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Pokemon Diamond Version

Pokemon Diamond Version


Nintendo DS

achievements (122)

iconinfoRA score
Touch GenerationTouch Generation
Defeat the first Starly without pressing any button [m]
1 points
Empty TomeEmpty Tome
Obtain the Pokedex
1 points
Time to Duel !Time to Duel !
Obtain the Poketch
1 points
Fossil FighterFossil Fighter
Get the Coal Badge
5 points
Roark's RuptureRoark's Rupture
Defeat the first gym leader (level cap 14, 3 pokemon max in party) [m]
5 points
Clean Sweep IClean Sweep I
Defeat all trainers in 1st gym without exiting (1session) [m]
1 points
Mars, Et Ca RepartMars, Et Ca Repart
Defeat Mars in Valley Windowrks
5 points
Don't Touch My Shinies !Don't Touch My Shinies !
K.O. the partner Chansey in one turn [m]
5 points
Forest FacerForest Facer
Get the Forest Badge
5 points
Gardenia's GriefGardenia's Grief
Defeat the second gym leader (level cap 20, 3 pokemon max in party) [m]
5 points
Clean Sweep IIClean Sweep II
Defeat all trainers in 2nd gym without exiting (1session) [m]
5 points
Completion Road : EternaCompletion Road : Eterna
Obtain all the items and defeat all the trainers in Eterna [m]
5 points
Blue BlurBlue Blur
Reach Celestic Town without HM Defog in your bag [m]
5 points
Knuckle KnightKnuckle Knight
Get the Cobble Badge
5 points
Maylene's MightMaylene's Might
Defeat the third gym leader (level cap 28, 3 pokemon max in party) [m]
5 points
Clean Sweep IIIClean Sweep III
Defeat all trainers in 3rd gym without exiting (1session) [m]
5 points
The Wrestling PhilantropistThe Wrestling Philantropist
Get the Fen Badge
5 points
Wake's WeaknessWake's Weakness
Defeat the fourth gym leader (level cap 28, 3 pokemon max in party) [m]
5 points
Clean Sweep IVClean Sweep IV
Defeat all trainers in 4th gym without exiting (1session) [m]
4 points
Headache RemedyHeadache Remedy
Obtain a special healing item
5 points
Excuse my FrenchExcuse my French
Get the Relic Badge
5 points
Fantina's FaceoffFantina's Faceoff
Defeat the fifth gym leader (level cap 34, 3 pokemon max in party) [m]
5 points
Clean Sweep VClean Sweep V
Defeat all trainers in 5th gym without exiting (1session) [m]
5 points
Man of SteelMan of Steel
Get the Mine Badge
10 points
Byron's BrawlByron's Brawl
Defeat the sixth gym leader (level cap 37, 3 pokemon max in party) [m]
10 points
Clean Sweep VIClean Sweep VI
Defeat all trainers in 6th gym without exiting (1session) [m]
10 points
Completion Road : Lake ValorCompletion Road : Lake Valor
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area [m]
5 points
Icicle ImpactIcicle Impact
Get the Icicle Badge
10 points
Candice's CollapseCandice's Collapse
Defeat the seventh gym leader (level cap 40, 4 pokemon max in party) [m]
10 points
Clean Sweep VIIClean Sweep VII
Defeat all trainers in 7th gym without exiting (1session) [m]
10 points
Completion Rush : VeilstoneCompletion Rush : Veilstone
Obtain all the items and defeat all the trainers in Veilstone before defeating Saturne [m]
10 points
Blink And You Miss ItBlink And You Miss It
Witness an alternate animation for Dialga's appearance [m]
1 points
Beacon BearerBeacon Bearer
Get the Beacon Badge
10 points
Volkner's VanishVolkner's Vanish
Defeat the eigth gym leader (level cap 47, 4 pokemon max in party) [m]
10 points
Clean Sweep VIIIClean Sweep VIII
Defeat all trainers in 8th gym without exiting (1session) [m]
10 points
A Star Is BornA Star Is Born
Become the new Champion
25 points
Type AdvantageType Advantage
Defeat Cynthia using only fairy pokemon (see comments)
10 points
Brown New TeamBrown New Team
Defeat Cynthia using only brown pokemon (see comments), level cap 65
10 points
Book IIBook II
Obtain the National Dex
10 points
Spirit TrioSpirit Trio
Catch the Lake Guardians
25 points
Incarnation of TimeIncarnation of Time
Catch Dialga
5 points
Catch Giratina
5 points
Moon DanceMoon Dance
Catch Cresselia
10 points
Burning WillBurning Will
Catch Heatran
5 points
Not That UnownNot That Unown
See 10 different forms of Unown
5 points
Well KnownWell Known
See all 28 forms of Unown
10 points
Gotta Catch'em AllGotta Catch'em All
Capture all possible pokemon in the Sinnoh dex
25 points
Gotta Watch'em AllGotta Watch'em All
See all possible pokemon of the National dex
50 points
Serial TraderSerial Trader
Complete all the in-game trades
5 points
Completion Road : Canalave City & IslandsCompletion Road : Canalave City & Islands
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
10 points
Completion Road : Eterna Forest & CastleCompletion Road : Eterna Forest & Castle
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
10 points
Completion Road : Fuego IronworksCompletion Road : Fuego Ironworks
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
3 points
Completion Road : Hearthome CityCompletion Road : Hearthome City
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
2 points
Completion Road : Lake Acuity & Snowpoint CityCompletion Road : Lake Acuity & Snowpoint City
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
2 points
Completion Road : Lake Verity & Twinleaf TownCompletion Road : Lake Verity & Twinleaf Town
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
1 points
Completion Road : Lost TowerCompletion Road : Lost Tower
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
3 points
Completion Road : Mt CoronetCompletion Road : Mt Coronet
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
25 points
Completion Road : Oreburgh City, Gate & MineCompletion Road : Oreburgh City, Gate & Mine
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
5 points
Completion Road : Pastoria City & MarshCompletion Road : Pastoria City & Marsh
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
5 points
Completion Road : Route202 &JubilifeCompletion Road : Route202 &Jubilife
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
1 points
Completion Road : Route203Completion Road : Route203
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
2 points
Completion Road : Route204 & Ravaged PathCompletion Road : Route204 & Ravaged Path
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
5 points
Completion Road : Route205Completion Road : Route205
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
5 points
Completion Road : Route206Completion Road : Route206
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
5 points
Completion Road : Route207Completion Road : Route207
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
5 points
Completion Road : Route208Completion Road : Route208
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
4 points
Completion Road : Route209, Solaceon & RuinsCompletion Road : Route209, Solaceon & Ruins
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
10 points
Completion Road : Route210Completion Road : Route210
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
10 points
Completion Road : Route211Completion Road : Route211
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
4 points
Completion Road : Route212 & MansionCompletion Road : Route212 & Mansion
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
25 points
Completion Road : Route213Completion Road : Route213
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
10 points
Completion Road : Route214 & Maniac TunnelCompletion Road : Route214 & Maniac Tunnel
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
5 points
Completion Road : Route215Completion Road : Route215
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
5 points
Completion Road : Route216Completion Road : Route216
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
5 points
Completion Road : Route217Completion Road : Route217
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
10 points
Completion Road : Route218Completion Road : Route218
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
2 points
Completion Road : Route219Completion Road : Route219
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
1 points
Completion Road : Route220Completion Road : Route220
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
4 points
Completion Road : Route221Completion Road : Route221
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
5 points
Completion Road : Route222Completion Road : Route222
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
5 points
Completion Road : Route223 & Sunyshore CityCompletion Road : Route223 & Sunyshore City
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
5 points
Completion Road : Route224Completion Road : Route224
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
5 points
Completion Road : Route225Completion Road : Route225
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
5 points
Completion Road : Route226 & Survival AreaCompletion Road : Route226 & Survival Area
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
4 points
Completion Road : Route227Completion Road : Route227
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
3 points
Completion Road : Route228Completion Road : Route228
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
5 points
Completion Road : Route229Completion Road : Route229
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
3 points
Completion Road : Route230 & Battle ParkCompletion Road : Route230 & Battle Park
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
3 points
Completion Road : Stark MountainCompletion Road : Stark Mountain
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
25 points
Completion Road : Valley Windworks & Floaroma MeadowCompletion Road : Valley Windworks & Floaroma Meadow
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
5 points
Completion Road : Victory Road & LeagueCompletion Road : Victory Road & League
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
25 points
Completion Road : Wayward CaveCompletion Road : Wayward Cave
Pick up all items and defeat all trainers in the area
10 points
Path OptimizationPath Optimization
From route 219, reach the spot under the fisherman on route 221 in 95 steps
2 points
Thank You Berry MuchThank You Berry Much
Check all of the berry locations in one session (=stand in front)
10 points
Cooking MamaCooking Mama
Cook your first Poffin
2 points
Pink BarrettePink Barrette
Win the Cute Contest in Normal difficulty to earn a Pink Barrette
2 points
Red BarretteRed Barrette
Win the Cool Contest in Normal difficulty to earn a Red Barrette
2 points
Blue BarretteBlue Barrette
Win the Beauty Contest in Normal difficulty to earn a Blue Barrette
2 points
Yellow BarretteYellow Barrette
Win the Tough Contest in Normal difficulty to earn a Yellow Barrette
2 points
Green BarretteGreen Barrette
Win the Smart Contest in Normal difficulty to earn a Green Barrette
2 points
Pink BalloonPink Balloon
Win the Cute Contest in Great difficulty to earn a Pink Balloon
5 points
Red BalloonsRed Balloons
Win the Cool Contest in Great difficulty to earn Red Balloons
5 points
Blue BalloonsBlue Balloons
Win the Beauty Contest in Great difficulty to earn Blue Balloons
5 points
Yellow BalloonYellow Balloon
Win the Tough Contest in Great difficulty to earn a Yellow Balloon
5 points
Green BalloonsGreen Balloons
Win the Smart Contest in Great difficulty to earn Green Balloons
5 points
Lace HeadressLace Headress
Win the Cute Contest in Ultra difficulty to earn a Lace Headress
10 points
Top HatTop Hat
Win the Cool Contest in Ultra difficulty to earn a Top Hat
10 points
Silk VeilSilk Veil
Win the Beauty Contest in Ultra difficulty to earn a Silk Veil
10 points
Heroic HeadbandHeroic Headband
Win the Tough Contest in Ultra difficulty to earn a Heroic Headband
10 points
Professor HatProfessor Hat
Win the Smart Contest in Ultra difficulty to earn a Professor Hat
10 points
Flower StageFlower Stage
Win the Cute Contest in Master difficulty to earn a Flower Stage
25 points
Gold PedestalGold Pedestal
Win the Cool Contest in Master difficulty to earn a Gold Pedestal
25 points
Glass StageGlass Stage
Win the Beauty Contest in Master difficulty to earn a Glass Stage
25 points
Award PodiumAward Podium
Win the Tough Contest in Master difficulty to earn an Award Podium
25 points
Cube StageCube Stage
Win the Smart Contest in Master difficulty to earn a Cube Stage
25 points
Tower ChallengerTower Challenger
Deafeat Palmer for the first time
10 points
Tower SurvivorTower Survivor
Deafeat Palmer for the second time
25 points
More Than A WatchMore Than A Watch
Obtain all possible applications for your Poketch
10 points
Starting A TrendStarting A Trend
Record half of the trendy words
5 points
Spreading the TrendSpreading the Trend
Record all the trendy words
10 points
It's A SecretIt's A Secret
Create your secret base
5 points
Look, Mom, Without Hands !Look, Mom, Without Hands !
In Eterna, use your bicycle without opening your bag and without pressing X or Y (change location to reset)
1 points

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© 2024-2025 smol farm. Game content copyright their respective owners. Built by Thorne (/u/ens0).