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First Samurai

First Samurai



achievements (33)

iconinfoRA score
Time Express: One Way GlassTime Express: One Way Glass
Attempt to look inside the train from its nose. [Crouch for the best view]
5 points
Sliced and DicedSliced and Diced
Slay the twin dragons without losing your sword.
10 points
Bushido BladeBushido Blade
Slay Obakeh without losing your sword.
10 points
Slap ChopSlap Chop
Slay Gyakusatsu without losing your sword.
10 points
Cyber SecurityCyber Security
Slay Suisei without losing your sword.
10 points
Master SurpasedMaster Surpased
Slay the Demon King without losing your sword.
10 points
Akai-Ryu & Aoyi -RyuAkai-Ryu & Aoyi -Ryu
Slay the twin dragons.
5 points
Slay Obakeh.
5 points
Slay Gyakusatsu.
5 points
Slay Suisei.
5 points
Demon KingDemon King
Slay the Demon King
5 points
It's The Little ThingsIt's The Little Things
Activate two spinning blades at the same time.
10 points
King of KnivesKing of Knives
Kill 25 or more enemies with the knives.
10 points
Hatchet ManHatchet Man
Kill over 25 enemies with the axes.
10 points
Bomber ManBomber Man
Kill over 25 enemies with bombs.
10 points
Knife CollectionKnife Collection
Hold 50 knives and upgrade the knives to rank 3.
2 points
Axe CollectionAxe Collection
Hold 50 axes.
2 points
Bomb CollectionBomb Collection
Hold 25 grenades.
5 points
His Breath is WorseHis Breath is Worse
Defeat Akai-Ryu & Aoyi -Ryu by slaying the Red Twin.
10 points
1720 Battlefield: What a View!1720 Battlefield: What a View!
Climb to the top of the tallest tree in stage 1.
10 points
Life and Force AttunedLife and Force Attuned
Complete the entire game without losing a single life.
25 points
Checkpoint ConosourCheckpoint Conosour
Activate every single check point in the game at least once.
25 points
Checkpoint AverseCheckpoint Averse
Complete the game without ever using a checkpoint. (No passwords)
25 points
Break every pre-existing treasure chest and basket in the game, within one session.
25 points
Is This a Game To You?Is This a Game To You?
Score more than 200000 points by the end of the game.
10 points
1999 Tokyo: Bleak Horizon Race1999 Tokyo: Bleak Horizon Race
Crouch to start/reset. Move from the top left platform to the top right platform of the stage within 35 seconds.
5 points
Time Elevator: Tower to Tower RaceTime Elevator: Tower to Tower Race
[Crouch to start/reset] Travel from the right side of the east tower, to the boxes under base of the spike pit, to the center of the west tower in under 35 seconds.
5 points
Demon Palace: Time Trial RaceDemon Palace: Time Trial Race
[Crouch to start/reset] Race from the lone ledge under the stars, to the end under the hand of the palace samurai in under 2 1/2 minutes.
10 points
Demon Palace: Void of SpaceDemon Palace: Void of Space
Jump to the moons from the lone ledge, and surround yourself with the stars.
5 points
Catch These HandsCatch These Hands
Enter combat without your sword and defeat Obakeh with your hands and feet. (0 Force meter)
10 points
Ground LevelGround Level
Defeat Gyakusatsu without using the upper half of his lair (air or platform).
10 points
The Hard WayThe Hard Way
Defeat Suisei without wielding bombs.
10 points
Karate MasterKarate Master
Slay over 30 enemies with your bare hands and feet.
10 points

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