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Cat Quest 3

Cat Quest 3


PlayStation 5

achievements (31)

Purrlatinum SeekerPurrlatinum Seeker
You are the true Seeker!
Paws Over TentaclesPaws Over Tentacles
Defeated Cathulhu, the menace of the ocean.
Rock on, Supurrstar!Rock on, Supurrstar!
Defeated Captain Meowtallika, the leader of the Meowtallika crew.
King of Pi-rats No MoreKing of Pi-rats No More
Defeated the Pi-rat King, the leader of the pi-rats.
Quack Goes the DuckyQuack Goes the Ducky
Defeated the Duck of Doom, the ruler of the seven seas!
Furry Spicy yet Supurr SweetFurry Spicy yet Supurr Sweet
Defeated Captain Takomeowki, the leader of the Spicy Squids!
Furst BountyFurst Bounty
Claimed a wanted poster's bounty!
Bounty DomiewnatorBounty Domiewnator
Claimed all wanted poster bounties!
Armeowry AmateurArmeowry Amateur
Collected 10 different pieces of equipment!
Armeowry EnjoyerArmeowry Enjoyer
Collected 40 different pieces of equipment!
Armeowry FurshionistaArmeowry Furshionista
Collected all equipment in the Purribean
Ship MieutenantShip Mieutenant
Collected first ship blueprint
Ship Furst MateShip Furst Mate
Collect 5 ship blueprints
Ship MewsterShip Mewster
Collect all the Ship Blueprints
Treasure RummeowgerTreasure Rummeowger
Opened 20 Treasure Chests!
Treasure PouncerTreasure Pouncer
Opened 50 Treasure Chests!
Treasure ExpurrlorerTreasure Expurrlorer
Opened 80 Treasure Chests!
Completed a set of puzzle stones!
Purroblem SolverPurroblem Solver
Completed all 12 sets of puzzle stones!
Once Bitten, 8 Times ShyOnce Bitten, 8 Times Shy
Completed the 8-bit dungeon
Purrsitively GoldenPurrsitively Golden
Completed the Golden Tower
Love is FureverLove is Furever
Completed the Lovepurr Dungeon!
Furst SecretFurst Secret
Found a hidden item!
Secret PurrlundererSecret Purrlunderer
Found all hidden items!
Learned all 10 spells!
Completed the Kidd Cat Questline!
No Necromeowncy Here!No Necromeowncy Here!
Completed the Mage Bonny questline!
A Painful Pawst, AvengedA Painful Pawst, Avenged
Completed the Mama Milka questline!
Happurrly Ever AfterHappurrly Ever After
Witnessed the Purrmaid find her Prince Charming!
Commewnity HelperCommewnity Helper
Returned all lost items to their rightful owner!
My North Star was Always YouMy North Star was Always You
Found the North Star Treasure!
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