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BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger

BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger


PlayStation Portable

achievements (102)

iconinfoRA score
The end of timeThe end of time
Finish arcade mode as Ragna. (1P, Normal+ and 2Rs to win+)
10 points
Impossible meetingImpossible meeting
Finish arcade mode as Jin. (1P, Normal+ and 2Rs to win+)
10 points
Sleeping beautySleeping beauty
Finish arcade mode as Noel. (1P, Normal+ and 2Rs to win+)
10 points
Crime and punishmentCrime and punishment
Finish arcade mode as Rachel. (1P, Normal+ and 2Rs to win+)
10 points
Afternoon sunbatheAfternoon sunbathe
Finish arcade mode as Taokaka. (1P, Normal+ and 2Rs to win+)
10 points
Revival the oneRevival the one
Finish arcade mode as Tager. (1P, Normal+ and 2Rs to win+)
10 points
Innocent worldInnocent world
Finish arcade mode as Litchi. (1P, Normal+ and 2Rs to win+)
10 points
Voice recorderVoice recorder
Finish arcade mode as Arakuke. (1P, Normal+ and 2Rs to win+)
10 points
Finish arcade mode as Bang. (1P, Normal+ and 2Rs to win+)
10 points
Cross roadCross road
Finish arcade mode as Carl. (1P, Normal+ and 2Rs to win+)
10 points
Lies and truthLies and truth
Finish arcade mode as Hakumen. (1P, Normal+ and 2Rs to win+)
10 points
The calamity triggerThe calamity trigger
Finish arcade mode as Nu-13. (1P, Normal+ and 2Rs to win+)
10 points
Grim reaperGrim reaper
Unlock all 8 Ragna's event illustrations in story mode. (Normal+)
5 points
False heroFalse hero
Unlock all 5 Jin's event illustrations in story mode. (Normal+)
5 points
Lost childLost child
Unlock all 6 Noel's event illustrations in story mode. (Normal+)
5 points
Unlock all 5 Rachel's event illustrations in story mode. (Normal+)
5 points
Innocent heartInnocent heart
Unlock all 4 Taokaka's event illustrations in story mode. (Normal+)
5 points
Blind warriorBlind warrior
Unlock all 5 Tager's event illustrations in story mode. (Normal+)
5 points
Unlock all 5 Litchi's event illustrations in story mode. (Normal+)
5 points
Solve equationSolve equation
Unlock all 5 Arakune's event illustrations in story mode. (Normal+)
5 points
Unlock all 6 Bang's event illustrations in story mode. (Normal+)
5 points
Unlock all 4 Carl's event illustrations in story mode. (Normal+)
5 points
Atonement heroAtonement hero
Unlock all 5 Hakumen's event illustrations in story mode. (Normal+)
5 points
Unlock all 5 Nu-13's event illustrations in story mode. (Normal+)
5 points
Ragna the BloodedgeRagna the Bloodedge
Story mode 100% complete as Ragna. (Normal+)
25 points
Jin KisaragiJin Kisaragi
Story mode 100% complete as Jin. (Normal+)
25 points
Noel VermillionNoel Vermillion
Story mode 100% complete as Noel. (Normal+)
25 points
Rachel AlucardRachel Alucard
Story mode 100% complete as Rachel. (Normal+)
25 points
Story mode 100% complete as Taokaka. (Normal+)
25 points
Iron TagerIron Tager
Story mode 100% complete as Tager. (Normal+)
25 points
Litchi Faye-LingLitchi Faye-Ling
Story mode 100% complete as Litchi. (Normal+)
25 points
Story mode 100% complete as Arakune. (Normal+)
25 points
Bang ShishigamiBang Shishigami
Story mode 100% complete as Bang. (Normal+)
25 points
Carl CloverCarl Clover
Story mode 100% complete as Carl. (Normal+)
25 points
Story mode 100% complete as Hakumen. (Normal+)
25 points
Story mode 100% complete as Nu-13. (Normal+)
25 points
The wheel of fate is turningThe wheel of fate is turning
Finish arcade mode on the Hell difficulty and 5 Rounds to win. (1P)
25 points
Ultimate powerUltimate power
Finish score attack mode. (1P)
50 points
Finish the first legion on the Normal difficulty or higher.
10 points
Finish the second legion on the Hard difficulty or higher.
25 points
Finish the third legion on the Hell difficulty.
50 points
Teach me, Miss Litchi!Teach me, Miss Litchi!
Watch Tips - Episode 1 in story mode.
5 points
Hi, Boobie Lady!Hi, Boobie Lady!
Find the 'Boobie Lady' scene in Tips - Story mode.
1 points
The three...stooges?The three...stooges?
Watch Tips - Episode 2 in story mode.
5 points
The shorty and the hard guyThe shorty and the hard guy
Watch Tips - Episode 3 in story mode.
5 points
Slacker 0, Good guy 1Slacker 0, Good guy 1
Watch Tips - Episode 4 in story mode.
5 points
Syector syeven!Syector syeven!
Watch Tips - Episode 5 in story mode.
5 points
The six hewoesThe six hewoes
Watch Tips - Episode 6 in story mode.
5 points
The hero will be lateThe hero will be late
Watch Tips - Episode 7 in story mode.
5 points
Watch Tips - Episode 8 in story mode.
2 points
Blayzebloo shoppingBlayzebloo shopping
Purchase all shop items.
50 points
Carnage scissorsCarnage scissors
Perform a distortion finish as Ragna using the [Carnage scissors] special. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
Devoured by darknessDevoured by darkness
Perform a distortion finish as Ragna using the [Devoured by darkness] special. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
Black onslaughtBlack onslaught
Perform an astral finish as Ragna. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
Ice fangIce fang
Perform a distortion finish as Jin using the [Ice Fang] special. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
Perform a distortion finish as Jin using the [Moonsong] special. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
Arctic dungeonArctic dungeon
Perform an astral finish as Jin. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
Zero-gun FenrirZero-gun Fenrir
Perform a distortion finish as Noel using the [Zero-gun Fenrir] special. (2nd part required, 1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
Zero-gun ThorZero-gun Thor
Perform a distortion finish as Noel using the [Zero-gun Thor] special. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
Valkyrie veilValkyrie veil
Perform an astral finish as Noel. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
Baden-baden LilyBaden-baden Lily
Perform a distortion finish as Rachel using the [Baden-baden Lily] special. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
Clownish calendulaClownish calendula
Perform an astral finish as Rachel. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
Cat person's secret art: HexarEdgeCat person's secret art: HexarEdge
Perform a distortion finish as Taokaka using the [Cat person's secret art: HexarEdge] special. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
I'mma beat the crap outta you!I'mma beat the crap outta you!
Perform a distortion finish as Taokaka using the [I'mma beat the crap outta you!] special. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
Attack meow pow!Attack meow pow!
Perform an astral finish as Taokaka. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
Magna-tech wheelMagna-tech wheel
Perform a distortion finish as Tager using the [Magna-tech wheel] special. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
Perform a distortion finish as Tager using the [Terabreak] special. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
Genesis emerald Tager busterGenesis emerald Tager buster
Perform a distortion finish as Tager using the [Genesis emerald Tager buster] special. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
King of TagerKing of Tager
Perform an astral finish as Tager. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
Thirteen orphansThirteen orphans
Perform a distortion finish a Litchi using the [Thirteen orphans] special. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
All greenAll green
Perform a distortion finish as Litchi using the [All green] special. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
The great wheelThe great wheel
Perform a distortion finish as Litchi using the [The great wheel] special. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
Nine gates of heavenNine gates of heaven
Perform an astral finish as Litchi. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
F of GF of G
Perform a distortion finish as Arakune using the [F of G] special. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
F inverseF inverse
Perform a distortion finish as Arakune using the [F inverse] special. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
N to infinityN to infinity
Perform an astral finish as Arakune. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
Fatal eruptionFatal eruption
Perform a distortion finish as Bang using the [Fatal eruption] special. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
Steel rainSteel rain
Perform a distortion finish as Bang using the [Steel rain] special. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
The ultimate BangThe ultimate Bang
Perform an astral finish as Bang. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
Laetabilis cantataLaetabilis cantata
Perform a distortion finish as Carl using the [Laetabilis cantata] special. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
Rhapsody of memoriesRhapsody of memories
Perform a distortion finish as Carl using the [Rhapsody of memories] special. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
Perform a distortion finish as Carl using the [Fermata] special. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
Deus ex machinaDeus ex machina
Perform an astral finish as Carl. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
Perform a distortion finish as Hakumen using the [Squall] special. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
Perform a distortion finish as Hakumen using the [Snowstorm] special. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
Perish evilPerish evil
Perform an astral finish as Hakumen. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
Legacy edgeLegacy edge
Perform a distortion finish as Nu-13 using the [Legacy edge] special. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
Calamity swordCalamity sword
Perform a distortion finish as Nu-13 using the [Calamity sword] special. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
Sword of destructionSword of destruction
Perform an astral finish as Nu-13. (1P, Normal+, Unlimited prohibited)
5 points
The seal of fate is now brokenThe seal of fate is now broken
Get the true ending in story mode. (Normal+)
25 points
Tch... you bastardTch... you bastard
Win a round without being hit facing Unlimited Ragna and playing with a normal character in versus mode. (1P, Normal+, 99secs)
10 points
Ugh...damn it!Ugh...damn it!
Win a round without being hit facing Unlimited Jin and playing with a normal character in versus mode. (1P, Normal+, 99secs)
10 points
Stop please, that's enoughStop please, that's enough
Win a round without being hit facing Unlimited Noel and playing with a normal character in versus mode. (1P, Normal+, 99secs)
10 points
Have I been dethroned?Have I been dethroned?
Win a round without being hit facing Unlimited Rachel and playing with a normal character in versus mode. (1P, Normal+, 99secs)
10 points
Meow, not funnyMeow, not funny
Win a round without being hit facing Unlimited Taokaka and playing with a normal character in versus mode. (1P, Normal+, 99secs)
10 points
Grrr... I underestimated your strengthGrrr... I underestimated your strength
Win a round without being hit facing Unlimited Tager and playing with a normal character in versus mode. (1P, Normal+, 99secs)
10 points
Get away from me!Get away from me!
Win a round without being hit facing Unlimited Litchi and playing with a normal character in versus mode. (1P, Normal+, 99secs)
10 points
No!   don't want  eturn, I w n't g  back...No! don't want eturn, I w n't g back...
Win a round without being hit facing Unlimited Arakune and playing with a normal character in versus mode. (1P, Normal+, 99secs)
10 points
Argh, It's hurtingArgh, It's hurting
Win a round without being hit facing Unlimited Bang and playing with a normal character in versus mode. (1P, Normal+, 99secs)
10 points
Please, don't hurt my sisPlease, don't hurt my sis
Win a round without being hit facing Unlimited Carl and playing with a normal character in versus mode. (1P, Normal+, 99secs)
10 points
How could I lose to such a man..?How could I lose to such a man..?
Win a round without being hit facing Unlimited Hakumen and playing with a normal character in versus mode. (1P, Normal+, 99secs)
10 points
Win a round without being hit facing Unlimited Nu-13 and playing with a normal character in versus mode. (1P, Normal+, 99secs)
10 points
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