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Panel de Pon

Panel de Pon



achievements (51)

iconinfoRA score
My Lips Are SealedMy Lips Are Sealed
Clear all of Lip's stages in Stage Clear Mode ( BALLcode required )
5 points
Lighter than AirLighter than Air
Defeat Windy in Vs. Mode (Any Difficulty)
5 points
Heavier than RainHeavier than Rain
Defeat Windy in Vs. Mode (Very Hard)
10 points
Big SnowmanBig Snowman
Defeat Sherbet in Vs. Mode (Any Difficulty)
5 points
Freezy FrostyFreezy Frosty
Defeat Sherbet in Vs. Mode (Very Hard)
10 points
Same Time, Same PanelSame Time, Same Panel
Clear Vs. Mode (Any Difficulty)
10 points
Merry FairyMerry Fairy
Defeat Thiana in Vs. Mode (Any Difficulty)
5 points
Druid's DelightDruid's Delight
Defeat Thiana in Vs. Mode (Very Hard)
10 points
Polished UpPolished Up
Defeat Ruby in Vs. Mode (Any Difficulty)
5 points
Defeat Ruby in Vs. Mode (Very Hard)
10 points
Watered DownWatered Down
Defeat Elias in Vs. Mode (Any Difficulty)
5 points
Defeat Elias in Vs. Mode (Very Hard)
10 points
Liquid Hot MagmaLiquid Hot Magma
Defeat Flaire in Vs. Mode (Any Difficulty)
5 points
Burn to the Ground!Burn to the Ground!
Defeat Flaire in Vs. Mode (Very Hard)
10 points
Sea What I Did There?Sea What I Did There?
Defeat Naris in Vs. Mode (Any Difficulty)
5 points
Blended Sea WaterBlended Sea Water
Defeat Naris in Vs. Mode (Very Hard)
10 points
Star Light, Star BrightStar Light, Star Bright
Defeat Seren in Vs. Mode (Any Difficulty)
5 points
To the MoonTo the Moon
Defeat Seren in Vs. Mode (Very Hard)
10 points
Rock the DragonRock the Dragon
Defeat Dragon in Vs. Mode (Any Difficulty)
5 points
Dragon Quest MonstersDragon Quest Monsters
Defeat Dragon in Vs. Mode (Very Hard)
10 points
God of DeathGod of Death
Defeat Thanatos in Vs. Mode
10 points
Ah, My Goddess!Ah, My Goddess!
Clear Vs. Mode on Hard and save Fairy World!
25 points
Lip ServiceLip Service
Complete all of Lip's Puzzles without returning to the main menu
5 points
I Wanna Fly Away (Yeah)I Wanna Fly Away (Yeah)
Complete all of Windy's Puzzles without returning to the main menu
5 points
Back to your RootsBack to your Roots
Complete all of Thiana's Puzzles without returning to the main menu
5 points
Water and Water and Water (and Water)Water and Water and Water (and Water)
Complete all of Elias's Puzzles without returning to the main menu
5 points
Super. Hot.Super. Hot.
Complete all of Flaire's Puzzles without returning to the main menu
5 points
Full MoonFull Moon
Complete all of Seren's Puzzles without returning to the main menu
5 points
Stopwatch AbuseStopwatch Abuse
Earn 3000 or more points in Time Trial mode at level 99 on Hard
25 points
Pon de FloorPon de Floor
Finish Stage Clear mode within in game 35 Minutes ( Passwords Banned, BALLcode required, Resets at main menu)
50 points
Seafoam SweepSeafoam Sweep
Defeat all four final fights in Vs. Mode as Neris
10 points
Gemstone SweepGemstone Sweep
Defeat all four final fights in Vs. Mode as Ruby
10 points
Snowflake SweepSnowflake Sweep
Defeat all four final fights in Vs. Mode as Sherbet
10 points
Hardy SpringHardy Spring
Complete all of Lip's Hard Puzzles without returning to the main menu
5 points
Hardy WindHardy Wind
Complete all of Windy's Hard Puzzles without returning to the main menu
5 points
Hardy WoodsHardy Woods
Complete all of Thiana's Hard Puzzles without returning to the main menu
5 points
Hardy RainHardy Rain
Complete all of Elias's Hard Puzzles without returning to the main menu
5 points
Hardy FlamesHardy Flames
Complete all of Flaire's Hard Puzzles without returning to the main menu
5 points
Hardy CratersHardy Craters
Complete all of Seren's Hard Puzzles without returning to the main menu
5 points
Flame GuardianFlame Guardian
Defeat Phoenix in Vs. Mode (Any Difficulty)
5 points
Osamu Tezuka Was WrongOsamu Tezuka Was Wrong
Defeat Phoenix in Vs. Mode (Very Hard)
10 points
Dexterity CheckDexterity Check
Survive Endless mode at Level 99 on Hard for at least 5 minutes
25 points
Fae Fae FarewellFae Fae Farewell
Clear Vs. Mode on Very Hard and save Fairy World!
25 points
Paneling MasterPaneling Master
Beat VS. mode on Hard or Higher without using a continue
25 points
Summer BreezeSummer Breeze
Clear all of Windy's stages in Stage Clear Mode ( BALLcode required )
5 points
Fairy of the WoodsFairy of the Woods
Clear all of Thiana's stages in Stage Clear Mode ( BALLcode required )
10 points
Clear StreamsClear Streams
Clear all of Elias's stages in Stage Clear Mode ( BALLcode required )
10 points
Fiery RedheadFiery Redhead
Clear all of Flare's stages in Stage Clear Mode ( BALLcode required )
10 points
Sailor PanelSailor Panel
Clear all of Seren's stages in Stage Clear Mode ( BALLcode required )
10 points
Demon King ThanatosDemon King Thanatos
Defeat Thanatos in Stage Clear mode ( BALLcode required )
25 points
On the Rainbow Chain RoadOn the Rainbow Chain Road
Create a 7x chain (No Easy Difficulty)
10 points

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