icon | info | RA score |
Jungle Explorer Complete the 1 star quest 'Explore the Jungle!' | 3 points | |
Domain of the Blue Hunter Complete the 1 star quest 'The Blue Hunter's Domain' | 5 points | |
Boar King's Bane Complete the 1 star quest 'Hunt the Boar King!' | 5 points | |
Chilled Hunter Complete the 1 star quest 'Frigid Hunting' | 5 points | |
Reckless Pursuit Complete the 1 star quest 'A Reckless Rush' | 5 points | |
Bird Whisperer Complete the 1 star quest 'Tracking the Bird's Call' | 5 points | |
Violet Conqueror Complete the 1 star quest 'A Violet Rampage' | 5 points | |
Red Elimination Complete the 1 star quest 'A Splash of Red and Poison' | 5 points | |
Poisonous Menace Complete the 1 star quest 'It That Wields Poison' | 5 points | |
Bird Watcher Complete the 1 star quest 'Blue Bird Watching' | 5 points | |
Poison-Charged Complete the 1 star quest 'Charging Through Poison' | 5 points | |
Underground Ambush Complete the 1 star quest 'A Trap Lurking Underground' | 5 points | |
Desert Leaper Complete the 1 star quest 'Leaping in the Desert' | 5 points | |
Hermitaur Hunt Complete the 2 stars urgent quest 'Hunting a Daimyo Hermitaur!' | 5 points | |
Waterfront Encounter Complete the 2 stars quest 'The Waterfront Daimyo' | 5 points | |
Heir's Defeat Complete the 2 stars quest 'Heir of the Dead' | 5 points | |
Queen's Domain Complete the 2 stars quest 'The Queen of the Land' | 5 points | |
Dance Partner Complete the 2 stars quest 'The Queen's Dance' | 5 points | |
Ape Conqueror Complete the 2 stars quest 'A Gluttonous Ape' | 5 points | |
Pink Territory Complete the 2 stars quest 'The Pink Ape's Territory' | 5 points | |
Red Snow Tracker Complete the 2 stars quest 'Red in a Field of Snow' | 5 points | |
Jungle Blossom Complete the 2 stars quest 'The Jungle's Cherry Blossom' | 5 points | |
Desert Blossom Complete the 2 stars quest 'The Desert Cherry Blossom' | 5 points | |
Wyvern Sands Complete the 2 stars quest 'Wyvern in the Sands' | 5 points | |
Shadow in the Dark Complete the 2 stars quest 'A White Shadow in the Dark' | 5 points | |
Sky Soarer Complete the 2 stars quest 'The King of the Skies' | 5 points | |
Royal Wyvern Duo Complete the 2 stars quest 'The King and Queen Wyverns' | 5 points | |
Azure Roar Complete the 2 stars quest 'The Azure Wyvern's Roar' | 5 points | |
Horned Wyvern Hunt Complete the 3 stars urgent quest 'Hunt the One-horned Wyvern!' | 10 points | |
Jade Depths Complete the 3 stars quest 'The Sunken Jade' | 10 points | |
Swamp's Scythe Complete the 3 stars quest 'The Scythe in the Swamp' | 10 points | |
Earth's Scythe Complete the 3 stars quest 'The Earth-splitting Scythe' | 10 points | |
Beast Lord Complete the 3 stars quest 'The Lord of Fanged Beasts' | 10 points | |
Black Armor Complete the 3 stars quest 'The Black-armored Wyvern' | 10 points | |
White Devil Complete the 3 stars quest 'The Fearsome White Devil' | 10 points | |
Horned Wyvern Complete the 3 stars quest 'The Brutal Horned Wyvern' | 10 points | |
Conqueror Conquered Complete the 3 stars quest 'The Scorching Conqueror' | 10 points | |
Lake Wyvern Complete the 3 stars quest 'The Cavern Lake Wyvern' | 10 points | |
Twisted Horns Complete the 3 stars quest 'Jet-black Twisted Horns' | 10 points | |
Azure Explorer Complete the 3 stars quest 'The Azure Wyvern's Roost' | 10 points | |
Tempest Tamer Complete the 4 stars urgent quest 'An Endless Typhoon' | 10 points | |
Sands of Destiny Complete the 4 stars urgent quest 'Portent of Sand and Steel' | 10 points | |
Steel Tempest Complete the 4 stars urgent quest 'Icy Winds Awoken by Steel' | 10 points | |
Flames of Sovereignty Complete the 4 stars urgent quest 'Empress of Crimson Flames' | 10 points | |
Sun's Descent Complete the 4 stars urgent quest 'The Sun Fallen in the Sand' | 10 points | |
Tower Ascendant Complete the 4 stars urgent quest 'The Empress's Tower' | 10 points | |
Jungle Monsoon Complete the 4 stars quest 'The Jungle Typhoon' | 10 points | |
Sandstorm Survivor Complete the 4 stars quest 'The Desert Sandstorm' | 10 points | |
Shattered Silence Complete the 4 stars quest 'Silence' | 10 points | |
Elder Dragon's Bane Complete the 4 stars quest 'The Silent Elder Dragon' | 10 points | |
Phantom Vanquished Complete the 4 stars quest 'Phantom of the Jungle' | 10 points | |
Fortress Guardian Complete the 4 stars defense quest 'Defending the Fortress' | 10 points | |
Flame Emperor's Demise Complete the 4 stars quest 'The Emperor of Flame' | 10 points | |
Desert Sands Melter Complete the 4 stars quest 'Smelting the Desert Sands' | 10 points | |
Drifting Phantom Complete the 4 stars quest 'A Phantom in the Drifts' | 10 points | |
Tower Struck Complete the 4 stars quest 'Lighting Strikes the Tower' | 10 points | |
Warm - 1 Star Complete all of the Village's Warm Season 1 star quests | 10 points | |
Cold - 1 Star Complete all of the Village's Cold Season 1 star quests | 10 points | |
Breeding - 1 Star Complete all of the Village's Breeding Season 1 star quests | 10 points | |
Warm - 2 Stars Complete all of the Village's Warm Season 2 stars quests | 10 points | |
Cold - 2 Stars Complete all of the Village's Cold Season 2 stars quests | 10 points | |
Breeding - 2 Stars Complete all of the Village's Breeding Season 2 stars quests | 10 points | |
Warm - 3 Stars Complete all of the Village's Warm Season 3 stars quests | 10 points | |
Cold - 3 Stars Complete all of the Village's Cold Season 3 stars quests | 10 points | |
Breeding - 3 Stars Complete all of the Village's Breeding Season 3 stars quests | 10 points | |
Warm - 4 Stars Complete all of the Village's Warm Season 4 stars quests | 10 points | |
Cold - 4 Stars Complete all of the Village's Cold Season 4 stars quests | 10 points | |
Breeding - 4 Stars Complete all of the Village's Breeding Season 4 stars quests | 10 points | |
Rathian Royalty Collect both of the Rathian shortest Gold Crown and longest Silver Crown | 25 points | |
Yian Kut-Ku Royalty Collect both of the Yian Kut-Ku shortest Gold Crown and longest Silver Crown | 25 points | |
Hunter's Journey Has Started Complete all the Hunter Basics quests | 3 points | |
Weapon Specialist Complete all the Weapon Training quests | 3 points | |
Speedy Lure Complete 'An A-lure-ing Outing!' in less than 10 minutes | 10 points | |
Squashing Champion Complete 'Gotta Squash 'Em All!' in less than 5 minutes | 10 points | |
Desert Escape Complete 'Desert Runaways!' in less than 3 minutes | 10 points | |
Quick Egg Complete 'Herbivore Egg Hunt!' in less than 5 minutes | 10 points | |
Swift Slain Complete 'Hunt the Jungle Queen!' in less than 13 minutes | 10 points | |
Rapid Hunt Complete 'Hunt, Hunt, and Hunt!' in less than 15 minutes | 10 points | |
Skull Expediter Complete 'Giant Skull in the Sand?!' in less than 15 minutes | 10 points | |
Eggcellent Time Complete 'An Eggcellent Taste!' in less than 7 minutes | 10 points | |
Dual Monstrous Expert Complete 'Woah! Two Huge Monsters!' in less than 15 minutes | 10 points | |
Blue Beasts Sprinter Complete 'Face the Blue Beasts!' in less than 2 minutes | 10 points | |
Bird Speedster Complete 'Fighting a Monstrous Bird!' in less than 4 minutes | 10 points | |
Fast Vanquisher Complete 'The Queen of the Land!' in less than 6 minutes | 10 points | |
Bourgeois Hunter Have 2,000,000z at once in your possession | 10 points | |
Maverick Hunter Have 300 hours of gameplay | 5 points | |
Clever Combiner Do 213/237 of the Combo recipes | 25 points | |
Gluttony Have 100 meals | 5 points | |
Pro Wrestler Win 50 times in the Arm Wrestling Minigame | 5 points | |
Unending Thrist Win 50 times in the Drinking Minigame | 5 points | |
Velociprey Hunter Hunt 20 Velocidrome | 5 points | |
Genprey Hunter Hunt 20 Gendrome | 5 points | |
Ioprey Hunter Hunt 20 Iodrome | 5 points | |
Bulldrome Hunter Hunt 20 Bulldrome | 5 points | |
Kut-Ku Hunter Hunt 20 Yian Kut-Ku (Subspecies included) | 10 points | |
Gypceros Hunter Hunt 20 Gypceros (Subspecies included) | 10 points | |
Cephalos Hunter Hunt 20 Cephadrome | 10 points | |
Rathian Hunter Hunt 20 Rathian (Subspecies included) | 10 points | |
Khezu Hunter Hunt 20 Khezu (Subspecies included) | 10 points | |
Plesioth Hunter Hunt 20 Plesioth (Subspecies included) | 10 points | |
Monoblos Hunter Hunt 20 Monoblos (Subspecies included) | 10 points | |
Diablos Hunter Hunt 20 Diablos (Subspecies included) | 10 points | |
Basarios Hunter Hunt 20 Basarios (Subspecies included) | 10 points | |
Gravios Hunter Hunt 20 Gravios (Subspecies included) | 10 points | |
Rathalos Hunter Hunt 20 Rathalos (Subspecies included) | 10 points | |
Kirin Hunter Hunt 20 Kirin | 10 points | |
Hermitaur Hunter Hunt 20 Daimyo Hermitaur | 10 points | |
Ceanataur Hunter Hunt 20 Shogun Ceanataur | 10 points | |
Blangonga Hunter Hunt 20 Blangonga | 10 points | |
Congalala Hunter Hunt 20 Congalala | 10 points | |
Kushala Hunter Hunt 20 Kushala Daora | 10 points | |
Chameleos Hunter Hunt 20 Chameleos | 10 points | |
Teo Hunter Hunt 20 Teostra | 10 points | |
Luna Hunter Hunt 20 Lunastra | 10 points | |
Blue Claws Hunt 50 Velocidrome | 10 points | |
Blue Fang Hunt 50 Gendrome | 10 points | |
Crimson Poison Hunt 50 Iodrome | 10 points | |
Ham Slayer Hunt 50 Bulldrome | 10 points | |
Red Bird Hunt 50 Yian Kut-Ku (Subspecies included) | 10 points | |
Flash Hunt 50 Gypceros (Subspecies included) | 10 points | |
Cloud of Sand Hunt 50 Cephadrome | 10 points | |
Wyvern Princess Hunt 50 Rathian (Subspecies included) | 10 points | |
Light in the Darkness Hunt 50 Khezu (Subspecies included) | 10 points | |
Fish Out of Water Hunt 50 Plesioth (Subspecies included) | 10 points | |
The Cornered Hunt 50 Monoblos (Subspecies included) | 10 points | |
Double Demon Hunt 50 Diablos (Subspecies included) | 10 points | |
Hidden Rock Hunt 50 Basarios (Subspecies included) | 10 points | |
Flaming Mountain Hunt 50 Gravios (Subspecies included) | 10 points | |
Monarch Hunt 50 Rathalos (Subspecies included) | 10 points | |
Thunder God Hunt 50 Kirin | 10 points | |
Immovable Object Hunt 50 Daimyo Hermitaur | 10 points | |
Sharpest Sword Hunt 50 Shogun Ceanataur | 10 points | |
Unstoppable Force Hunt 50 Blangonga | 10 points | |
Clown Hunt 50 Congalala | 10 points | |
Hurricane Hunt 50 Kushala Daora | 10 points | |
Prismatic Hunt 50 Chameleos | 10 points | |
Fire Emperor Hunt 50 Teostra | 10 points | |
Hellfire Hunt 50 Lunastra | 10 points | |
Sealed Wyvern Samurai Hunt 30 Lao-Shan Lung | 10 points | |
Capture Master Capture 100 Large Monsters as Main Objective | 10 points | |
Big Master Hunt 5 Big-size (Silver Crown) monsters (Normal and Subspecies distinguished) | 25 points | |
Giant Hunt 10 Big-size (Silver Crown) monsters (Normal and Subspecies distinguished) | 25 points | |
Titan Hunt 15 Big-size (Silver Crown) monsters (Normal and Subspecies distinguished) | 25 points | |
Mini Hunt 5 Small-size (Gold Crown) monsters (Normal and Subspecies distinguished) | 25 points | |
Mega-Mini Hunt 10 Small-size (Gold Crown) monsters (Normal and Subspecies distinguished) | 25 points | |
Ultimate Chicken Hunt 15 Small-size (Gold Crown) monsters (Normal and Subspecies distinguished) | 25 points | |
Dr. Mushroom Deliver a total of 30 Spicy Mushrooms | 5 points | |
Mushroom Master Deliver a total of 30 Choice Mushrooms | 5 points | |
Egg Thief Deliver a total of 30 Wyvern Eggs | 5 points | |
Crystal Hunter Deliver a total of 30 Sootstones Ore | 5 points | |
Danger Hunter Deliver a total of 30 Powderstone | 5 points | |
Alpine Hunter Plant 30 Guild Flags | 5 points | |
Transporter Clear any Transport Quests 30 times | 10 points | |
Jungle Guide Clear 100 quests in the Jungle | 10 points | |
Desert Guide Clear 100 quests in the Desert | 10 points | |
Swamp Guide Clear 100 quests in the Swamp | 10 points | |
Snowy Mountain Guide Clear 100 quests in the Snowy Mountains | 10 points | |
Volcano Guide Clear 100 quests in the Volcano | 10 points | |
Forest & Hills Guide Clear 100 quests in the Forests & Hills | 10 points | |
Dojo Go-Getter Have over 200,000 total points at the Hunter's Dojo | 10 points | |
Dojo Coin Master Adquire all the coins available at the Dojo | 10 points | |
Max Points Fanatic Score 15,000 at the Hunter's Dojo | 10 points | |
Dojo Teacher Clear all Hunter's Dojo quests | 10 points | |
Hero of Jumbo Clear all Village Quests | 25 points | |
Timely Foe Complete 'Facing Shogun Ceanataur!' in less than 12 minutes | 10 points | |
Thunder Pursuer Complete 'Chasing Rolling Thunder' in less than 20 minutes | 25 points | |
Cephadrome Royalty Collect both of the Cephadrome shortest Gold Crown and longest Silver Crown | 25 points | |
Rathalos Royalty Collect both of the Rathalos shortest Gold Crown and longest Silver Crown | 25 points | |
Diablos Royalty Collect both of the Diablos shortest Gold Crown and longest Silver Crown | 25 points | |
Khezu Royalty Collect both of the Khezu shortest Gold Crown and longest Silver Crown | 25 points | |
Gravios Royalty Collect both of the Gravios shortest Gold Crown and longest Silver Crown | 25 points | |
Gypceros Royalty Collect both of the Gypceros shortest Gold Crown and longest Silver Crown | 25 points | |
Plesioth Royalty Collect both of the Plesioth shortest Gold Crown and longest Silver Crown | 25 points | |
Basarios Royalty Collect both of the Basarios shortest Gold Crown and longest Silver Crown | 25 points | |
Monoblos Royalty Collect both of the Monoblos shortest Gold Crown and longest Silver Crown | 25 points | |
Velocidrome Royalty Collect both of the Velocidrome shortest Gold Crown and longest Silver Crown | 25 points | |
Gendrome Royalty Collect both of the Gendrome shortest Gold Crown and longest Silver Crown | 25 points | |
Iodrome Royalty Collect both of the Iodrome shortest Gold Crown and longest Silver Crown | 25 points | |
Kirin Royalty Collect both of the Kirin shortest Gold Crown and longest Silver Crown | 25 points | |
Daimyo Hermitaur Royalty Collect both of the Daimyo Hermitaur shortest Gold Crown and longest Silver Crown | 25 points | |
Blangonga Royalty Collect both of the Blangonga shortest Gold Crown and longest Silver Crown | 25 points | |
Congalala Royalty Collect both of the Congalala shortest Gold Crown and longest Silver Crown | 25 points | |
Kushala Daora Royalty Collect both of the Kushala Daora shortest Gold Crown and longest Silver Crown | 25 points | |
Chameleos Royalty Collect both of the Chameleos shortest Gold Crown and longest Silver Crown | 25 points | |
Lunastra Royalty Collect both of the Lunastra shortest Gold Crown and longest Silver Crown | 25 points | |
Teostra Royalty Collect both of the Teostra shortest Gold Crown and longest Silver Crown | 25 points | |
Shogun Ceanataur Royalty Collect both of the Shogun Ceanataur shortest Gold Crown and longest Silver Crown | 25 points | |
Bulldrome Royalty Collect both of the Bulldrome shortest Gold Crown and longest Silver Crown | 25 points | |
Town Developed Upgrade all the town facilities to Level 3 | 10 points |