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Pen Pen TriIcelon

Pen Pen TriIcelon



achievements (35)

iconinfoRA score
Icelon Journey Has Started!Icelon Journey Has Started!
Obtain the Silver Medal on the Middle Sweets Icelon
3 points
Obtain the Silver Medal on the Long Sweets Icelon
3 points
Kit KatKit Kat
Obtain the Silver Medal versus Hanamizu on the Sweets course
3 points
Jelly Belly Bean BoozledJelly Belly Bean Boozled
Obtain all Silver Medals on the Sweets Course
3 points
The Brazilian AmazonThe Brazilian Amazon
Obtain the Silver Medal on the Middle Jungle Icelon
3 points
Sinharaja Forest ReserveSinharaja Forest Reserve
Obtain the Silver Medal on the Long Jungle Icelon
3 points
Bwindi Impenetrable ForestBwindi Impenetrable Forest
Obtain the Silver Medal versus Hanamizu on the Jungle course
3 points
The DaintreeThe Daintree
Obtain all Silver Medals on the Jungle Course
3 points
Obtain the Silver Medal on the Middle Toys Icelon
3 points
Obtain the Silver Medal on the Long Toys Icelon
3 points
Obtain the Silver Medal versus Hanamizu on the Toys course
3 points
Obtain all Silver Medals on the Toys Course
3 points
Nightmare On Elm StreetNightmare On Elm Street
Obtain the Silver Medal on the Middle Horror Icelon
3 points
Obtain the Silver Medal on the Long Horror Icelon
3 points
Bram Stoker's DraculaBram Stoker's Dracula
Obtain the Silver Medal versus Hanamizu on the Horror course
3 points
Obtain all Silver Medals on the Horror Course
3 points
Obtain the Gold Medal on the Middle Sweets Icelon
5 points
Obtain the Gold Medal on the Long Sweets Icelon
5 points
Obtain the Gold Medal versus Hanamizu on the Sweets course
5 points
Obtain all Gold Medals on the Sweets Course
5 points
Manu National Park Cloud ForestManu National Park Cloud Forest
Obtain the Gold Medal on the Middle Jungle Icelon
5 points
Monteverde Cloud ForestMonteverde Cloud Forest
Obtain the Gold Medal on the Long Jungle Icelon
5 points
The Kanha National ParkThe Kanha National Park
Obtain the Gold Medal versus Hanamizu on the Jungle course
5 points
Danum ValleyDanum Valley
Obtain all Gold Medals on the Jungle Course
5 points
Rubik's CubeRubik's Cube
Obtain the Gold Medal on the Middle Toys Icelon
5 points
Obtain the Gold Medal on the Long Toys Icelon
5 points
Obtain the Gold Medal versus Hanamizu on the Toys course
5 points
Etch A SketchEtch A Sketch
Obtain all Gold Medals on the Toys Course
5 points
It's Alive!It's Alive!
Obtain the Gold Medal on the Middle Horror Icelon
5 points
Jacob's LadderJacob's Ladder
Obtain the Gold Medal on the Long Horror Icelon
5 points
Obtain the Gold Medal versus Hanamizu on the Horror course
5 points
Obtain all Gold Medals on the Horror Course
5 points
What Is The Purpose Of Life?What Is The Purpose Of Life?
Obtain the Hanamizu Question Mark
10 points
Obtain the Mogutan Hat
10 points
Fashionista Fashionista
Obtain all pieces of clothing and accessories
25 points

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