 points
Complete Hopalong Casualty 3 with at least 2:00 remaining
10 points
Complete Quantum Beep 1 with at least 1:00 remaining
10 points
Complete Quantum Beep 2 with at least 1:00 remaining
10 points
Fastius Tasty-usFastius Tasty-us
Complete Quantum Beep 3 with at least 1:00 remaining
25 points
Carnivorous VulgarisCarnivorous Vulgaris
Obtain all 12 flags on Zippity Splat 1
10 points
Road-Runnerus DigestusRoad-Runnerus Digestus
Obtain all 12 flags on Zippity Splat 2
10 points
Hardheadipus OedipusHardheadipus Oedipus
Obtain all 16 flags on Hopalong Casualty 3
10 points
Eatibus AnythingusEatibus Anythingus
Obtain all 14 flags on Zippity Splat 3
10 points
Obtain all 15 flags on Rock 'N Rivet 1
10 points
Eatibus Almost AnythingusEatibus Almost Anythingus
Obtain all 9 flags on Rock 'N Rivet 2
10 points
Eatius BirdiusEatius Birdius
Obtain all 12 flags on Rock 'N Rivet 3
10 points
Famishius FantasticusFamishius Fantasticus
Obtain all 12 flags on Train Runnery 1
10 points
Eternalii FamishiisEternalii Famishiis
Obtain all 12 flags on Train Runnery 2
10 points
Famishius Vulgaris IngeniusiFamishius Vulgaris Ingeniusi
Obtain all 12 flags on Train Runnery 3
10 points
Obtain all 16 flags on Hopalong Casualty 1
10 points
Obtain all 16 flags on Hopalong Casualty 2
10 points
Carnivorous SlobbiusCarnivorous Slobbius
Obtain all 16 flags on Quantum Beep 1
10 points
Hard-Headipus RavenusHard-Headipus Ravenus
Obtain all 16 flags on Quantum Beep 2
10 points
Apetitius GiganticusApetitius Giganticus
Obtain all 12 flags on Quantum Beep 3
25 points
Filet of Road Runner Smothered in Poinsettia SauceFilet of Road Runner Smothered in Poinsettia Sauce
Complete Level 1 - Zippity-Splat without losing a life
25 points
Barbecued Road Runner Stuffed With Pickled Prickly PearsBarbecued Road Runner Stuffed With Pickled Prickly Pears
Complete Level 2 - Rock 'N Rivet without losing a life
25 points
Diced Road Runner Ragu Served on a Roulette WheelDiced Road Runner Ragu Served on a Roulette Wheel
Complete Level 3 - Train Runnery without losing a life
25 points
Plain Old Sour Road Runner Bratten Like Mother Used to MakePlain Old Sour Road Runner Bratten Like Mother Used to Make
Complete Level 4 - Hopalong Casualty without losing a life
25 points
And Road Runner Surprise!And Road Runner Surprise!
Complete Level 5 - Quantum Beep without losing a life
25 points

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