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Monster Hunter Freedom

Monster Hunter Freedom


PlayStation Portable

achievements (222)

iconinfoRA score
The Land Shark (LR)The Land Shark (LR)
Clear the 4 stars Guild Hall quest "The Land Shark"
4 points
Trouble in the Swamp (LR)Trouble in the Swamp (LR)
Clear the 4 stars Guild Hall quest "Trouble in the Swamp"
4 points
Slay the Gendrome! (LR)Slay the Gendrome! (LR)
Clear the 4 stars Guild Hall quest "Slay the Gendrome!"
4 points
Jungle MenaceJungle Menace
Clear the 4 stars Guild Hall quest "Jungle Menace"
4 points
Attack of the Yian Kut-Ku (LR)Attack of the Yian Kut-Ku (LR)
Clear the 4 stars Guild Hall quest "Attack of the Yian Kut-Ku"
4 points
Catch a Yian Kut-Ku (LR)Catch a Yian Kut-Ku (LR)
Clear the 4 stars Guild Hall quest "Catch a Yian Kut-Ku"
4 points
Catch a GypcerosCatch a Gypceros
Clear the 4 stars Guild Hall quest "Catch a Gypceros"
4 points
The Runaway Diablos (LR)The Runaway Diablos (LR)
Clear the 5 stars Guild Hall quest "The Runaway Diablos"
5 points
The Fearsome GraviosThe Fearsome Gravios
Clear the 5 stars Guild Hall quest "The Fearsome Gravios"
5 points
Basarios: Unseen Peril (LR)Basarios: Unseen Peril (LR)
Clear the 5 stars Guild Hall quest "Basarios: Unseen Peril"
5 points
Wyvern in the DarknessWyvern in the Darkness
Clear the 5 stars Guild Hall quest "Wyvern in the Darkness"
5 points
Get me a Live Khezu!Get me a Live Khezu!
Clear the 5 stars Guild Hall quest "Get me a Live Khezu!"
5 points
Water Wyvern in the JungleWater Wyvern in the Jungle
Clear the 5 stars Guild Hall quest "Water Wyvern in the Jungle"
5 points
The Desert PlesiothThe Desert Plesioth
Clear the 5 stars Guild Hall quest "The Desert Plesioth"
5 points
A Troublesome Pair (LR)A Troublesome Pair (LR)
Clear the 5 stars Guild Hall quest "A Troublesome Pair"
5 points
Four HornsFour Horns
Clear the urgent Guild Hall quest "Four Horns"
10 points
Attack of the Yian Kut-Ku (HR)Attack of the Yian Kut-Ku (HR)
Clear the 6 stars Guild Hall quest "Attack of the Yian Kut-Ku"
5 points
Trouble in the Swamp (HR)Trouble in the Swamp (HR)
Clear the 6 stars Guild Hall quest "Trouble in the Swamp"
5 points
Trapped by Yian Kut-KuTrapped by Yian Kut-Ku
Clear the 6 stars Guild Hall quest "Trapped by Yian Kut-Ku"
5 points
The Poison SiegeThe Poison Siege
Clear the 6 stars Guild Hall quest "The Poison Siege"
5 points
The Two Sand ShadowsThe Two Sand Shadows
Clear the 6 stars Guild Hall quest "The Two Sand Shadows"
5 points
The Shadow in the CaveThe Shadow in the Cave
Clear the 7 stars Guild Hall quest "The Shadow in the Cave"
10 points
Basarios: Invisible TerrorBasarios: Invisible Terror
Clear the 7 stars Guild Hall quest "Basarios: Invisible Terror"
10 points
Two Rock WyvernsTwo Rock Wyverns
Clear the 7 stars Guild Hall quest "Two Rock Wyverns"
10 points
The Thunderous DuoThe Thunderous Duo
Clear the urgent Guild Hall quest "The Thunderous Duo"
10 points
The Land and the SkyThe Land and the Sky
Clear the 7 stars Guild Hall quest "The Land and the Sky"
10 points
Queen of the JungleQueen of the Jungle
Clear the 8 stars Guild Hall quest "Queen of the Jungle"
10 points
Slay the Rathalos! (Silver)Slay the Rathalos! (Silver)
Clear the 8 stars Guild Hall quest "Slay the Rathalos!" (9700z)
10 points
Water Wyvern in the Jungle (Green)Water Wyvern in the Jungle (Green)
Clear the 8 stars Guild Hall quest "Water Wyvern in the Jungle" (8700z)
10 points
The Runaway Diablos (HR)The Runaway Diablos (HR)
Clear the 8 stars Guild Hall quest "The Runaway Diablos" (10000z)
10 points
The Runaway Diablos (Black)The Runaway Diablos (Black)
Clear the 8 stars Guild Hall quest "The Runaway Diablos" (12500z)
10 points
Volcanic ValorVolcanic Valor
Clear the 8 stars Guild Hall quest "Volcanic Valor" (9900z)
10 points
Volcanic Valor (Black)Volcanic Valor (Black)
Clear the 8 stars Guild Hall quest "Volcanic Valor" (12000z)
10 points
Wyverns of the Land and Sky (HR)Wyverns of the Land and Sky (HR)
Clear the 8 stars Guild Hall quest "Wyverns of the Land and Sky" (19200z)
10 points
Pink and AzurePink and Azure
Clear the urgent Guild Hall quest "Pink and Azure"
10 points
A Giant Dragon Invades!A Giant Dragon Invades!
Clear the urgent Guild Hall quest "A Giant Dragon Invades!"
25 points
A Giant Dragon Invades! (Ashen)A Giant Dragon Invades! (Ashen)
Clear the urgent Guild Hall quest "A Giant Dragon Invades!"
25 points
The Legendary Black DragonThe Legendary Black Dragon
Clear the urgent Guild Hall quest "The Legendary Black Dragon" (2800z)
25 points
The Great Jungle Kut-KuThe Great Jungle Kut-Ku
Clear the 2 stars Village quest "The Great Jungle Kut-Ku"
2 points
Liver of Legend!Liver of Legend!
Clear the 2 stars Village quest "Liver of Legend!"
2 points
The Formidable Velocidrome!The Formidable Velocidrome!
Clear the urgent Village quest "The Formidable Velocidrome!"
2 points
Trouble in the ForestTrouble in the Forest
Clear the 2 stars Village quest "Trouble in the Forest"
2 points
Catch a Yian Kut-KuCatch a Yian Kut-Ku
Clear the 3 stars Village quest "Catch a Yian Kut-Ku"
3 points
Velocidrome Redux!Velocidrome Redux!
Clear the 3 stars Village quest "Velocidrome Redux!"
3 points
The Land SharkThe Land Shark
Clear the urgent Village quest "The Land Shark"
3 points
More Coal PleaseMore Coal Please
Clear the 3 stars Village quest "More Coal Please"
3 points
Slay the Gendrome!Slay the Gendrome!
Clear the 3 stars Village quest "Slay the Gendrome!"
3 points
Slay the Gypceros!Slay the Gypceros!
Clear the 3 stars Village quest "Slay the Gypceros!"
3 points
The Plague of Yian Kut-KuThe Plague of Yian Kut-Ku
Clear the 4 stars Village quest "The Plague of Yian Kut-Ku"
4 points
Attack of the RathalosAttack of the Rathalos
Clear the urgent Village quest "Attack of the Rathalos"
4 points
Catch a RathalosCatch a Rathalos
Clear the 4 stars Village quest "Catch a Rathalos"
4 points
Basarios: Unseen PerilBasarios: Unseen Peril
Clear the 4 stars Village quest "Basarios: Unseen Peril"
4 points
The Fierce Flaming RathianThe Fierce Flaming Rathian
Clear the 4 stars Village quest "The Fierce Flaming Rathian"
4 points
Water Wyvern in the DesertWater Wyvern in the Desert
Clear the 5 stars Village quest "Water Wyvern in the Desert"
5 points
The Wyvern in the DarkThe Wyvern in the Dark
Clear the 5 stars Village quest "The Wyvern in the Dark"
5 points
Terror of the GraviosTerror of the Gravios
Clear the urgent Village quest "Terror of the Gravios"
5 points
Handle With Care!Handle With Care!
Clear the 5 stars Village quest "Handle With Care!"
5 points
A Troublesome PairA Troublesome Pair
Clear the 5 stars Village quest "A Troublesome Pair"
5 points
Horn of the MonoblosHorn of the Monoblos
Clear the urgent Village quest "Horn of the Monoblos"
5 points
Giant Wyvern InvasionGiant Wyvern Invasion
Clear the urgent Village quest "Giant Wyvern Invasion"
10 points
Wyverns of the Land and SkyWyverns of the Land and Sky
Clear the final Village quest "Wyverns of the Land and Sky"
50 points
Village 1 starsVillage 1 stars
Clear all 1 stars village quests
10 points
Village 2 starsVillage 2 stars
Clear all 2 stars village quests
10 points
Village 3 starsVillage 3 stars
Clear all 3 stars village quests
10 points
Village 4 starsVillage 4 stars
Clear all 4 stars village quests
10 points
Village 5 starsVillage 5 stars
Clear all 5 stars village quests
10 points
Kokoto KompletionKokoto Kompletion
Clear all the village quests
25 points
Guild Hall 1 starsGuild Hall 1 stars
Clear all 1 stars Guild Hall quests
10 points
Guild Hall 2 starsGuild Hall 2 stars
Clear all 2 stars Guild Hall quests
10 points
Guild Hall 3 starsGuild Hall 3 stars
Clear all 3 stars Guild Hall quests
10 points
Guild Hall 4 starsGuild Hall 4 stars
Clear all 4 stars Guild Hall quests
10 points
Guild Hall 5 starsGuild Hall 5 stars
Clear all 5 stars Guild Hall quests
10 points
Guild Hall 6 starsGuild Hall 6 stars
Clear all 6 stars Guild Hall quests
10 points
Guild Hall 7 starsGuild Hall 7 stars
Clear all 7 stars Guild Hall quests
10 points
Guild Hall 8 starsGuild Hall 8 stars
Clear all 8 stars Guild Hall quests
10 points
Guild Hall CulminationGuild Hall Culmination
Clear all the Guild Hall quests
25 points
Rathian HunterRathian Hunter
Slay 20 Rathian
10 points
Dragon PrincessDragon Princess
Slay 50 Rathian
25 points
Rathian PrincessRathian Princess
Obtain at least the Rathian silver crown
10 points
Rathian QueenRathian Queen
Obtain the Rathian gold crown
25 points
Dragon SlayerDragon Slayer
Slay 5 Fatalis
10 points
Dragon RuinerDragon Ruiner
Slay 30 Fatalis
25 points
Yian Kut-Ku HunterYian Kut-Ku Hunter
Slay 20 Yian Kut-Ku
10 points
Red BirdRed Bird
Slay 50 Yian Kut-Ku
25 points
Yian Kut-Ku PrinceYian Kut-Ku Prince
Obtain at least the Yian Kut-Ku silver crown
10 points
Yian Kut-Ku KingYian Kut-Ku King
Obtain the Yian Kut-Ku gold crown
25 points
Slay 5 Lao-Shan
10 points
Dragon SealerDragon Sealer
Slay 30 Lao-Shan
25 points
Cephadrome HunterCephadrome Hunter
Slay 20 Cephadrome
10 points
Dust StormDust Storm
Slay 50 Cephadrome
25 points
Cephadrome PrinceCephadrome Prince
Obtain at least the Cephadrome silver crown
10 points
Cephadrome KingCephadrome King
Obtain the Cephadrome gold crown
25 points
Rathalos HunterRathalos Hunter
Slay 20 Rathalos
10 points
Slay 50 Rathalos
25 points
Rathalos PrinceRathalos Prince
Obtain at least the Rathalos silver crown
10 points
Rathalos KingRathalos King
Obtain the Rathalos gold crown
25 points
Diablos HunterDiablos Hunter
Slay 20 Diablos
10 points
Pair of DevilsPair of Devils
Slay 50 Diablos
25 points
Diablos PrinceDiablos Prince
Obtain at least the Diablos silver crown
10 points
Diablos KingDiablos King
Obtain the Diablos gold crown
25 points
Khezu HunterKhezu Hunter
Slay 20 Khezu
10 points
White DarknessWhite Darkness
Slay 50 Khezu
25 points
Khezu PrinceKhezu Prince
Obtain at least the Khezu silver crown
10 points
Khezu KingKhezu King
Obtain the Khezu gold crown
25 points
Gravios HunterGravios Hunter
Slay 20 Gravios
10 points
Blazing MountainBlazing Mountain
Slay 50 Gravios
25 points
Gravios PrinceGravios Prince
Obtain at least the Gravios silver crown
10 points
Gravios KingGravios King
Obtain the Gravios gold crown
25 points
Gypceros HunterGypceros Hunter
Slay 20 Gypceros
10 points
Slay 50 Gypceros
25 points
Gypceros PrinceGypceros Prince
Obtain at least the Gypceros silver crown
10 points
Gypceros KingGypceros King
Obtain the Gypceros gold crown
25 points
Plesioth HunterPlesioth Hunter
Slay 20 Plesioth
10 points
Raging RapidsRaging Rapids
Slay 50 Plesioth
25 points
Plesioth PrincePlesioth Prince
Obtain at least the Plesioth silver crown
10 points
Plesioth KingPlesioth King
Obtain the Plesioth gold crown
25 points
Basarios HunterBasarios Hunter
Slay 20 Basarios
10 points
Hidden RockHidden Rock
Slay 50 Basarios
25 points
Basarios PrinceBasarios Prince
Obtain at least the Basarios silver crown
10 points
Basarios KingBasarios King
Obtain the Basarios gold crown
25 points
Monoblos HunterMonoblos Hunter
Slay 20 Monoblos
10 points
Single HornSingle Horn
Slay 50 Monoblos
25 points
Monoblos PrinceMonoblos Prince
Obtain at least the Monoblos silver crown
10 points
Monoblos KingMonoblos King
Obtain the Monoblos gold crown
25 points
Velocidrome HunterVelocidrome Hunter
Slay 20 Velocidrome
10 points
Blue ClawBlue Claw
Slay 50 Velocidrome
25 points
Velocidrome PrinceVelocidrome Prince
Obtain at least the Velocidrome silver crown
10 points
Velocidrome KingVelocidrome King
Obtain the Velocidrome gold crown
25 points
Gendrome HunterGendrome Hunter
Slay 20 Gendrome
10 points
Green FangGreen Fang
Slay 50 Gendrome
25 points
Gendrome PrinceGendrome Prince
Obtain at least the Gendrome silver crown
10 points
Gendrome KingGendrome King
Obtain the Gendrome gold crown
25 points
Iodrome HunterIodrome Hunter
Slay 20 Iodrome
10 points
Crimson PoisonCrimson Poison
Slay 50 Iodrome
25 points
Iodrome PrinceIodrome Prince
Obtain at least the Iodrome silver crown
10 points
Iodrome KingIodrome King
Obtain the Iodrome gold crown
25 points
Kirin HunterKirin Hunter
Slay 20 Kirin
10 points
Thunder GodThunder God
Slay 50 Kirin
25 points
Kirin PrinceKirin Prince
Obtain at least the Kirin silver crown
10 points
Kirin KingKirin King
Obtain the Kirin gold crown
25 points
Yian Garuga HunterYian Garuga Hunter
Slay 5 Yian Garuga
10 points
Black WolfBlack Wolf
Slay 30 Yian Garuga
25 points
Yian Garuga PrinceYian Garuga Prince
Obtain at least the Yian Garuga silver crown
10 points
Yian Garuga KingYian Garuga King
Obtain the Yian Garuga gold crown
25 points
Bowgun BadgeBowgun Badge
Obtain the Guild Card award "Bowgun Badge"
10 points
Bronze MedalBronze Medal
Obtain the Guild Card award "Bronze Medal"
10 points
Obtain the Guild Card award "Dosbiscus"
10 points
Fatalis RingFatalis Ring
Obtain the Guild Card award "Fatalis Ring"
10 points
Gold MedalGold Medal
Obtain the Guild Card award "Gold Medal"
10 points
Gold Smith HammerGold Smith Hammer
Obtain the Guild Card award "Gold Smith Hammer"
10 points
Grateful LetterGrateful Letter
Obtain the Guild Card award "Grateful Letter"
10 points
Great Sword BadgeGreat Sword Badge
Obtain the Guild Card award "Great Sword Badge"
10 points
Hammer BadgeHammer Badge
Obtain the Guild Card award "Hammer Badge"
10 points
King's CrownKing's Crown
Obtain the Guild Card award "King's Crown"
10 points
Kokoto ButterflyKokoto Butterfly
Obtain the Guild Card award "Kokoto Butterfly"
10 points
Lance BadgeLance Badge
Obtain the Guild Card award "Lance Badge"
10 points
Mane EarringsMane Earrings
Obtain the Guild Card award "Mane Earrings"
10 points
Origin OreOrigin Ore
Obtain the Guild Card award "Origin Ore"
10 points
Rare Species ReportRare Species Report
Obtain the Guild Card award "Rare Species Report"
10 points
Seal of the SageSeal of the Sage
Obtain the Guild Card award "Seal of the Sage"
10 points
Silver MedalSilver Medal
Obtain the Guild Card award "Silver Medal"
10 points
Springnight CarpSpringnight Carp
Obtain the Guild Card award "Springnight Carp"
10 points
Sword BadgeSword Badge
Obtain the Guild Card award "Sword Badge"
10 points
Village Chief's BandanaVillage Chief's Bandana
Obtain the Guild Card award "Village Chief's Bandana"
10 points
Village Chief's CapeVillage Chief's Cape
Obtain the Guild Card award "Village Chief's Cape"
10 points
Village Chief's ScarfVillage Chief's Scarf
Obtain the Guild Card award "Village Chief's Scarf"
10 points
Village Chief's TowelVillage Chief's Towel
Obtain the Guild Card award "Village Chief's Towel"
10 points
Wanderer's MapWanderer's Map
Obtain the Guild Card award "Wanderer's Map"
10 points
Yian Kut-Ku ExpertYian Kut-Ku Expert
Complete all the Yian Kut-Ku training quests
10 points
Rathalos ExpertRathalos Expert
Complete all the Rathalos training quests
10 points
Gypceros ExpertGypceros Expert
Complete all the Gypceros training quests
10 points
Plesioth ExpertPlesioth Expert
Complete all the Plesioth training quests
10 points
Khezu ExpertKhezu Expert
Complete all the Khezu training quests
10 points
Rathian ExpertRathian Expert
Complete all the Rathian training quests
10 points
Cephadrome ExpertCephadrome Expert
Complete all the Cephadrome training quests
10 points
Monoblos ExpertMonoblos Expert
Complete all the Monoblos training quests
10 points
Basarios ExpertBasarios Expert
Complete all the Basarios training quests
10 points
Gravios ExpertGravios Expert
Complete all the Gravios training quests
10 points
Sword ExpertSword Expert
Complete all the Sword training quests
10 points
Great Sword ExpertGreat Sword Expert
Complete all the Great Sword training quests
10 points
Hammer ExpertHammer Expert
Complete all the Hammer training quests
10 points
Lance ExpertLance Expert
Complete all the Lance training quests
10 points
Bowgun ExpertBowgun Expert
Complete all the Bowgun training quests
10 points
Full Fledged FarmerFull Fledged Farmer
Obtain all the Kokoto Farm upgrades
10 points
Sous-chef in trainingSous-chef in training
Hire a Felyne chef
1 points
Three Meowchelin Stars KitchenThree Meowchelin Stars Kitchen
Have a full team of level 9 Felyne chefs
10 points
Pawfectly poachedPawfectly poached
Recieve a random gift from a Felyne chef
1 points
Hair today, ball tomorrowHair today, ball tomorrow
Complete a trade with a Felyne chef
1 points
Meow want fries with that?Meow want fries with that?
Recieve a gift from your head chef for being a regular at the Felyne Kitchen
3 points
Hunter's Best FriendHunter's Best Friend
Befriend the village Poogie
1 points
Great Sword CollectorGreat Sword Collector
Collect 3 great swords of rarity 6 or higher (check GC)
5 points
Sword CollectorSword Collector
Collect 3 sword and shields of rarity 6 or higher (check GC)
5 points
Lance CollectorLance Collector
Collect 3 lances of rarity 6 or higher (check GC)
5 points
Hammer CollectorHammer Collector
Collect 3 hammers of rarity 6 or higher (check GC)
5 points
Dual Blades CollectorDual Blades Collector
Collect 3 dual blades of rarity 6 or higher (check GC)
5 points
Light Bowgun CollectorLight Bowgun Collector
Collect 3 light bowguns of rarity 6 or higher (check GC)
5 points
Heavy Bowgun CollectorHeavy Bowgun Collector
Collect 3 heavy bowguns of rarity 6 or higher (check GC)
5 points
Desert GuideDesert Guide
Complete 20 quests in the Desert
5 points
Forest and Hills GuideForest and Hills Guide
Complete 20 quests in the Forest and Hills
5 points
Jungle GuideJungle Guide
Complete 20 quests in the Jungle
5 points
Swamp GuideSwamp Guide
Complete 20 quests in the Swamp
5 points
Volcanic Belt GuideVolcanic Belt Guide
Complete 20 quests in the Volcanic Belt
5 points
Plessey AnglerPlessey Angler
Fish a Plesioth with a frog in a quest (check GC)
3 points
Gypceros DestroyerGypceros Destroyer
Break all breakable parts of a Gypceros in a single hunt (High Rank only)
10 points
Rathalos DestroyerRathalos Destroyer
Break all breakable parts of a Rathalos in a single hunt (High Rank only)
10 points
Rathian DestroyerRathian Destroyer
Break all breakable parts of a Rathian in a single hunt (High Rank only)
10 points
Basarios DestroyerBasarios Destroyer
Break all breakable parts of a Basarios in a single hunt (High Rank only)
10 points
Gravios DestroyerGravios Destroyer
Break all breakable parts of a Gravios in a single hunt (High Rank only)
10 points
Monoblos DestroyerMonoblos Destroyer
Break all breakable parts of a Monoblos in a single hunt
10 points
Diablos DestroyerDiablos Destroyer
Break all breakable parts of a Diablos in a single hunt (High Rank only)
10 points
Unshocking EventUnshocking Event
Defeat any Khezu in their own quest without using healing items (High Rank only)
10 points
Kut the KuKut the Ku
Hunt 10 Yian Kut-Ku in a row in the 7 stars GH quest "Wrath of the Yian Kut-Ku"
10 points
Official Freedom Punching BagOfficial Freedom Punching Bag
Complete the 2 stars village quest "Formidable Velocidrome!" with all 7 weapons in a single session
10 points
Leader of the PackLeader of the Pack
Defeat a Cephadrome, a Velocidrome, a Gendrome and an Iodrome in a row, in their respective quests, in the same session
10 points
Already Tracked You DownAlready Tracked You Down
Kill a monster in less than a minute after the paint effect wears off (High Rank only)
10 points
Just a Big SwordJust a Big Sword
Complete the 5 stars GH quest "On the Trail of the Beast" (Kirin) using a Great Sword and no armor at all
25 points
Naked and AfraidNaked and Afraid
Complete the 8 stars GH quest "Slay the Rathalos!" (Azure Rathalos) using a Sword and Shield and no armor at all
25 points
Complete the 7 stars GH quest "Queen of the Desert" (Pink Rathian) using a Hammer and no armor at all
25 points
A Shield is EnoughA Shield is Enough
Complete the 7 stars GH quest "A Wyvern in the Darkness" (Red Khezu) using a Lance and no armor at all
25 points
Complete the 8 stars GH quest "Volcanic Valor" (Black Gravios) using Dual Blades and no armor at all
25 points
Going CommandoGoing Commando
Complete the 8 stars GH quest "Water Wyvern in the Jungle" (Green Plesioth) using a Light Bowgun and no armor at all
25 points
Not so Heavy BowgunNot so Heavy Bowgun
Complete the 8 stars GH quest "The Runaway Diablos" (Black Diablos) using a Heavy Bowgun and no armor at all
25 points

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