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Brandish 2: The Planet Buster

Brandish 2: The Planet Buster



achievements (62)

iconinfoRA score
Gossip - Prison B2Gossip - Prison B2
Speak with all the NPCs and read all the messages in the Prison B2. (Two are hostile.)
5 points
Death GuardDeath Guard
Defeat the Death Guard in the Prison.
3 points
Gossip - Prison B1Gossip - Prison B1
Speak with all the NPCs and read all the messages in the Prison B1.
5 points
Defeat the Rakshasa in the prison.
5 points
Cartographer - IsletCartographer - Islet
Map out the Islet as much as possible.
5 points
Guardian of AdonisGuardian of Adonis
Defeat the Bewitcher from full health without taking damage or leaving the room. (Game speed 2 or higher.)
10 points
Cartographer - Cave B2Cartographer - Cave B2
Map out as much of Cave B2 as possible.
5 points
Garden of TranquilityGarden of Tranquility
Find Adonis's garden and take a nap there.
5 points
Gossip - WharfGossip - Wharf
Speak to all of the people at the wharf.
5 points
Snap, Kraken, PopSnap, Kraken, Pop
Defeat the Kraken!
10 points
Divine WindDivine Wind
See an event at the church.
3 points
Defeat both Ifrits in the arena. Be level 28 or less at start of fight.
10 points
Defeat Umber in the Arena. Be level 30 or less.
10 points
Insolent NinjaInsolent Ninja
Defeat the Master Ninja without reopening the door. (Don't save and load file.)
10 points
Cartographer - Ninja YashikiCartographer - Ninja Yashiki
Map out as much of the Ninja Yashiki as possible.
5 points
Defeat Galahad the Kidnapper.
10 points
Cartographer - Woods ACartographer - Woods A
Map out the Woods A as much as possible.
5 points
Thanks for the Tip, DaisyThanks for the Tip, Daisy
Find the Crescent Key.
5 points
Lord of DarknessLord of Darkness
Equip the Dark Armor, Dark Shield, and Dark Sword while in a Dark zone.
3 points
Treasure Hunter - Castle Wall ATreasure Hunter - Castle Wall A
Empty all four treasure chests inside Castle Wall A.
10 points
Smash 'n GrabSmash 'n Grab
Knock down all the treasures in the Room of Fleeting Wealth.
5 points
Cartographer - Castle Wall DCartographer - Castle Wall D
Map out Castle Wall D completely.
5 points
Cartographer - Tower 1Cartographer - Tower 1
Map out Tower1 completely.
5 points
Traverse the tower, defeat Dela, and witness the scene at the Tower Top.
25 points
Soul MasterSoul Master
Defeat the Soul Master.
10 points
The LaboratoryThe Laboratory
Gain Access to the Laboratory.
3 points
Cartographer - Laboratory 1Cartographer - Laboratory 1
Map out the Laboratory 1 as much as possible.
5 points
Treasure Hunter - Laboratory 2Treasure Hunter - Laboratory 2
Empty all four treasure chests of the conveyor belt madness that is Laboratory 2.
5 points
God BistallGod Bistall
Destroy the clone of God Bistall.
10 points
Cartographer - Castle 1Cartographer - Castle 1
Map out Castle 1 completely.
10 points
Destroy the Brahmaa in the Dark Zone 2.
10 points
Cartographer - Fortress 2Cartographer - Fortress 2
Map out Fortress 2 as much as possible.
10 points
Sign of the Southern CrossSign of the Southern Cross
Pick up the Southern Cross.
10 points
Your Full What?Your Full What?
Find the Black Marketeer and talk to her.
5 points
Treasure Hunter - Fortress 4Treasure Hunter - Fortress 4
Empty all six treasure chests of Fortress 4.
10 points
Cartographer - Fortress 5Cartographer - Fortress 5
Map out Fortress 5 completely.
10 points
Ursa MajorUrsa Major
Perform the ritual and defeat the Big Dipper.
25 points
Cartographer - Nucleus 1Cartographer - Nucleus 1
Map out Nucleus 1 as much as possible.
10 points
Cartographer - Nucleus 2Cartographer - Nucleus 2
Map out Nucleus 2 completely.
10 points
Karl KaresKarl Kares
Win a duel against a dismounted Karl.
10 points
Behold, Your New GodBehold, Your New God
Defeat the final form of God Badorrer.
25 points
Fairly WealthyFairly Wealthy
Have over one million gold.
10 points
Supremely WealthySupremely Wealthy
Have over two million gold.
10 points
Seasoned Veteran ISeasoned Veteran I
Attain Level 10.
5 points
Seasoned Veteran IISeasoned Veteran II
Attain Level 20.
5 points
Seasoned Veteran IIISeasoned Veteran III
Attain Level 30.
5 points
Seasoned Veteran IVSeasoned Veteran IV
Attain Level 40.
5 points
Seasoned Veteran VSeasoned Veteran V
Attain Level 50.
10 points
Seasoned Veteran VISeasoned Veteran VI
Attain Level 60.
10 points
Seasoned Veteran VIISeasoned Veteran VII
Attain Level 70.
10 points
Warrior IWarrior I
Reach arm strength 20.
5 points
Warrior IIWarrior II
Reach arm strength 40.
10 points
Warrior IIIWarrior III
Reach arm strength 60.
10 points
Warrior IVWarrior IV
Reach arm strength 80.
10 points
Magician IMagician I
Reach Intelligence of 20.
5 points
Magician IIMagician II
Reach Intelligence of 40.
10 points
Magician IIIMagician III
Reach Intelligence of 60.
10 points
Resilient IResilient I
Have a magic resistance of 20.
5 points
Resilient IIResilient II
Have a magic resistance of 40.
10 points
Resilient IIIResilient III
Have a magic resistance of 60.
10 points
Slayer ISlayer I
Kill 300 enemies.
5 points
Slayer IISlayer II
Kill 600 enemies.
10 points

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