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Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete

Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete



achievements (176)

iconinfoRA score
He's So Bossy...He's So Bossy...
Meet Leo, the leader of Althena's Guard.
5 points
The Faithless AdventurerThe Faithless Adventurer
Complete the East Desert Pass without using the Althena's statue or going to the north exit after winning your first battle.
10 points
My Grandson, My Pride, My JoyMy Grandson, My Pride, My Joy
Show initiative to Gwen by equipping your weapon before he tells you to.
2 points
I'm Excited! I Haven't Been On An Adventure In Ages!I'm Excited! I Haven't Been On An Adventure In Ages!
Obtain the Left Opal Jewel and have Gwyn join to your party.
5 points
Your Blue EyesYour Blue Eyes
Meet Lucia in Blue Spire and have her in your party.
5 points
Go Back To Sleep, GuardianGo Back To Sleep, Guardian
Defeat Guardian in Blue Spire without KOs.
10 points
The Furry TormentorThe Furry Tormentor
Let Ruby use his unknown power to defeat the Guardian in Blue Spire.
10 points
Hold Tight, Grandpa! She Needs Us!Hold Tight, Grandpa! She Needs Us!
Survive the Guardians outside the Blue Spire without Hiro or Gwyn dying until Leo arrives.
5 points
Destiny's Dragon Cannon!Destiny's Dragon Cannon!
Get saved by Leo from the Guardians' ambush on the way out of Blue Spire.
5 points
The Answer To Everything Is In The BooksThe Answer To Everything Is In The Books
Learn all of Gwyn's magics.
10 points
Sailing Is NecessarySailing Is Necessary
Set off on your first boat trip.
5 points
First Fruits ~ How Much Is Your Faith Worth?First Fruits ~ How Much Is Your Faith Worth?
Pay tithing in some city.
1 points
Althena, Mother Of The World, Hear My Plea And Grant My Wish!Althena, Mother Of The World, Hear My Plea And Grant My Wish!
Partially break the curse on Lucia.
5 points
With One Eye On The Fish And Another On The CatWith One Eye On The Fish And Another On The Cat
Take a look at any of your Bromides.
4 points
Betting On Foolish YouthBetting On Foolish Youth
Let Ronfar join your party after Lucia leaves for Dalton.
5 points
Althena Doesn't Seem To Mind...Althena Doesn't Seem To Mind...
Defeat all Dragonship Destiny guards without using Althena's statue after defeating the first guard, KOs or leaving the ship.
10 points
That's What Friends Are ForThat's What Friends Are For
Rescue Lucia from Dragonship Destiny's prison.
5 points
Girls Shouldn't Show Their No-No Parts To Boys!Girls Shouldn't Show Their No-No Parts To Boys!
Spend time with Lucia in the Springs of Althena.
3 points
The Oasis RoseThe Oasis Rose
Let Jean join your party to save her friends.
5 points
Midnight FlowerMidnight Flower
Defeat Plantella in Caravan Underground without using consumables or KOs.
10 points
The Show Must Go OnThe Show Must Go On
Save the people of the Caravan.
5 points
Ouch, That Hurts!Ouch, That Hurts!
Aaaaaa! I thought you only attacked during battle!
1 points
Defeat all enemies inside the Ghost Manor before defeat the Magic Tester LX1 without using basic attacks or KOs.
10 points
Monkey FanfareMonkey Fanfare
Defeat Magic Tester LX1 in Ghost Manor without using consumables or KOs.
10 points
Welcome To The Magic Guild!Welcome To The Magic Guild!
Let Lemina join your party at Ghost Manor.
5 points
That's The Way That Lady Luck DancesThat's The Way That Lady Luck Dances
Win a bet at the Hall of Chance of the Madoria Carnival.
3 points
In A Darkened RoomIn A Darkened Room
Agree to play a game in the dark with ???????????? at the Giggle Den at Madoria Carnival.
3 points
The Emperor's New ClothesThe Emperor's New Clothes
Meet a foe from long ago in the Mystic Ruins.
5 points
No Link With The FutureNo Link With The Future
Defeat Missing Link at Zulan Mountain in 8 turns or less and without KOs.
10 points
Did You See Ronfar? I Told You I Was A Dragon!Did You See Ronfar? I Told You I Was A Dragon!
Melt all the ice walls in Zulan Mountain before finding the Missing Link.
5 points
Warming HeartsWarming Hearts
Save the Village of Zulan by stopping the blizzard and rescue the mayor's daughter.
5 points
Family BusinessFamily Business
Meet the descendant of the legendary merchant from Silver Star Story.
1 points
Where Did The Kitten Go?Where Did The Kitten Go?
Meet with a strange boy in Taben’s Peak.
5 points
Everything We Love!Everything We Love!
Open all the treasure chests in Meribia, Taben's Peak and Meribia Sewers.
10 points
A Willingness To DieA Willingness To Die
Defeat the Assassins in Meribia Sewers without using Magics l Skills or KOs.
10 points
Back To The TreehouseBack To The Treehouse
Save the children kidnapped by the Shadow Dragon Cult.
5 points
Embraced By The LightEmbraced By The Light
Acquire the White Dragon Wings.
5 points
The Path Of The AncientsThe Path Of The Ancients
Find a way into Vane even with Borgan's guards blocking the entrance.
5 points
I Thought It Was A Dream, I Swear!I Thought It Was A Dream, I Swear!
Aaaah! Sorry!!!
2 points
Fervent FaithFervent Faith
Clear the town of Azado of enemies before gaining access to the sanctuary without using Althena's Statue after defeating the first enemy and no KOs.
10 points
In Burning Hands Of GoddessIn Burning Hands Of Goddess
Defeat Flame Fang in Azedo without using consumables or KOs.
10 points
I Won't Leave Anything Behind!I Won't Leave Anything Behind!
Open all the treasure chests in Magic City Vane, Cave of Trials, Sluice Forest, Azado and Goddess Image.
10 points
No More Divine PunishmentsNo More Divine Punishments
Save Azado City from the holy flames.
5 points
No More Abuse Of Magic PowerNo More Abuse Of Magic Power
Acquire the Black Dragon Aura.
5 points
The Amazing Mystere!The Amazing Mystere!
Meet the masked man in White Tower jail.
5 points
My Favorite ColorsMy Favorite Colors
Open all the treasure chests in White Tower, Red Tower, Blue Tower and Black Tower.
10 points
The Daughter I Never HadThe Daughter I Never Had
Free Lemina in the Dark Tower and hear about her conversation with Borgan.
5 points
Love Me The Way I AmLove Me The Way I Am
Free Ronfar in the Red Tower and hear about his conversation with Mauri.
5 points
Time For The Final LessonTime For The Final Lesson
Free Jean in the Blue Tower and hear about her conversation with Master Lunn.
5 points
Nothing But The TruthNothing But The Truth
Find out the truth behind Pentagulia and free Lucia.
5 points
The Swordsman's HeartThe Swordsman's Heart
Win the duel against White Knight Leo in Dragonship Destiny with only a sword equipped and without KOs.
10 points
Bright DestinyBright Destiny
Acquire the White Dragon Aura and full control over Dragonship Destiny.
5 points
I'd Like To Find A Fur Coat... Brrr... Cold!I'd Like To Find A Fur Coat... Brrr... Cold!
Open all the treasure chests in White Dragon Cave.
10 points
Looks Like A Failed ExperimentLooks Like A Failed Experiment
Defeat the White Fiend in White Dragon Cave without using Erase Magic or KOs.
10 points
Divine ProtectionDivine Protection
Break the seal of the White Dragon and acquire the White Dragon Crest.
5 points
Will It Make A Profit?Will It Make A Profit?
Steal something with Lemina.
2 points
Investment To Restore The Magic GuildInvestment To Restore The Magic Guild
Accumulate 100,000 silvers.
10 points
The Things Needed For A WarriorThe Things Needed For A Warrior
Open all the treasure chests in Hoem.
10 points
Embracing What I Once DespisedEmbracing What I Once Despised
Receive the Invitation to the Zen Zone Tournament.
5 points
Laughing In The Face Of DeathLaughing In The Face Of Death
Win the Zen Zone tournament without recovering HP l MP outside battles or leaving town after the first fight. [No KOs, Gauss's Necklace, Healing Ring or Healing Crest]
10 points
Blue Dragon's Fist MasterBlue Dragon's Fist Master
Win the duel against Master Lunn in Zen Zone without using Magics l Skills. [No KOs, Gauss's Necklace, Healing Ring or Healing Crest]
10 points
Heaven Comes DownHeaven Comes Down
Acquire the Blue Dragon Aura.
5 points
My Blue SkyMy Blue Sky
Open all the treasure chests in Blue Dragon Cave.
10 points
Threat From The DepthsThreat From The Depths
Defeat the Blue Fiend in Blue Dragon Cave without using Erase Magic or KOs.
10 points
The Healing Power Of WaterThe Healing Power Of Water
Break the seal of the Blue Dragon and acquire the White Dragon Crest.
5 points
Well They Call Me The Working ManWell They Call Me The Working Man
Open all chests in Zaback Mines and Zaback Town.
10 points
Do You Believe In Magic!?Do You Believe In Magic!?
Open all the treasure chests in Neo-Vane, Neo-Trial Cave and Neo- Magic Guild.
10 points
Utopia Is A Dangerous IdealUtopia Is A Dangerous Ideal
Defeat Borgan in Neo-Magic Guild without using consumables, dragon magics or KOs.
10 points
Back To BlackBack To Black
Open all the treasure chests in Black Dragon Cave.
10 points
Darkness Of The DistressedDarkness Of The Distressed
Defeat Black Fiend in Black Dragon Cave in 8 turns or less and without KOs.
10 points
Dream Or Nightmare?Dream Or Nightmare?
Break the seal of the Black Dragon and acquire the Black Dragon Crest.
5 points
Special CollectionSpecial Collection
Open all the treasure chests in Raculi and Serak Palace.
10 points
The Hardest Part Of Letting Go...The Hardest Part Of Letting Go...
Read the letter Mauri left for Ronfar in Raculi before Leo leaves town.
2 points
Purifying Bad BloodPurifying Bad Blood
Acquire Althena's Aura in Serak Palace without using Althena's statue after defeating the first enemy or KOs.
10 points
Adventure Is My Middle NameAdventure Is My Middle Name
Learn and evolve all of Hiro's Magics and Skills.
10 points
Winning The BetWinning The Bet
Learn and evolve all of Ronfar's Magics and Skills.
10 points
The Ballad Of The DragonThe Ballad Of The Dragon
Learn and evolve all of Jean's Dances and Skills.
10 points
Mega Magic MasterMega Magic Master
Learn and evolve all of Lemina's Magics.
10 points
Defeat all of Mauri's Id heads in your first matchup against her in Mauri's Subconscious. (After seeing only 1 of her memories)
10 points
Facing The ConsequencesFacing The Consequences
Win the battle at the end of Mauri's Subconscious against Mauri's Id (Big Head) without using Magics l Skills or KOs.
10 points
Open Your HeartOpen Your Heart
Save Mauri and acquire the Red Dragon Aura.
5 points
My Burning DesireMy Burning Desire
Open all the treasure chests in Red Dragon Cave.
10 points
Through The Fire And FlamesThrough The Fire And Flames
Defeat Red Fiend in Red Dragon Cave without using Dispel, Erase or Dragon magics.
10 points
The Flame Of Friendship Will Never Go Out!The Flame Of Friendship Will Never Go Out!
Break the seal of the Red Dragon and acquire the Red Dragon Crest.
5 points
Breath Of DragonsBreath Of Dragons
Witness the Four Dragons' combined power.
5 points
From The Gods To HumanityFrom The Gods To Humanity
Open all normal treasure chests in Althena's Keep and Goddess Tower.
10 points
Completely AloneCompletely Alone
Learn about the fate of the Blue Star.
5 points
Be Careful Who You TrustBe Careful Who You Trust
Defeat Fake Althena in Goddess Tower without using consumables, Triple Sword, Catastrophe or Dragon Magics.
10 points
The Power Of Goddes Is AliveThe Power Of Goddes Is Alive
Acquire the Goddess Crest.
5 points
There Can Be No New Creation Without Destroying The Old...There Can Be No New Creation Without Destroying The Old...
Watch Lucia confront Zophar.
5 points
We Won't Give Up Hope Until It's All Over!We Won't Give Up Hope Until It's All Over!
Win the first battle against Ghaleon in Magic Guild Roof without KOs.
10 points
The Power Of HumanityThe Power Of Humanity
Win the second battle against Ghaleon in Magic Guild Roof without using consumables, Triple Sword, Catastrophe, Soul Blade, Dragon Magics or KOs.
10 points
It's Never Too Late For RedemptionIt's Never Too Late For Redemption
Receive the Ghaleon's Sword from his hands.
5 points
Bottom Of The WellBottom Of The Well
Open all the treasure chests in Zophar's Keep.
10 points
Evil Needs To Be ExtinguishedEvil Needs To Be Extinguished
Defeat all 51 enemy groups in Zophar's Keep before reaching the top and without KOs.
25 points
Zophar, Your Game's Up!Zophar, Your Game's Up!
Defeat Zophar's first form in Zophar's Keep without using consumables, Triple Sword, Catastrophe, Soul Blade, Dragon Magics or KOs.
25 points
You Must Believe... Believe And Carry On!You Must Believe... Believe And Carry On!
In the battle against Zophar's second form in Zophar's Keep, survive without using Magics l Skills until Lucia manages to break free. (No KOs)
25 points
This World Belongs To Humanity!This World Belongs To Humanity!
Defeat Zophar's 2st form (without Lucia) in Zophar's Keep with all his hands alive and without using Triple Sword, Catastrophe, Soul Blade or Dragon Magics.
50 points
A Bond Never BrokenA Bond Never Broken
Have Hiro and Lucia combine forces to destroy Zophar once and for all.
5 points
Why Did She Have To Go?Why Did She Have To Go?
Acquire Lucia's Pendant.
5 points
I Will Find A Way, Lucia...I Will Find A Way, Lucia...
Finish the game.
10 points
I Miss When She Was Here With Me...I Miss When She Was Here With Me...
Unlock all possible locations for Lucia's Pendant.
25 points
I'll Never Forget You!I'll Never Forget You!
Help Kyle and Julia get together and acquire the Rememberizer Crystal.
10 points
For The Sake Of True Love, I'll Help Anyone Out!For The Sake Of True Love, I'll Help Anyone Out!
Recruit Ronfar for the Epilogue.
5 points
I Hope I Meet A Man Just Like You SomedayI Hope I Meet A Man Just Like You Someday
Recruit Lemina for the Epilogue.
5 points
Let's Dance Together Again!Let's Dance Together Again!
Recruit Jean for the Epilogue.
5 points
Together, We Will Send You To The Blue Star!Together, We Will Send You To The Blue Star!
Recruit Leo for the Epilogue.
5 points
Something To HideSomething To Hide
Locate the secret Bromide.
5 points
Live A Life You Will RememberLive A Life You Will Remember
Unlock all the scenes for the Rememberizer.
25 points
The Miria's WisdomThe Miria's Wisdom
Hear about the story written in the Magic Library's oldest book.
2 points
...The Sword Of The Last True Dragon Master......The Sword Of The Last True Dragon Master...
Acquire the Althena's Sword.
10 points
Betting On LoveBetting On Love
Hear about the bet between Lemina and her suitor... (Go for it girl! Ha Ha)
2 points
To Be A Hero, Sometimes You Have To Be The VillainTo Be A Hero, Sometimes You Have To Be The Villain
Defeat Hero's Talisman in Brave Labyrinth without using consumables, Triple Sword, Catastrophe, Soul Blade, Dragon Magics or KOs.
10 points
Burning RageBurning Rage
Acquire the Hero's Talisman.
10 points
I Feel The AdrenalineI Feel The Adrenaline
Acquire the Gale Crest.
10 points
Old ~ New ~ RareOld ~ New ~ Rare
Open all the new treasure chests during the epilogue in Mystic Ruins, Madoria Carnival, Meribia Sewers, Taben's Peak, Raculi and Dragon's Nest.
25 points
~ 6 6 6 6 6 ~~ 6 6 6 6 6 ~
Defeat two Chiro Mongrels in one fight.
10 points
Run Like There's No Tomorrow!Run Like There's No Tomorrow!
Equip the dashing item combo (Armor, Accessory 1 and Accessory 2) and show how to run for real.
5 points
You've Got The Devil In Your EyesYou've Got The Devil In Your Eyes
Defeat Devil Eye in Lionhead without using consumables, Triple Sword, Catastrophe, Soul Blade, Dragon Magics or KOs.
10 points
Stealing From The Lion's MouthStealing From The Lion's Mouth
Open all the treasure chests in Lionhead.
10 points
It's Time To Be ImmortalIt's Time To Be Immortal
Defeat Knight, Mage and Angel Guardians in Lost Labyrinth without using consumables, Triple Sword, Catastrophe, Soul Blade, Dragon Magics or KOs.
10 points
In Your Dreams, Magical Thoughts...In Your Dreams, Magical Thoughts...
Acquire the Alex's Ocarina.
10 points
I Wish I Had Found All These Things Back Then...I Wish I Had Found All These Things Back Then...
Open all the treasure chests in Dragon Ruins.
10 points
You Look So Different Since The Last Time I Saw You...You Look So Different Since The Last Time I Saw You...
Defeat Phantom Sentry in Dragon Ruins without using consumables, Triple Sword, Catastrophe, Soul Blade, Dragon Magics or KOs.
10 points
How Nostalgic! We Were So Green...How Nostalgic! We Were So Green...
Acquire the Right Opal Jewel.
10 points
Modern Age PiratesModern Age Pirates
Open all the treasure chests in Water Ruins.
10 points
Completely SubmergedCompletely Submerged
Defeat Water Guardian in Water Ruins without using consumables, Triple Sword, Catastrophe, Soul Blade, Dragon Magics or KOs.
10 points
I Can See EverythingI Can See Everything
Acquire the Left Sapphire Jewel.
10 points
A Burst Of BitternessA Burst Of Bitterness
Enable and cast the Pulse Explosion magic.
2 points
Fury Of NatureFury Of Nature
Enable and cast the Icicle Break magic.
2 points
Hestia's CryHestia's Cry
Enable and cast the Burning Quake magic.
2 points
The Spark Of DisasterThe Spark Of Disaster
Enable and cast the Shining Flame magic.
2 points
Static StormStatic Storm
Enable and cast the Thunder Tornado magic.
2 points
Cold ZephyrCold Zephyr
Enable and cast the Mighty Mistral magic.
2 points
The Blessing Of GaiaThe Blessing Of Gaia
Enable and cast the Call Earth magic.
2 points
Ball Lightning PhenomenonBall Lightning Phenomenon
Enable and cast the Call Thunder magic.
2 points
Shipwrecked On Dry LandShipwrecked On Dry Land
Enable and cast the Call Water magic.
2 points
Magma FlowMagma Flow
Enable and cast the Call Flame magic.
2 points
Powerful Microburst!Powerful Microburst!
Enable and cast the Call Wind magic.
2 points
More Lethal Than Borgan's FartsMore Lethal Than Borgan's Farts
Enable and cast the Venom Dart magic.
2 points
Dissolving The Prefrontal CortexDissolving The Prefrontal Cortex
Enable and cast the Mind Burst magic.
2 points
Induced ComaInduced Coma
Enable and cast the Dirt Nap magic.
2 points
Sealed With A KissSealed With A Kiss
Enable and cast the Fatal Flirting magic.
2 points
The Silence Of The LambsThe Silence Of The Lambs
Enable and cast the Super Seal magic.
2 points
Soul StealerSoul Stealer
Attack an enemy with Hiro or Ronfar having the power to absorb MP given by the combination of crests.
2 points
Everything Turns To Dust In The EndEverything Turns To Dust In The End
Enable and cast the Shattered Sword or Fractured Armor magic without having Gwyn in your party.
3 points
Anabolic SteroidsAnabolic Steroids
Have the attack power raised at end of turn by the combination of crests.
2 points
The Lich~The Lich~
Cast a magic or skill on the battlefield with any party member whose MP cost is halved by the combination of crests.
2 points
No Physical Contact PleaseNo Physical Contact Please
Dodge an enemy attack with any party member whose evasion has been greatly increased by the combination of crests.
2 points
Acute PainAcute Pain
Hit a critical attack on an enemy with any party member whose agility and critical-hit has been increased by the combination of crests.
2 points
Take It Back!Take It Back!
Counter an enemy with any party member whose chance to counterattack has been greatly increased by the combination of crests.
2 points
Energy WaveEnergy Wave
Attack an enemy with a melee weapon projectile given by the combination of crests.
2 points
The Swing Of Mahadeva's WeaponsThe Swing Of Mahadeva's Weapons
Use the super basic attack that hits all enemies at once with any party member whose attack range has increased by the combination of crests.
2 points
Elemental TouchElemental Touch
Hit an enemy with an elemental blast from your basic attack given by the combination of crests.
2 points
Apply a negative status to an enemy with a basic attack using a combination of crests.
2 points
Good FortuneGood Fortune
Win a battle with all your abilities, including the chance to drop items from enemies increased by the combination of crests.
2 points
Dyne ~ Alex ~ HiroDyne ~ Alex ~ Hiro
Win a battle with Hiro equipped a combination of equipment gives him an extra attack and regen effect. (No Healing Ring, Gauss's Necklace or Gale Crest)
5 points
Double ShadowDouble Shadow
Attack an enemy with any party member whose number of attacks greatly increased by the combination of crests.
2 points
Dive Into The WhirlpoolDive Into The Whirlpool
In Water Ruins, reach the room containing the Left Sapphire Jewel before defeating the Water Guardian.
5 points
Draconic AuraDraconic Aura
Summon a dragon having the user's abilities increased by the combination of crests.
2 points
Nothing Can Stop My Love!Nothing Can Stop My Love!
Defeat Star Guardian in Star Dragon Tower without using Magics l Skills or KOs.
10 points
Eternal BlueEternal Blue
Complete the Epilogue.
25 points
Together ForeverTogether Forever
Complete the Epilogue without recruiting anyone.
50 points
Lights, Camera, Action!Lights, Camera, Action!
Watch the Outtakes.
5 points
Shared IntimacyShared Intimacy
Acquire half of the total bromides.
25 points
Love You AllLove You All
Acquire all bromides.
50 points
I'll Take It Even If I Don't Need ItI'll Take It Even If I Don't Need It
Open all the treasure chests in East Desert Pass, Blue Spire, Larpa and West Desert Pass.
10 points
Dream CollectorDream Collector
Open all the treasure chests in Dalton, Starlight Forest, Forest of Illusion and Takkar Vilage, Takkar Mt. Pass and Ghost Manor.
10 points
Too Much AmbitionToo Much Ambition
Open all the treasure chests in Bandit Butte, Nota, Madoria Carnival, Mystic Ruins, Village of Zulan and Zulan Mountain.
25 points
Blind Faith Only Brings Us RegretsBlind Faith Only Brings Us Regrets
Use all of Leo's sword skills in the same dungeon without leaving or recruiting someone.
10 points
Don't Think, Just Do It!Don't Think, Just Do It!
Take an action with any party member whose having his speed increased and have first move priority given by the combination of crests. (No Defense)
2 points
Olympic AthleteOlympic Athlete
Walk through the battlefield with any party member whose range greatly increased by the combination of crests.
2 points
Berserker SpiritBerserker Spirit
Attack an enemy with any party member whose attack power doubled by the combination of crests. (No Staffs)
2 points
The Power To Destroy The WorldThe Power To Destroy The World
Cast a magic or skill with any party member whose wisdom power greatly increased by the combination of crests.
2 points
The Steel SlugThe Steel Slug
Attack an enemy with any party member whose having his attack power increased and last move priority given by the combination of crests. (No Staffs)
2 points
Smell Like BarbecueSmell Like Barbecue
1 points

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