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Apex Legends

Apex Legends


Xbox One

achievements (12)

The PlayerThe Player
Reached player level 50
100 Gamerscore
Decked OutDecked Out
Equipped any 2 legendary equipment items at the same time.
75 Gamerscore
Team PlayerTeam Player
Respawned a teammate
75 Gamerscore
Fully KittedFully Kitted
Equipped a Fully Kitted weapon
75 Gamerscore
Was the Jumpmaster 5 times
75 Gamerscore
Dealt 5,000 damage with 8 different Legends
100 Gamerscore
Kill LeaderKill Leader
Became the Kill Leader
75 Gamerscore
Apex AssaultApex Assault
Won a game as an assault character
75 Gamerscore
Apex ControllerApex Controller
Won a game as a controller character
75 Gamerscore
Apex SupportApex Support
Won a game as a support character
75 Gamerscore
Apex ReconApex Recon
Won a game as a recon character
75 Gamerscore
Apex LegendApex Legend
Won a game with 8 different Legends
125 Gamerscore

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