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Xbox One

achievements (35)

Complete an online race
10 Gamerscore
When the Going Gets ToughWhen the Going Gets Tough
Complete 5 online races
10 Gamerscore
Sofa ChallengeSofa Challenge
Complete a Split Screen race
10 Gamerscore
The ManagerThe Manager
Complete the first race in the Managerial Career mode
10 Gamerscore
My Word is a PromiseMy Word is a Promise
Race in Managerial Career and reach the sponsor's goal
10 Gamerscore
Team ChemistryTeam Chemistry
Race in Managerial Career and reach the points zone alongside your teammate
10 Gamerscore
Focus on ResearchFocus on Research
Race and win a race with a bike developed by the R&D department in Managerial Career
10 Gamerscore
Ready to Take OffReady to Take Off
Race and win a Moto3™ race with your rider in Managerial Career
10 Gamerscore
Win a Red Bull MotoGP™ Rookies Cup race in Rider Career
10 Gamerscore
A Good Start...A Good Start...
Race and earn pole position in a MotoGP™, Moto2™ or Moto3™ race in any offline mode
10 Gamerscore
A Real ProA Real Pro
Race and win a MotoGP™ race with Pro Physics, tire wear and damages active
10 Gamerscore
Try and Catch MeTry and Catch Me
Get the fastest lap in a race riding any MotoGP™ bike in any offline mode
10 Gamerscore
Hold a wheelie for 8 consecutive seconds in any offline mode
10 Gamerscore
A Sunday OutingA Sunday Outing
Race a total of 250 km (155 miles)
10 Gamerscore
Beginner's LuckBeginner's Luck
Win a Moto3™ race in Rider Career
10 Gamerscore
Natural TalentNatural Talent
Win a Moto2™ race in Rider Career
15 Gamerscore
Online ChampionOnline Champion
Complete 10 online races
15 Gamerscore
Online ExpertOnline Expert
Complete 15 online races
30 Gamerscore
Online VeteranOnline Veteran
Complete 20 online races
30 Gamerscore
The DebutThe Debut
You or one of your riders must win the Moto3™ championship in Managerial Career
30 Gamerscore
The PromiseThe Promise
You or one of your riders must win the Moto2™ championship in Managerial Career
30 Gamerscore
One Podium for TwoOne Podium for Two
Reach the podium together with your teammate in Managerial Career
30 Gamerscore
The Wonders of TechnologyThe Wonders of Technology
Race and win a race with a bike completely developed by the R&D department
30 Gamerscore
Born to WinBorn to Win
Race and win a race in Moto2™ with your rider in Managerial Career
30 Gamerscore
Champion MaterialChampion Material
Race and win a MotoGP™ race with your rider in Managerial Career
30 Gamerscore
A Mammoth WeekendA Mammoth Weekend
Obtain pole position and come first on the same weekend (playing) in Managerial Career
30 Gamerscore
From Rookie to TalentFrom Rookie to Talent
Win a Moto3™ Championship in any offline mode apart from Managerial Career
30 Gamerscore
From Talent to ChampionFrom Talent to Champion
Win a Moto2™ Championship in any offline mode apart from Managerial Career
30 Gamerscore
Trip OutdoorsTrip Outdoors
Race a total of 500 km (311 miles)
30 Gamerscore
Living LegendLiving Legend
Win a MotoGP™ race in Rider Career
30 Gamerscore
No MistakesNo Mistakes
Win a race in Rider Career with Rewind disabled
30 Gamerscore
The LegendThe Legend
You or one of your riders must win the MotoGP™ championship in Managerial Career
100 Gamerscore
From Champion to LegendFrom Champion to Legend
Win a MotoGP™ Championship in any offline mode apart from Managerial Career
100 Gamerscore
Bike HolidaysBike Holidays
Race a total of 750 km (466 miles)
100 Gamerscore
Win the championship in any category in Rider Career
100 Gamerscore

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