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Resident Evil

Resident Evil



achievements (66)

iconinfoRA score
A JLT from McSpencersA JLT from McSpencers
As Jill, narrowly avoid becoming a Jill Sandwich in less than 6:30 minutes after starting the playthrough [No Infinite RL]
10 points
I'm Late for My RecitalI'm Late for My Recital
As Chris, play the piano in less than 6 minutes after starting the playthrough [No Infinite RL]
10 points
He’s Not on the MenuHe’s Not on the Menu
As Jill, kill the zombie eating Kenneth's corpse before returning to Barry [No Infinite RL]
2 points
That’s Not a ProteinThat’s Not a Protein
As Chris, kill the zombie eating Kenneth's corpse before returning to the Dining Room [No Infinite RL]
3 points
Jill the RogueJill the Rogue
As Jill, obtain the Lockpick from Barry
1 points
As Chris, go back to the Main Hall
1 points
An Explosive UpgradeAn Explosive Upgrade
As Jill, obtain the grenade launcher
1 points
I Feel a Breeze Coming OnI Feel a Breeze Coming On
Obtain the Wind Crest
2 points
Guard and Protect MeGuard and Protect Me
As Jill, obtain the Shield Key
2 points
Keep Me CoveredKeep Me Covered
As Chris, obtain the Shield Key
3 points
Cue the Japanese Song IntroCue the Japanese Song Intro
Place the Broken Shotgun on the mantle
3 points
STARS Light, STARS BrightSTARS Light, STARS Bright
Obtain the Star Crest
2 points
The Sun Ain’t Shining HereThe Sun Ain’t Shining Here
Obtain the Sun Crest
2 points
Wonder What This’ll Go To?Wonder What This’ll Go To?
Obtain the Armor Key
3 points
In the Richard of TimeIn the Richard of Time
Retrieve the Serum to Richard on time [No Infinite RL]
5 points
A Full Moon AboveA Full Moon Above
Obtain the Moon Crest
3 points
Enter the Attic, grab the Crest and leave the room in less than 45 seconds without defeating Yawn
10 points
It’s Always SnakesIt’s Always Snakes
As Jill, defeat Yawn in the Attic [No Infinite RL]
5 points
Better than IndyBetter than Indy
As Chris, defeat Yawn in the Attic [No Infinite RL]
5 points
Skinned Them AliveSkinned Them Alive
Defeat Yawn in the Attic in less than a minute only using the knife [No Infinite RL]
10 points
Well at Least You’re HelpfulWell at Least You’re Helpful
As Rebecca, retrieve the Serum to Chris in less than 4 minutes [No Infinite RL]
5 points
I Need Some Time OutsideI Need Some Time Outside
As Jill, open the Crest Door
5 points
Need a Change of SceneryNeed a Change of Scenery
As Chris, open the Crest Door
5 points
Let Them Shamble a Bit MoreLet Them Shamble a Bit More
Access the Courtyard without killing any BOWs [No Infinite RL]
10 points
Dinner Time for All the CerebrusDinner Time for All the Cerebrus
As Chris, kill all Cerberus at the Courtyard only using the beretta without leaving the Courtyard [No Infinite RL]
10 points
At Least It Wasn’t the Whole BasementAt Least It Wasn’t the Whole Basement
Drain the water in the Guardhouse Basement
5 points
Now Why Don’t We Place a Rose Here?Now Why Don’t We Place a Rose Here?
As Jill, kill Plant 42
5 points
Must’ve Been SoyMust’ve Been Soy
As Chris, kill Plant 42
5 points
Straight up Jolting ItStraight up Jolting It
Kill Plant 42 having used the V-Jolt [No Infinite RL]
5 points
Fine, We’ll Do It the Hard WayFine, We’ll Do It the Hard Way
As Jill, kill Plant 42 without help and without using the V-Jolt [No Infinite RL]
10 points
Pulling out the Weed by HandPulling out the Weed by Hand
As Chris, kill Plant 42 without help [No Infinite RL]
10 points
And That’s How You GardenAnd That’s How You Garden
As Chris, kill Plant 42 without help in less than a minute without leaving the room [No Infinite RL]
10 points
I Use a Gun as My KeyI Use a Gun as My Key
Kill all BOWs at the Courtyard and leave with the key in less than 12:30 minutes in one session [No Infinite RL]
10 points
A Bit More Awareness PleaseA Bit More Awareness Please
As Chris, save Rebecca from the Hunter [No Infinite RL]
5 points
The Modern Wild West’s ChoiceThe Modern Wild West’s Choice
Obtain the Colt Python
3 points
And Stay Dead!And Stay Dead!
As Jill, kill Yawn in the Lesson Room
10 points
Why Oh Why Is It Always Snakes?!Why Oh Why Is It Always Snakes?!
As Chris, kill Yawn in the Lesson Room
10 points
The Wilderness Way of SurvivalThe Wilderness Way of Survival
Kill Yawn in the Lesson Room only using the knife without healing [No Infinite RL]
25 points
Quick and Efficient ShooterQuick and Efficient Shooter
As Chris, kill all zombies after Yawn under 3 minutes [No Infinite RL]
10 points
It Takes 20 D Batteries You KnowIt Takes 20 D Batteries You Know
Obtain the Battery
3 points
Find Enrico
3 points
Overcoming Your ArachnophobiaOvercoming Your Arachnophobia
As Jill, kill the Black Tiger [No Infinite RL]
5 points
I Hope It Didn’t Lay EggsI Hope It Didn’t Lay Eggs
As Chris, kill the Black Tiger [No Infinite RL]
5 points
The Correct Way to Deal with SpidersThe Correct Way to Deal with Spiders
As Chris, kill the Black Tiger only using the flamethrower without taking damage [No Infinite RL]
10 points
A Secret Passage Down BelowA Secret Passage Down Below
As Jill, empty the Fountain on the Courtyard
5 points
And Here I Thought It Was a Wishing FountainAnd Here I Thought It Was a Wishing Fountain
As Chris, empty the Fountain on the Courtyard
5 points
Security Clearance GrantedSecurity Clearance Granted
Open the B2 doors in the Laboratory
3 points
Chimera, Meet BerettaChimera, Meet Beretta
As Chris, kill the Chimeras in the Power Maze and Power Room with the Beretta without healing or leaving
10 points
You Want STARS? Here’s Some STARS!You Want STARS? Here’s Some STARS!
As Jill, kill the Tyrant in the Laboratory
10 points
Easier to Punch than a BoulderEasier to Punch than a Boulder
As Chris, kill the Tyrant in the Laboratory
10 points
My Trusty BerettaMy Trusty Beretta
Kill the Tyrant in the Laboratory using only the Beretta
10 points
I’m Making My Stand HereI’m Making My Stand Here
Kill the Tyrant in the Roof without healing [No Infinite RL]
10 points
Now to Relax in an ApartmentNow to Relax in an Apartment
Complete the game as Jill
10 points
A Successful Op, If I Do Say SoA Successful Op, If I Do Say So
Complete the game as Chris
10 points
Just a Sandwich with No MeatJust a Sandwich with No Meat
As Jill, escape the Mansion alone
10 points
So When Are We Coming Back?So When Are We Coming Back?
As Jill, escape the Mansion with Chris
10 points
Keeping the Magnum Wielder AliveKeeping the Magnum Wielder Alive
As Jill, escape the Mansion with Barry
10 points
So...Who Wants a Sandwich?So...Who Wants a Sandwich?
As Jill, escape the Mansion with Barry and Chris [No Infinite RL]
25 points
Hey, Maybe Leon’s Looking for a PartnerHey, Maybe Leon’s Looking for a Partner
As Chris, escape the Mansion alone
10 points
So There Was This Guy Named BillySo There Was This Guy Named Billy
As Chris, escape the Mansion with Rebecca
10 points
Wouldn’t It Be Crazy If You Were with Wesker?Wouldn’t It Be Crazy If You Were with Wesker?
As Chris, escape the Mansion with Jill
10 points
Beast From the EastBeast From the East
As Chris, escape the Mansion with Rebecca and Jill [No Infinite RL]
25 points
Quick To Contain The SituationQuick To Contain The Situation
Complete the game in less than 3 hours [No Infinite RL]
25 points
This Is How We Do It Real Life StyleThis Is How We Do It Real Life Style
Beat the game without using the Item Box and without saving [No Infinite RL]
50 points
No On-Site Procurement HereNo On-Site Procurement Here
As Jill, beat the game without picking up any weapons or healing items [No Infinite RL]
50 points
The Only Guns I Need Are My MusclesThe Only Guns I Need Are My Muscles
As Chris, beat the game without picking up any weapons or using the flamethrower [No Infinite RL]
50 points

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