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Pokemon Trading Card Game

Pokemon Trading Card Game


Game Boy Color

achievements (35)

iconinfoRA score
Breaking The ZenBreaking The Zen
Defeat Gene
10 points
Slash and BurnSlash and Burn
Defeat Nikki
10 points
Snuffed FlameSnuffed Flame
Defeat Ken
10 points
Center StageCenter Stage
Defeat Issac
10 points
Funding CancelledFunding Cancelled
Defeat Rick
10 points
Future ImperfectFuture Imperfect
Defeat Murray
10 points
Wandering FistWandering Fist
Defeat Mitch
10 points
Olympic SwimmerOlympic Swimmer
Defeat Amy
10 points
Card CollectorCard Collector
Collect Half of the Cards in the game
5 points
Card MasterCard Master
Collect All Obtainable Cards in the Game
25 points
I'm RonaldI'm Ronald
Defeat Ronald
10 points
No Need For A MasterballNo Need For A Masterball
Defeat Ronald during the 1st Challenge Cup (held after your 3rd medal and before 4th)
10 points
Super Retrieval ArtistSuper Retrieval Artist
Defeat Ronald Again!
10 points
Original MewOriginal Mew
Defeat Ronald during the 2nd Challenge Cup (held after your 5th medal and before 6th)
10 points
Receive A Gift From Pappy
5 points
Fire BlastFire Blast
Trade with Gal for an Arcanine
5 points
The Mysterious ImakuniThe Mysterious Imakuni
Defeat Imakuni
5 points
Grand Master of FlameGrand Master of Flame
Defeat Courtney
10 points
Grand Master of  LightningGrand Master of Lightning
Defeat Steve
10 points
Grand Master of FreezeGrand Master of Freeze
Defeat Jack
10 points
Grand Master of DragonGrand Master of Dragon
Defeat Rod
10 points
Grandest of the MastersGrandest of the Masters
Defeat Ronald and become Grand Champion
25 points
Petal DancePetal Dance
Trade with Lass for a Vileplume
5 points
Help Lad with energy cards for a Slowpoke
5 points
Pikachu In 3DPikachu In 3D
Trade with Lass 2nd time for another Pikachu
5 points
Thunder PunchThunder Punch
Trade with Chap for an Electabuzz
5 points
Trade With Ishihara For A Surfing Pikachu
5 points
Hydro PumpHydro Pump
Trade with Lass 3rd time for a Blastoise
5 points
Play To LosePlay To Lose
Obtain the Promotional Imakuni Card
10 points
Sort Of A Flying PikachuSort Of A Flying Pikachu
Trade With Ishihara for a Flying Pikachu
5 points
Tail SlideTail Slide
Trade with Ishihara for A Surfing Pikachu
5 points
Pika PartyPika Party
Trade with Man for a Pikachu LVL 16
5 points
Energy MasterEnergy Master
Defeat any of Tech Aaron's decks
5 points
Defeat all 3 of Tech Aaron's decks in a single session
10 points
A Dr. Mason CreationA Dr. Mason Creation
Defeat 10 consecutive opponents in Dr. Mason's Challenge Machine (only available after beating the game)
10 points

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