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Pressure Cooker

Pressure Cooker


Atari 2600

achievements (15)

iconinfoRA score
Greenhorn GrillerGreenhorn Griller
Complete shifts 1 through 4. (Use game mode 1 to start at shift 1.)
5 points
Welcome to "The Grille"Welcome to "The Grille"
Complete your first shift. (Please note, this set is single-player only!)
5 points
Semi-Seasoned ServerSemi-Seasoned Server
Complete shifts 5 through 8. (You can use game mode 3 to start at shift 5.)
10 points
Fabulous Fry-CookFabulous Fry-Cook
Complete shifts 9 through 12. (You can use game mode 5 to start at shift 9.)
10 points
Champion ChefChampion Chef
Complete shifts 13 through 16. (You can use game mode 7 to start at shift 13.)
25 points
Positive BuzzPositive Buzz
Reach a score of 10,000 to gain 10 Performance Points.
5 points
Short-Order Squad MemberShort-Order Squad Member
Reach a score of 45,000. (Membership patch not included.)
10 points
Restaurant of the Year AwardRestaurant of the Year Award
Reach the maximum Performance Rating of 99.
25 points
Four-Course BanquetFour-Course Banquet
Complete shifts 1-16 in a single game.
50 points
Seal of QualitySeal of Quality
Serve 36 burgers without losing any Performance Points.
10 points
Deflection RejectionDeflection Rejection
Survive a shift without deflecting any ingredients.
10 points
Grand DeluxeGrand Deluxe
Serve a burger with all four toppings.
5 points
Smoke BreakSmoke Break
Stand still for a full minute without losing any Performance Points.
5 points
Over the TopOver the Top
Put way too many toppings on a burger.
1 points
Clairvoyant Condiment CurationClairvoyant Condiment Curation
Have a 2+ topping burger prepared before its order appears.
25 points

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© 2024-2025 smol farm. Game content copyright their respective owners. Built by Thorne (/u/ens0).