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Final Fight 2

Final Fight 2



achievements (45)

iconinfoRA score
Hong Kong 12:00PMHong Kong 12:00PM
Clear Round 1
10 points
France 5:00PMFrance 5:00PM
Clear Round 2
10 points
Smash The CarSmash The Car
Beat The Car Bonus Stage with perfect
10 points
Holland 4:00PMHolland 4:00PM
Clear Round 3
10 points
Street FighterStreet Fighter
Score 1.500.000 Points [Normal or above difficulty]
25 points
Beyond Metro CityBeyond Metro City
Score 1.000.000 Points [Normal or above difficulty]
10 points
England 8:00PMEngland 8:00PM
Clear Round 4
25 points
Italy 12:00PMItaly 12:00PM
Clear Round 5
25 points
Smash The DrumsSmash The Drums
Beat The Oil Drum Bonus Stage with perfect
10 points
Beat the game as Maki [Normal or above difficulty]
25 points
Beat the game as Carlos [Normal or above difficulty]
25 points
Mayor Of Metro CityMayor Of Metro City
Beat the game as Haggar [Normal or above difficulty]
25 points
Japan 11:30PMJapan 11:30PM
Clear Round 6
25 points
Beat the game on hard or above difficulty
25 points
Beat the game on expert difficulty
50 points
Get the Guy item and earn an extra life
5 points
Metro City SlugfestMetro City Slugfest
Score 2.000.000 Points [Normal or above difficulty]
25 points
Metro City BrawlerMetro City Brawler
Kill 100 enemies
10 points
Knife MasterKnife Master
Kill 5 enemies while holding knives as Carlos
5 points
Club PunishmentClub Punishment
Kill 5 enemies while holding Tonfas (batons) or 2x4 (wooden sticks) as Haggar
5 points
Careful StepsCareful Steps
Avoid all mines at the Windmills part on Round 3
5 points
Don't Resort To These Things!Don't Resort To These Things!
Avoid all Cocktail Molotov on the train rooftop part on Round 4
5 points
Twins ModeTwins Mode
Do the 2P Same Player Code
1 points
Chopping Down At The HarborChopping Down At The Harbor
Beat Won Won on expert difficulty (1P Mode)
10 points
C'est Amusant De Rester Au YMCAC'est Amusant De Rester Au YMCA
Beat Freddie on expert difficulty (1P Mode)
10 points
It's Alive! It's Alive!It's Alive! It's Alive!
Beat Bratken on expert difficulty (1P Mode)
10 points
Beat Philippe on expert difficulty (1P Mode)
10 points
The War Is Over EncoreThe War Is Over Encore
Beat Rolento on expert difficulty (1P Mode)
25 points
The Mad Gear KabukiThe Mad Gear Kabuki
Beat Retu on expert difficulty (1P Mode)
25 points
Chinese NoonChinese Noon
Reach Won Won without using continues during this round (1P Mode) [Normal or above difficulty]
10 points
Sunset In ParisSunset In Paris
Reach Freddie without using continues during this round (1P Mode) [Normal or above difficulty]
10 points
Beyond The WindmillsBeyond The Windmills
Reach Bratken without using continues this round (1P Mode) [Normal or above difficulty]
10 points
Railroad AmbushRailroad Ambush
Reach Philippe without using continues (1P Mode) [Normal or above difficulty]
10 points
Rolling Over In VeniceRolling Over In Venice
Reach Rolento without using continues during this round (1P Mode) [Normal or above difficulty]
10 points
Showdown In The Land Of The Rising SunShowdown In The Land Of The Rising Sun
Reach Retu without using continues during this round (1P Mode) [Normal or above difficulty]
25 points
Metro City CarnageMetro City Carnage
Kill 200 enemies
25 points
Spinning ClotheslineSpinning Clothesline
Kill 20 enemies with Haggar's special attack
5 points
Spinning PiledriverSpinning Piledriver
Kill 20 enemies with Haggar's Spinning Piledriver move
5 points
Backdrop SuplexBackdrop Suplex
Kill 20 enemies with Haggar's suplex move
5 points
Off The Wall KickOff The Wall Kick
Kill 5 enemies with Maki's off the wall kick move
5 points
Handstand KickHandstand Kick
Kill 20 enemies with Maki's special attack
5 points
Death ThrowDeath Throw
Kill 20 enemies with Carlos' throwing move
5 points
Sword SlashSword Slash
Kill 20 enemies with Carlos' special attack
5 points
Flying KickFlying Kick
Kill 20 enemies using flying kicks with any character
5 points
1CC Finish1CC Finish
Beat the game without using continues [Normal or above difficulty]
50 points

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