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Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete

Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete



achievements (107)

iconinfoRA score
For Artistic PurposesFor Artistic Purposes
Decide it's okay to have questionable photos of your friends and view a bromide for the first time.
4 points
The Creepy FriendThe Creepy Friend
Despite your friends' suspicions, you continued to collect and view half of the bromides.
10 points
I Found Them, I Swear!I Found Them, I Swear!
You have successfully evaded condemnation by acquiring and viewing all bromides.
25 points
The First StepThe First Step
Complete Quark's trial and obtain the Dragon Diamond
5 points
Thanks, but No ThanksThanks, but No Thanks
Refuse Laike's help in Weird Woods and win all three battles
10 points
Onward to MeribiaOnward to Meribia
Obtain the Sea Chart from a very old woman
5 points
The Blue BoogerThe Blue Booger
Defeat Saline Slimer
5 points
Sword vs AxeSword vs Axe
Meet Master Mel and best him in battle without the use of magic
10 points
Septic SerpentSeptic Serpent
Defeat the Water Dragon
5 points
Have the singer in Meribia share a tune with you
3 points
Truffle ShuffleTruffle Shuffle
Defeat the Truffle Troubler in the Cave of Trials
5 points
Skipping the TutorialSkipping the Tutorial
Clear the Cave of Trials in one session without being healed by test administrators
10 points
Have the singer in Lann share a tune with you
3 points
Trial of DenialTrial of Denial
Defeat Dragonmaster Zoc at Lann Island
5 points
Master MarinersMaster Mariners
Clear Lann Island from start to finish after the first boat ride [one session]
5 points
Hard to GetHard to Get
Refuse Mia's assistance nine times in the Magic Guild Jail
2 points
There Goes That VileThere Goes That Vile
Defeat the Ultragoyles and make it back from Crystal Tower
5 points
Caldor ExplorerCaldor Explorer
Open all chests in Burg, White Dragon Cave, Weird Woods, and Old Hag's Forest.
10 points
Katarina SurveyorKatarina Surveyor
Open all chests in Meribian Sewers, Cave of Trials, Zanza Barrier, Lann Island, and Crystal Tower
10 points
Hometown Show-OffHometown Show-Off
While in Burg with Ghaleon, visit your parents, Dyne's monument, and the spring
4 points
Crusty CrustaceanCrusty Crustacean
Defeat the Vile Crustacean
5 points
Beastman of WaxBeastman of Wax
Defeat Plaster Mel in Meryod Forest
5 points
A Fighter, Not a PrestidigitatorA Fighter, Not a Prestidigitator
Defeat Plaster Mel without using MP
5 points
Ceramic ExhibitionCeramic Exhibition
Have each party member make a clay sculpture for Damon
5 points
Have the singer in Meryod share a tune with you
5 points
The Artful PickpocketThe Artful Pickpocket
Finish all of Damon's tests and obtain the Thieves' Guide
5 points
An Unfortunate EventAn Unfortunate Event
Press the switch in the Iluk inventor's house
2 points
We Have Liftoff... AgainWe Have Liftoff... Again
Enter the Thieves Guild Bazaar and get the Dragon Wings back
5 points
Feisty Little ThingsFeisty Little Things
In Iluk Field, catch a Fluffy Bug after engaging in only one Fluffy Bug battle. [One session] [Return to town to retry]
5 points
Sausage FestSausage Fest
Unlock and view both scenes at the men's Hot Spring
5 points
Teaching Bitches to HeelTeaching Bitches to Heel
Defeat the Bronze Dogs
5 points
Marius AdventurerMarius Adventurer
Open all the chests in Meryod Woods, Damon's Spire, Lluk Field, and Red Dragon Cave.
10 points
In Plain SightIn Plain Sight
Read Ghaleon's Diary
3 points
For Thieves' Eyes Only IFor Thieves' Eyes Only I
Open your first Red Chest
5 points
For Thieves' Eyes Only IIFor Thieves' Eyes Only II
Open seven of the Red Chests
10 points
For Thieves' Eyes Only IIIFor Thieves' Eyes Only III
Open all fourteen of the Red Chests
25 points
Honor Among ThievesHonor Among Thieves
Return the Old Notebook to the Thieves' Guild agent in Meryod
5 points
Girls Just Want to Have FunGirls Just Want to Have Fun
Unlock and view both scenes at the ladies' hot spring
10 points
The Heart Wants What the Heart WantsThe Heart Wants What the Heart Wants
Visit the ladies' hot spring before stepping foot in Pao
25 points
The Lyton PhilharmonicThe Lyton Philharmonic
Return song to the town of Lyton
5 points
No Broken RhythmNo Broken Rhythm
Get through Lyton Shrine without falling into a single pit
5 points
The Gift of MelodyThe Gift of Melody
Open the Blue Dragon Shrine with song
5 points
Cave WringerCave Wringer
Defeat all the Water Elementals in Blue Dragon Shrine
10 points
The Cranky, Stinky, Rude GeniusThe Cranky, Stinky, Rude Genius
Meet Myght in his tower
5 points
Stadius ZonetrotterStadius Zonetrotter
Open all the chests in Forbidden Forest, Lyton Shrine, Blue Dragon Shrine, Tamur Pass, Myght's Tower, Forest of Illusion, and Black Dragon Fortress
10 points
I Have the Power!I Have the Power!
Alex has become a Dragonmaster
10 points
Mad LizardMad Lizard
Defeat the Black Dragon
10 points
Pride in the FamilyPride in the Family
Visit Alex's parents after he becomes a Dragonmaster
4 points
Friendly MementoFriendly Memento
Obtain the Rememberizer from Ramus for free
5 points
Lunar ModuleLunar Module
Arrive at the Frontier
5 points
Sentient IncantationSentient Incantation
Defeat the Shadow Spectre in Talon Mines
10 points
Open SesameOpen Sesame
Obtain the password to enter Ruids
5 points
Masher BasherMasher Basher
Defeat the Magic Masher in Taben's Tower
10 points
Lament for a FriendLament for a Friend
Obtain Ghaleon's Tear
10 points
Making Things a BreezeMaking Things a Breeze
Obtain the Gale Ring
10 points
Living on the CheapLiving on the Cheap
Obtain the Hell Ring from Damon
10 points
Cane of MimCane of Mim
Obtain the Ice Mace from the Old Hag
10 points
Cassady's TomeCassady's Tome
Reunite the party and obtain the Old Notebook in Meryod
5 points
Instant TransmissionInstant Transmission
Use the Dragon Wings for the first time
2 points
Vulgar Display of PowerVulgar Display of Power
Have Ghaleon show off all of his spells [one session]
3 points
Songs of NoaSongs of Noa
Have Luna show off all her spells [one session]
5 points
Nash SmashNash Smash
Have Nash show off all his spells [one session]
5 points
Full of MiraclesFull of Miracles
Have Jessica show off all her spells [one session]
5 points
Mama MiaMama Mia
Have Mia show off all her spells [one session]
5 points
Have Kyle show off all his spells [one session]
5 points
Flashy MovesFlashy Moves
Have Tempest show off all his spells [one session]
3 points
Dragon SummonerDragon Summoner
Have Dragonmaster Alex show off all his spells [one session]
5 points
Frontier ProspectorFrontier Prospector
Open all the chests in Talon Mines, Ruid, and The Grindery
10 points
Abdicate the ThroneAbdicate the Throne
Defeat the Magic Emperor in the Grindery
10 points
Dragon AngelDragon Angel
Obtain Althena's Sword and witness an unexpected transformation
5 points
Goddess' GallivanterGoddess' Gallivanter
Open all the chests in Althena's Fortress and Goddess Tower
10 points
Bet You Didn't See That Coming, Royce...Bet You Didn't See That Coming, Royce...
Defeat Royce in Althena's Fortress
10 points
Abolition of DespairAbolition of Despair
Defeat Xenobia in Goddess Tower
10 points
Long Live the EmperorLong Live the Emperor
Defend the Goddess Tower from the Magic Emperor
25 points
Faith in the HeartFaith in the Heart
Climb those stairs, Alex...
5 points
The Golden EggThe Golden Egg
Pay off Ramus' debt
5 points
Catching UpCatching Up
Watch all the scenes for all characters in the Meribia epilogue
5 points
Peace at LastPeace at Last
Complete Lunar: Silver Star Story
25 points
Working Designs Cringe CompilationWorking Designs Cringe Compilation
Listen to all the outtakes after credits
1 points
Fate is What We MakeFate is What We Make
Defeat Royce without anyone getting knocked out or using Dragon Spells
10 points
No Vile WarriorNo Vile Warrior
Defeat Xenobia without anyone getting knocked out or using Dragon Spells
10 points
The Overconfident MagicianThe Overconfident Magician
Allow Nash to join your party for some reason
5 points
Lil' Miss AusaLil' Miss Ausa
Meet Mia in Vane
3 points
Jess is MoreJess is More
Jessica has joined your party of nice people
4 points
Looking for CluesLooking for Clues
Annoy Jessica by inspecting Dragonmaster Zoc's tent before fighting him.
1 points
Alex Ain't No CheaterAlex Ain't No Cheater
Clear Crystal Tower with no weapons equipped (aka No Dragonfly Wing glitch)
5 points
Win 20 battles while Meribia is under attack without using an Althena Statue
10 points
Regen AuthorityRegen Authority
Obtain all three Healing Rings
10 points
I'm a Big Boy, Huh?I'm a Big Boy, Huh?
Have Alex gain a level while Ghaleon is in the party
5 points
Ride the Balloon for the first time
5 points
I Wonder What This Tastes LikeI Wonder What This Tastes Like
Have Kyle disappoint Jessica by trying to eat a giant carrot in Iluk Field
2 points
We All Know the Real Reason...We All Know the Real Reason...
Buy at least two bars of soap while aboard the Hispaniola
4 points
Overwhelm the HelmOverwhelm the Helm
Annoy the one person on the Hispaniola who is keeping you from certain death
2 points
Nanza DecadenceNanza Decadence
Visit the leader of Nanza in a jail cell
5 points
Damsel UndressedDamsel Undressed
Defeat Xenobia's forces with Kyle in Nanza in two rounds or less
5 points
Kleenex PartyKleenex Party
Defeat Saline Slimer without anyone getting knocked out
10 points
Hot DogsHot Dogs
Defeat the Bronze Dogs without anyone being knocked out
10 points
Noa ConstrictorNoa Constrictor
Defeat Tempest without using MP
10 points
Shelled and DeveinedShelled and Deveined
Defeat the Vile Crustacean without anyone getting knocked out
10 points
Flushed AwayFlushed Away
Defeat the Water Dragon without anyone getting knocked out
10 points
Nash BashNash Bash
Have Mia use a physical attack to deal the finishing blow on Magic Masher
10 points
Trying to ImpressTrying to Impress
Defeat Truffle Trouble without Alex or Luna fainting
10 points
Rapscallion GhaleonRapscallion Ghaleon
Defeat the Magic Emperor without anyone getting knocked out or using Dragon Spells
10 points
It's All Over Now, Baby BlueIt's All Over Now, Baby Blue
Defeat the Magic Emperor without using Dragon Spells
25 points
Zoc'd and LoadedZoc'd and Loaded
Defeat Dragonmaster Zoc without anyone getting knocked out or using MP
10 points
Dubious RubeusDubious Rubeus
Defeat the Black Dragon without the use of Dragon Spells
10 points
Defeat Shadow Spectre without anyone getting knocked out or using MP
10 points

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