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Pokemon Yellow Version: Special Pikachu Edition [Subset - ''Shiny'' Pokemon]

Pokemon Yellow Version: Special Pikachu Edition [Subset - ''Shiny'' Pokemon]


Game Boy

achievements (51)

iconinfoRA score
The Gold Fish PokemonThe Gold Fish Pokemon
Capture a wild Shiny Magikarp.
25 points
Pond of RagePond of Rage
Capture a wild Shiny Gyarados.
50 points
The Zubat of The SeaThe Zubat of The Sea
Capture a wild Shiny Tentacool.
25 points
Jellyfish JamJellyfish Jam
Capture a wild Shiny Tentacruel.
50 points
Iconic RatIconic Rat
Get a shiny Pikachu in Professor Oak's Lab.
25 points
Fire LizardFire Lizard
Get a shiny Charmander on Route 24.
25 points
Frog in the GrassFrog in the Grass
Get a shiny Bulbasaur in Cerulean City.
25 points
Aquatic TurtleAquatic Turtle
Get a shiny Squirtle in Vermillion City.
25 points
Multiple Potential EvolutionsMultiple Potential Evolutions
Get a shiny Eevee in Celadon City.
25 points
Get a shiny Lapras in Silph Co.
25 points
Just Like Jurasic ParkJust Like Jurasic Park
Get a shiny Aerodactyl on Cinnabar Island.
25 points
A MimeA Mime
Trade a Clefairy for a shiny Mr. Mime on Route 2.
25 points
Trade a Cubone for a shiny Machoke on Route 5.
25 points
3 Digletts3 Digletts
Trade a Lickitung for a shiny Dugtrio on Route 11.
25 points
Voodoo MushroomVoodoo Mushroom
Trade a Tangela for a shiny Parasect on Route 18.
25 points
The Real Number 1The Real Number 1
Trade a Golduck for a shiny Rhyhorn on Cinnabar Island.
25 points
A Seal with a HornA Seal with a Horn
Trade a Growlithe for a shiny Dewgong on Cinnabar Island.
25 points
Toxic WasteToxic Waste
Trade a Kangaskhan for a shiny Muk on Cinnabar Island.
25 points
Sleeping PsychicSleeping Psychic
Buy a shiny Abra at the Celadon Game Corner.
10 points
Shiny FoxShiny Fox
Buy a shiny Vulpix at the Celadon Game Corner.
25 points
Pink BalloonPink Balloon
Buy a shiny Wigglytuff at the Celadon Game Corner.
25 points
Insect with ScythesInsect with Scythes
Buy a shiny Scyther at the Celadon Game Corner.
25 points
Pincer InsectPincer Insect
Buy a shiny Pinsir at the Celadon Game Corner.
25 points
Is this a Digimon?Is this a Digimon?
Buy a shiny Porygon at the Celadon Game Corner.
25 points
Little TadpoleLittle Tadpole
Capture a wild Shiny Poliwag.
25 points
Slightly Bigger TadpoleSlightly Bigger Tadpole
Capture a wild Shiny Poliwhirl.
25 points
Totally Not ScammedTotally Not Scammed
Buy a shiny Magikarp in the Mt. Moon Pokemon Center.
25 points
The Goldfish PokemonThe Goldfish Pokemon
Capture a wild Shiny Goldeen.
25 points
King of The SeaKing of The Sea
Capture a wild Shiny Seaking.
50 points
The River Crab PokemonThe River Crab Pokemon
Capture a wild Shiny Krabby.
25 points
Giant Enemy CrabGiant Enemy Crab
Capture a wild Shiny Kingler.
50 points
Not Quite Maxim DracoNot Quite Maxim Draco
Capture a wild Shiny Dratini in the Safari Zone.
50 points
Have Fun (Colorized)Have Fun (Colorized)
Capture a wild Shiny Dragonair in the Safari Zone.
100 points
Wish Upon A StarWish Upon A Star
Capture a wild Shiny Staryu.
25 points
Capture a wild Shiny Horsea.
25 points
Bigger SeahorseBigger Seahorse
Capture a wild Shiny Seadra.
50 points
The Bivalve PokémonThe Bivalve Pokémon
Capture a wild Shiny Shellder.
25 points
Hunting Shinies In My SleepHunting Shinies In My Sleep
Capture a wild Shiny Snorlax.
25 points
Failed From Beyond The GraveFailed From Beyond The Grave
Defeat a Shiny Ghost Marowak in the Pokemon Tower.
25 points
Capture a wild Shiny Articuno in the Seafoam Islands.
25 points
Capture a wild Shiny Zapdos in the Power Plant.
25 points
Capture a wild Shiny Moltres in Victory Road.
25 points
The Genetic PokémonThe Genetic Pokémon
Capture a wild Shiny Mewtwo in Cerulean Cave.
25 points
Chen ZhenChen Zhen
Get a shiny Hitmonlee at the Saffron City Dojo.
25 points
Ancient NautilusAncient Nautilus
Get a shiny Omanyte on Cinnabar Island.
25 points
Chan Ka-KuiChan Ka-Kui
Get a shiny Hitmonchan at the Saffron City Dojo.
25 points
Ancient Horseshoe CrabAncient Horseshoe Crab
Get a shiny Kabuto on Cinnabar Island.
25 points
No Gameshark RequiredNo Gameshark Required
Catch or Receive a Shiny Mew.
50 points
Shiny BallShiny Ball
Capture a wild Shiny Voltorb in the Power Plant.
25 points
A Voltorb FlippedA Voltorb Flipped
Capture a wild Shiny Electrode in the Power Plant.
25 points
You're Blue NowYou're Blue Now
Capture a wild Shiny Ditto.
5 points

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