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Bomberman B-Daman

Bomberman B-Daman



achievements (20)

iconinfoRA score
The Beginning!The Beginning!
Make 1000 points at once on Level 1 and pass the level
10 points
There Is Only One Way To GoThere Is Only One Way To Go
Make 1000 points at once without press the Right d-pad on normal game Level 1
10 points
Special Bomber!Special Bomber!
Make 10 perfects in a row on Special Mode
10 points
The Training Continues!The Training Continues!
Make 1000 points at once on Level 2 and pass the level
10 points
Adventure in Forest IAdventure in Forest I
Make 1000 points at once on Level 3 and complete the level
25 points
Blast on the Beach IBlast on the Beach I
Make 1000 points at once on level 5 and complete the level
25 points
Blast on the Beach IIBlast on the Beach II
Make 1000 points at once on Level 6 and complete the level
25 points
Bomberman in the Space IBomberman in the Space I
Make 1000 points at once on Level 7 and complete the level
25 points
Bomberman in the Space IIBomberman in the Space II
Make 1000 points at once on Level 8 and complete the level
25 points
Battle in JBA Stadium!Battle in JBA Stadium!
Make 1000 points at once on Level 9 and complete the level
25 points
Final Battle on JBA Stadium!Final Battle on JBA Stadium!
Make 1000 points on level 10 and complete the level
25 points
Adventure in Forest IIAdventure in Forest II
Make 1000 points at once on Level 4 and complete the level
25 points
The Legendary Gold BomberThe Legendary Gold Bomber
Score 10.000 points on normal game see the credits and return to title screen
50 points
Pacifist BombermanPacifist Bomberman
Pass a round on Battle Mode vs CPU time set 60 without dropping bombs and without taking damage
10 points
It’s Too Dangerous To Move!It’s Too Dangerous To Move!
Win a round on Battle mode vs CPU without going left or right (restart if you get a draw)
10 points
The Path to Becoming the Master of B-DamaThe Path to Becoming the Master of B-Dama
Gather 2000 points or more
5 points
Discovering the Powers of MarblesDiscovering the Powers of Marbles
Gather 4000 points or more
5 points
More Explosive Than a Bomb!More Explosive Than a Bomb!
Gather 6000 points or more
10 points
Getting Close to Something SpecialGetting Close to Something Special
Gather 8000 points or more
25 points
A Difficult FightA Difficult Fight
Win a Round on Battle Mode vs CPU on Hard time set 120
10 points

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