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Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader

Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader



achievements (63)

iconinfoRA score
Home Field AdvantageHome Field Advantage
Complete the "Tatooine Training" mission by clearing all objectives & bonus items.
5 points
The Battle of YavinThe Battle of Yavin
Complete the "Death Star Attack" mission.
5 points
Through the NebulaThrough the Nebula
Complete the "Ison Corridor Ambush" mission.
5 points
The Empire Strikes BackThe Empire Strikes Back
Complete the "Battle of Hoth" mission.
5 points
Black Hole Prison BreakBlack Hole Prison Break
Complete the "Prisons of the Maw" mission.
5 points
Not So Secret RendezvousNot So Secret Rendezvous
Complete the "Razor Rendezvous" mission.
5 points
Crix's CommandosCrix's Commandos
Complete the "Vengeance on Kothlis" mission.
10 points
Back to Flight SchoolBack to Flight School
Complete the "Imperial Academy Heist" mission.
10 points
City in the CloudsCity in the Clouds
Complete the "Raid on Bespin" mission.
10 points
The Battle of EndorThe Battle of Endor
Complete the "Battle of Endor" mission.
10 points
Empire's EndEmpire's End
Complete the "Strike at the Core" mission.
25 points
Flight of the FalconFlight of the Falcon
Complete the "Death Star Escape" bonus mission.
10 points
Avenger EvaderAvenger Evader
Complete the "The Asteroid Field" bonus mission.
10 points
It Is a Great Day for the EmpireIt Is a Great Day for the Empire
Complete the "Triumph of the Empire" bonus mission.
10 points
Rebel ScumRebel Scum
Complete the "Revenge on Yavin" bonus mission.
10 points
Advanced ShieldsAdvanced Shields
Find the Advanced Shields upgrade and complete the "Death Star Attack" mission.
5 points
Advanced Proton TorpedoesAdvanced Proton Torpedoes
Find the Advanced Proton Torpedoes upgrade and complete the "Ison Corridor Ambush" mission.
5 points
Advanced LasersAdvanced Lasers
Find the Advanced Lasers upgrade and complete the "Battle of Hoth" mission.
5 points
Advanced Cluster MisslesAdvanced Cluster Missles
Find the Advanced Cluster Missiles and complete the "Prisons of the Maw" mission.
5 points
Advanced Proton BombsAdvanced Proton Bombs
Find the Advanced Proton Bombs and complete the "Razor Rendezvous" mission.
5 points
Homing Proton TorpedoesHoming Proton Torpedoes
Find the Homing Proton Torpedoes and complete the "Vengeance on Kothlis" mission.
5 points
Advanced Concussion MissilesAdvanced Concussion Missiles
Find the Advanced Concussion Missiles and complete the "Imperial Academy Heist" mission during the day.
5 points
Spread Proton BombsSpread Proton Bombs
Find the Spread Proton Bombs and complete the "Imperial Academy Heist" mission at night.
5 points
Homing Concussion MissilesHoming Concussion Missiles
Find the Homing Concussion Missiles and complete the "Raid on Bespin" mission.
5 points
Homing Cluster MissilesHoming Cluster Missiles
Find the Homing Cluster Missiles and complete the "Battle of Endor" mission.
5 points
Targeting Computer UpgradeTargeting Computer Upgrade
Find the Targeting Computer Upgrade and complete the "Strike at the Core" mission.
5 points
Look At the Size of That Thing!Look At the Size of That Thing!
Earn a gold medal on "Death Star Attack".
10 points
Rebel Ships Are Coming into Our SectorRebel Ships Are Coming into Our Sector
Earn a gold medal on "Ison Corridor Ambush".
10 points
Their Primary Target Will Be the Power GeneratorsTheir Primary Target Will Be the Power Generators
Earn a gold medal on "Battle of Hoth".
10 points
This Is Some Rescue!This Is Some Rescue!
Earn a gold medal on "Prisons of the Maw".
10 points
One Fighter Against a Star Destroyer?One Fighter Against a Star Destroyer?
Earn a gold medal on "Razor Rendezvous".
10 points
Aww, Cannot Get Your Ship Out?Aww, Cannot Get Your Ship Out?
Earn a gold medal on "Vengeance on Kothlis".
10 points
We Have Stolen a Small Imperial ShuttleWe Have Stolen a Small Imperial Shuttle
Earn a gold medal on "Imperial Academy Heist".
10 points
This Deal is Getting Worse All the TimeThis Deal is Getting Worse All the Time
Earn a gold medal on "Raid on Bespin".
10 points
Fully Armed and Operational Battle StationFully Armed and Operational Battle Station
Earn a gold medal on "Battle of Endor".
10 points
Rebellions Are Built on HopeRebellions Are Built on Hope
Earn a gold medal on "Strike at the Core".
10 points
Great, Kid!  Don't Get CockyGreat, Kid! Don't Get Cocky
Earn a gold medal on the "Death Star Escape" bonus mission.
25 points
Never Tell Me the OddsNever Tell Me the Odds
Earn a gold medal on the "The Asteroid Field" bonus mission.
10 points
I Have You NowI Have You Now
Earn a gold medal on the "Triumph of the Empire" bonus mission.
10 points
There'll Be No One to Stop Us This TimeThere'll Be No One to Stop Us This Time
Earn a gold medal on the "Revenge on Yavin" bonus mission.
10 points
Red Leader? This Is Gold LeaderRed Leader? This Is Gold Leader
Complete "Death Star Attack" while flying a Y-Wing.
3 points
Many DisintegrationsMany Disintegrations
Complete "Ison Corridor Ambush" after starting with the Slave I.
5 points
That Armor's Too Strong For BlastersThat Armor's Too Strong For Blasters
Complete "Battle of Hoth" with 66% or higher accuracy.
5 points
You Switched Off Your Targeting ComputerYou Switched Off Your Targeting Computer
Complete "Prisons of the Maw" with 100% targeting computer efficiency.
5 points
Turbolaser EvaderTurbolaser Evader
Complete "Razor Rendezvous" without losing any lives.
5 points
Mando's Vacation SpotMando's Vacation Spot
Complete "Vengeance on Kothlis" after starting with the Naboo Starfighter.
4 points
Catastrophic DamageCatastrophic Damage
Complete "Imperial Academy Heist" with at least 75 kills.
5 points
Blazing B-Wing Blitz on BespinBlazing B-Wing Blitz on Bespin
Complete "Raid on Bespin" after starting with the B-Wing.
3 points
General CalrissianGeneral Calrissian
Complete "Battle of Endor" while flying the Millennium Falcon.
5 points
That Was Too CloseThat Was Too Close
Complete "Strike at the Core" while flying the Millennium Falcon.
10 points
My Main Ride Is in the ShopMy Main Ride Is in the Shop
Complete "Triumph of the Empire" using the TIE Fighter.
5 points
Transport Vs. TransportTransport Vs. Transport
Complete "Revenge on Yavin" using the Imperial Transport.
5 points
Naboo N-1 StarfighterNaboo N-1 Starfighter
Complete "Tatooine Training" at dawn, afternoon, dusk, and night to unlock the Naboo N-1 Starfighter.
10 points
TIE/ln Space Superiority StarfighterTIE/ln Space Superiority Starfighter
Capture an Imperial TIE Fighter during "Imperial Academy Heist" during the day and at night.
10 points
Corellian YT-1300 Light FreighterCorellian YT-1300 Light Freighter
Unlock the Millennium Falcon by earning at least a bronze medal on all ten story missions.
10 points
Firespray-31-Class Patrol and Attack CraftFirespray-31-Class Patrol and Attack Craft
Unlock the Slave I by earning at least a silver medal on all ten story missions, "Death Star Escape", and "The Asteroid Field".
25 points
Lambda-Class T-4a ShuttleLambda-Class T-4a Shuttle
Unlock the Imperial Shuttle by earning a gold medal on "Triumph of the Empire" and "Revenge on Yavin".
25 points
1969 Buick Electra Convertible1969 Buick Electra Convertible
Unlock the Buick Convertible using a password and participate in the Battle of Endor.
5 points
The Long Road to VictoryThe Long Road to Victory
Complete the "Endurance" bonus mission.
50 points
The Force Is Strong with This OneThe Force Is Strong with This One
Earn a gold medal on the "Endurance" bonus mission.
50 points
Sienar Fleet Systems TIE Advanced x1Sienar Fleet Systems TIE Advanced x1
Unlock Darth Vader's TIE Advanced by earning a gold medal on all fifteen missions.
25 points
Ace CommanderAce Commander
Unlock Ace Mode by earning a gold medal on all fifteen missions and finishing "Tatooine Training" at all times of the day.
25 points
Galactic Allied CommanderGalactic Allied Commander
Earn ace medals on all fifteen missions.
25 points
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