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Fatal Frame | Project Zero

Fatal Frame | Project Zero


PlayStation 2

achievements (105)

iconinfoRA score
Something Is Shining Over ThereSomething Is Shining Over There
Find some Type - 14 Film and the only missable Tutorial scrap
1 points
Intro: HimuroIntro: Himuro
Complete chapter Intro: Himuro
3 points
Back for More?Back for More?
Don't run away from second encounter with Ogata
3 points
"There's Something Here" You Said?"There's Something Here" You Said?
Check out the closet to see if Ogata is telling the truth or not
1 points
Some of Them Are Shy, I GuessSome of Them Are Shy, I Guess
Scare away a shy ghost observing you in silence
1 points
Storehouse (1st Night)Storehouse (1st Night)
Figure out a way into Storehouse on 1st night
2 points
Backyard (1st Night)Backyard (1st Night)
Figure out a way into Backyard on 1st night
2 points
Mystic Power Is Awesome!Mystic Power Is Awesome!
In either battle defeat Hirasaka with Type - 14 Film and all shots having Mystic Power charged to more than half [without Zero special function]
4 points
Black PentagramBlack Pentagram
Obtain Black Carving, then figure out where and, more importantly, how to use it
2 points
You're Not So Tough Out Here in the Open!You're Not So Tough Out Here in the Open!
Run out of Narukami Shrine as soon as Takamine attacks, then defeat him without wasting a single shot
5 points
Takamine's Last HopeTakamine's Last Hope
In Narukami Shrine accomplish what Takamine could not
2 points
First Night: The Strangling RitualFirst Night: The Strangling Ritual
Complete chapter First Night: The Strangling Ritual in a single session without healing or consuming Stone Mirror
25 points
First NightmareFirst Nightmare
Complete chapter First Night: The Strangling Ritual on Nightmare difficulty
10 points
Following My Brother's AdviceFollowing My Brother's Advice
Anytime you encounter Blinded on 2nd night position yourself in 3 seconds after she spawns, then defeat her without moving an inch and taking damage
5 points
Backyard (2nd Night)Backyard (2nd Night)
Figure out a way into Backyard on 2nd night
2 points
Childs PlayChilds Play
During 2nd night defeat any of the children playing tag in two Zero Shots
5 points
Blue PentagramBlue Pentagram
Obtain Blue Carving, then figure out where and, more importantly, how to use it
2 points
Purple PentagramPurple Pentagram
Obtain Purple Carving, then figure out where and, more importantly, how to use it
3 points
Pyromantic DeadlockPyromantic Deadlock
Have all candles lit at the same time during a certain puzzle involving candles on 2nd night
2 points
Arranging the CandlesArranging the Candles
Now that you've done playing with the matches, solve the puzzle to obtain an important item
2 points
It Was a Nice Tune ThoughIt Was a Nice Tune Though
Scare away a shy koto player
1 points
Creating a ShortcutCreating a Shortcut
Undo the latch on both optional doors on 2nd night
1 points
Storehouse (2nd Night)Storehouse (2nd Night)
Figure out a way into Storehouse on 2nd night
2 points
Bullying My Great-grandmotherBullying My Great-grandmother
Take a shot of Yae dealing a 200 or more pts. damage
5 points
Kagome, KagomeKagome, Kagome
Deal with a potentially troublesome doll, then trade it for a more useful item
1 points
Gold PentagramGold Pentagram
Obtain Gold Carving, then figure out where and, more importantly, how to use it
3 points
A Photo Session With Great-grandfatherA Photo Session With Great-grandfather
In either battle defeat Ryozo with all shots having a Shutterbug Moment
5 points
The Ritual MasksThe Ritual Masks
Gain access to Blinding Room
5 points
The Demon Mouth OpensThe Demon Mouth Opens
Unlock the doors to Banned Path
5 points
Second NightmareSecond Nightmare
Complete chapter Second Night: Demon Tag on Nightmare difficulty
10 points
Second Night: Demon TagSecond Night: Demon Tag
Complete chapter Second Night: Demon Tag in a single session on Nightmare difficulty
25 points
Binding the BuddhaBinding the Buddha
Perform an improvised mock-up Strangling Ritual on Buddha statues
2 points
Teal PentagramTeal Pentagram
Obtain Teal Carving, then figure out where and, more importantly, how to use it
3 points
4 Priests, 4 Heads, 4 Films, 4 Shots4 Priests, 4 Heads, 4 Films, 4 Shots
Defeat one of the Headless Priests in no more than 4 shots using each Type of Film only once
5 points
Backyard (3rd Night)Backyard (3rd Night)
Figure out a way into Backyard on 3rd night
2 points
Storehouse (3rd Night)Storehouse (3rd Night)
Figure out a way into Storehouse on 3rd night
2 points
Mastering the MasterMastering the Master
Defeat the last master of Himuro family in Grand Hall without taking damage
5 points
The Mystery of The CabinetThe Mystery of The Cabinet
Reach the bottom of the Moon Well
5 points
Third Night: The CalamityThird Night: The Calamity
Complete chapter Third Night: The Calamity in a single session using only Type-14 Film
25 points
Third NightmareThird Nightmare
Complete chapter Third Night: The Calamity on Nightmare difficulty
10 points
Where Is That Light Coming from?Where Is That Light Coming from?
Succumb to your curiosity and peek into both holes where light is shining from in early final night
2 points
An Offering for a PassageAn Offering for a Passage
Trade an accessory to get on Hell Bridge
1 points
You're Not Needed AnymoreYou're Not Needed Anymore
On Baptism Path finish off former Rope Shrine Maiden with a "Special Shot"
5 points
Photography 101: Steady HandsPhotography 101: Steady Hands
Damage Kirie while your Camera is affected by tremors
5 points
The Holy MirrorThe Holy Mirror
Reassemble the Holy Mirror, then use its power to purify Kirie of the Malice
10 points
Final Night: KirieFinal Night: Kirie
Complete chapter Final Night: Kirie in a single session without healing or consuming Stone Mirror on Nightmare difficulty
10 points
Final NightmareFinal Nightmare
Complete whole game on Nightmare difficulty to see the alternate ending
25 points
Complete the game on S-Rank
50 points
Have all consumables and film types in your inventory
5 points
Star-crossed LoversStar-crossed Lovers
Find all pages of Kirie's Diary
3 points
The Notes He Left for MeThe Notes He Left for Me
Find all pages of Mafuyu's Notebook
3 points
The "Hiding" That Led to the CalamityThe "Hiding" That Led to the Calamity
Find all pages of Priest's Writings
2 points
The Research of a Promethean KindThe Research of a Promethean Kind
Find all pages of Old Diary Scrap and Research Scrap
5 points
Who Was Yae Kurosawa?Who Was Yae Kurosawa?
Find all pages of Lady's Diary Scrap and Yae's Death Note
3 points
Did You Have a Crush on My Grandmother?Did You Have a Crush on My Grandmother?
Find Child's Writing
1 points
Am I The Next to Die?Am I The Next to Die?
Find all pages of Black Notebook Scrap and Blue Tapes
4 points
I Hope It's Just a Dream...I Hope It's Just a Dream...
Find all pages of Red Notebook Scrap and Red Tapes
4 points
They Told Us Not to Come HereThey Told Us Not to Come Here
Find all pages of Research Notes and White Tapes
2 points
Forgotten KnowledgeForgotten Knowledge
Find all Texts on Old Scrolls
3 points
The Duty of the Himuro FamilyThe Duty of the Himuro Family
Find all pages of Priest's Manual
2 points
Odd Happenings in the Himuro Mountain AreaOdd Happenings in the Himuro Mountain Area
Find all News Clippings and Old News Articles
4 points
Complete the Correlation chart
10 points
The Strangling Ritual PhotosThe Strangling Ritual Photos
Take all photos of strange phenomena in First Night: The Strangling Ritual
5 points
Demon Tag PhotosDemon Tag Photos
Take all photos of strange phenomena in Second Night: Demon Tag
5 points
The Calamity PhotosThe Calamity Photos
Take all photos of strange phenomena in Third Night: The Calamity
3 points
Zero ShotZero Shot
Perform Shutterbug Moment "Zero Shot"
2 points
Core ShotCore Shot
Perform Shutterbug Moment "Core Shot"
2 points
Close ShotClose Shot
Perform Shutterbug Moment "Close Shot"
3 points
Special ShotSpecial Shot
Perform Shutterbug Moment "Special Shot"
2 points
Double ShotDouble Shot
Perform Shutterbug Moment "Double Shot"
3 points
Triple ShotTriple Shot
Perform Shutterbug Moment "Triple Shot"
5 points
Impact ShotImpact Shot
Perform Shutterbug Moment "Impact Shot"
3 points
Slow ShotSlow Shot
Perform Shutterbug Moment "Slow Shot"
3 points
Find ShotFind Shot
Perform Shutterbug Moment "Find Shot"
3 points
Bind ShotBind Shot
Perform Shutterbug Moment "Bind Shot"
3 points
3 Shutterbug Moments3 Shutterbug Moments
Perform 3 or more Shutterbug Moments in a single shot
5 points
4 Shutterbug Moments4 Shutterbug Moments
Perform 4 or more Shutterbug Moments in a single shot
10 points
Take a shot worth 9999 Spirit Points
10 points
Ghost List I: Hostile GhostsGhost List I: Hostile Ghosts
Document all Hostile Ghosts on the Ghost List
5 points
Ghost List II: Vanishing GhostsGhost List II: Vanishing Ghosts
Document all Vanishing Ghosts on the Ghost List
25 points
Ghost List III: Stationary GhostsGhost List III: Stationary Ghosts
Document all Stationary Ghosts on the Ghost List
10 points
Battle ModeBattle Mode
Complete all Missions in Battle Mode
10 points
Mission 01Mission 01
Complete Mission 01 on S-Rank
5 points
Mission 02Mission 02
Complete Mission 02 on S-Rank
5 points
Mission 03Mission 03
Complete Mission 03 on S-Rank
5 points
Mission 04Mission 04
Complete Mission 04 on S-Rank
5 points
Mission 05Mission 05
Complete Mission 05 on S-Rank
5 points
Mission 06Mission 06
Complete Mission 06 on S-Rank
5 points
Mission 07Mission 07
Complete Mission 07 on S-Rank
5 points
Mission 08Mission 08
Complete Mission 08 on S-Rank
5 points
Mission 09Mission 09
Complete Mission 09 on S-Rank
5 points
Mission 10Mission 10
Complete Mission 10 on S-Rank
5 points
Mission 11Mission 11
Complete Mission 11 on S-Rank
5 points
Mission 12Mission 12
Complete Mission 12 on S-Rank
5 points
Mission 13Mission 13
Complete Mission 13 on S-Rank
5 points
Mission 14Mission 14
Complete Mission 14 on S-Rank
5 points
Mission 15Mission 15
Complete Mission 15 on S-Rank
5 points
Mission 16Mission 16
Complete Mission 16 on S-Rank
5 points
Mission 17Mission 17
Complete Mission 17 on S-Rank
5 points
Mission 18Mission 18
Complete Mission 18 on S-Rank
5 points
Mission 19Mission 19
Complete Mission 19 on S-Rank
5 points
Mission 20Mission 20
Complete Mission 20 on S-Rank
5 points
Unlock all special costumes
25 points
Camera ObscuraCamera Obscura
Completely unlock and unseal Camera
50 points
Ghost List #???Ghost List #???
Find the, hands down, most obscure ghost in the whole Himuro mansion, arm your Camera and shoot!
5 points

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