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PlayStation 2

achievements (94)

iconinfoRA score
Learning Like a DragonLearning Like a Dragon
[Normal+] Collect the debt from Peace Finance.
1 points
Prison BrawlPrison Brawl
[Normal+] Defeat Prisoner #1356 without harming any of the other Prisoners.
3 points
Fate of a TraitorFate of a Traitor
[Normal+] Complete Chapter 1.
2 points
The Fall You TakeThe Fall You Take
[Hard] Complete Chapter 1.
3 points
You Retarded or Just Deaf?You Retarded or Just Deaf?
[Normal+] Defeat Yuya without taking any damage or dodging.
5 points
Ten Years LaterTen Years Later
[Normal+] Complete Chapter 2.
3 points
[Hard] Complete Chapter 2.
5 points
Hiding Behind SunglassesHiding Behind Sunglasses
Meet up with Shinji at the Tojo Clan HQ without being caught by any lookouts.
2 points
Swing Batter Batter Swing!Swing Batter Batter Swing!
[Normal+] Defeat Futo Shimano by dealing the final hit with a Baseball Bat.
3 points
A Funeral of FistsA Funeral of Fists
[Normal+] Complete Chapter 3.
5 points
Shimano's DogsShimano's Dogs
[Hard] Complete Chapter 3.
5 points
In the Domain of the God of WarIn the Domain of the God of War
[Normal+] Defeat Hiroshi Hayashi without grabbing or blocking.
5 points
The EncounterThe Encounter
[Normal+] Complete Chapter 4.
5 points
Yumi's SecretYumi's Secret
[Hard] Complete Chapter 4.
5 points
An Old Sport of GodsAn Old Sport of Gods
[Normal+] Show Kage your strength by winning his Colosseum challenge.
5 points
Laugh, You Stupid Motherfucker!Laugh, You Stupid Motherfucker!
[Normal+] Defeat Goro Majima at the Batting Cage without blocking or ever being knocked down to the ground.
10 points
[Normal+] Complete Chapter 5.
5 points
The 10 Billion Yen GirlThe 10 Billion Yen Girl
[Hard] Complete Chapter 5.
10 points
Dethroning the KingDethroning the King
[Normal+] Defeat B-King.
5 points
[Normal+] Complete Chapter 6.
5 points
A Parental DutyA Parental Duty
[Hard] Complete Chapter 6.
10 points
Searchers of the PendantSearchers of the Pendant
[Normal+] Defeat the Mysterious Organization.
5 points
Oyabun's OrdersOyabun's Orders
[Normal+] Defeat Koji Shindo without taking damage more than 11 times.
25 points
Dragon and CarpDragon and Carp
[Normal+] Complete Chapter 7.
5 points
A Broken BondA Broken Bond
[Hard] Complete Chapter 7.
10 points
You Dumbfuck!You Dumbfuck!
[Normal+] Defeat Yuji Shiraki while only dealing damage to him using weapons.
10 points
Bloody EyeBloody Eye
[Normal+] Defeat the Akai Brothers, leaders of the Bloody Eye Gang.
5 points
The SchemeThe Scheme
[Normal+] Complete Chapter 8.
5 points
10 Million Ransom10 Million Ransom
[Hard] Complete Chapter 8.
10 points
Power of DaoPower of Dao
[Normal+] Defeat Lau Ka Long by dealing the final hit with an Old Chinese Sword.
10 points
The RescueThe Rescue
[Normal+] Complete Chapter 9.
5 points
Highway ShootoutHighway Shootout
[Hard] Complete Chapter 9.
10 points
[Normal+] Defeat Kazuto Arase without picking up or using any weapons, blocking and with no items equipped.
10 points
Shape of LoveShape of Love
[Normal+] Complete Chapter 10.
5 points
She's... She's My Girl...She's... She's My Girl...
[Hard] Complete Chapter 10.
10 points
Havin' Fun, Kazuma!?Havin' Fun, Kazuma!?
[Normal+] Defeat Goro Majima at Shangri-La without using Heat Actions or replenishing Kiryu's Health.
10 points
Honor and HumanityHonor and Humanity
[Normal+] Complete Chapter 11.
5 points
[Hard] Complete Chapter 11.
10 points
Big Bald BastardBig Bald Bastard
[Normal+] Defeat Futo Shimano without grabbing or blocking.
10 points
[Normal+] Complete Chapter 12.
5 points
[Hard] Complete Chapter 12.
10 points
[Normal+] Complete the Finale.
10 points
Finish What I StartedFinish What I Started
[Hard] Complete the Finale.
25 points
Let's Heat Up!Let's Heat Up!
Attain level 10 in Shin.
10 points
Time for a Beat DownTime for a Beat Down
Attain level 10 in Gi.
10 points
Staying HealthyStaying Healthy
Attain level 10 in Tai.
10 points
A Master's Fighting StyleA Master's Fighting Style
Learn all Komaki Style skills.
10 points
Obtain Piyo-chan from a UFO Catcher machine.
1 points
Obtain Ukoppiyo from a UFO Catcher machine.
1 points
Obtain Piyo-Sky from a UFO Catcher machine.
1 points
Obtain Piyo-Peach from a UFO Catcher machine.
1 points
Obtain Huge-Piyo from a UFO Catcher machine.
1 points
Obtain Chi-Panda from a UFO Catcher machine.
1 points
Obtain Ara-Ara-kun from a UFO Catcher machine.
1 points
Teddy bearTeddy bear
Obtain a Teddy bear from a UFO Catcher machine.
1 points
Black DragonBlack Dragon
Obtain a Black Dragon from a UFO Catcher machine.
1 points
Gold DragonGold Dragon
Obtain a Gold Dragon from a UFO Catcher machine.
1 points
The Price of a D-CupThe Price of a D-Cup
Get information about a Hidden Casino during The Price of a D-Cup Mission.
3 points
The Final Painting of a Struggling ArtistThe Final Painting of a Struggling Artist
Sell a painting for 100,000 Yen at Café Alps.
5 points
Suspicious ManSuspicious Man
Complete the Suspicious Man Mission without opening the suspicious bag, as much as you want to.
2 points
A Doctor's DutyA Doctor's Duty
Complete the A Doctor's Duty Mission.
5 points
Aya from ShineAya from Shine
Max your relationship with Aya by completing her Mission.
5 points
Erina from ShineErina from Shine
Max your relationship with Erina by completing her Mission.
5 points
Yuzu from ShineYuzu from Shine
Max your relationship with Yuzu by completing her Mission.
5 points
Reika from JewelReika from Jewel
Max your relationship with Reika by completing her Mission.
5 points
Chisa from JewelChisa from Jewel
Max your relationship with Chisa by completing her Mission.
5 points
Hiromi from JewelHiromi from Jewel
Max your relationship with Hiromi by completing her Mission.
5 points
Jo AmonJo Amon
[Normal+] Defeat Jo Amon.
25 points
Like a Diverted DragonLike a Diverted Dragon
Complete all 78 Missions.
25 points
Haruka's CandyHaruka's Candy
Increase Haruka's Trust to Rank E.
5 points
Haruka's ChocolateHaruka's Chocolate
Increase Haruka's Trust to Rank D.
5 points
Haruka's TalismanHaruka's Talisman
Increase Haruka's Trust to Rank C.
5 points
Haruka's LunchHaruka's Lunch
Increase Haruka's Trust to Rank B.
10 points
777 Talisman777 Talisman
Increase Haruka's Trust to Rank A.
10 points
Top of the TowerTop of the Tower
[Normal+] Defeat Kyohei Jingu
5 points
Haruka's NecklaceHaruka's Necklace
Increase Haruka's Trust to Rank S.
10 points
Haruka's MarbleHaruka's Marble
Increase Haruka's Trust to Rank SSS.
25 points
Finders KeepersFinders Keepers
Open all Coin Lockers in Kamurocho.
10 points
Magnum Force ChampionMagnum Force Champion
Earn a victory in the Magnum Force Grand Prix.
10 points
Hyper Tournament ChampionHyper Tournament Champion
Earn a victory in the Hyper Tournament.
10 points
Face Off ChampionFace Off Champion
Earn a victory in the Face Off Grand Prix.
5 points
Sword Duel ChampionSword Duel Champion
Earn a victory in the Sword Duel Grand Prix.
5 points
Burning ChampionBurning Champion
Earn a victory in the Burning Grand Prix.
5 points
Revenge ChampionRevenge Champion
Earn a victory in the Revenge Grand Prix.
5 points
Street Fight ChampionStreet Fight Champion
Earn a victory in the Street Fight Grand Prix.
5 points
Scorpion ChampionScorpion Champion
Earn a victory in the Scorpion Grand Prix.
5 points
Hyper Open ChampionHyper Open Champion
Earn a victory in the Hyper Open Tournament.
3 points
Exhibition ChampionExhibition Champion
Earn a victory in the Exhibition Tournament.
3 points
Against the ClockAgainst the Clock
Earn an A Rank or above on all Time Attack battles in the Battle Review.
10 points
One After OneOne After One
Earn an A Rank or above on all Consecutive battles in the Battle Review.
10 points
No Breaking the RulesNo Breaking the Rules
Earn an A Rank or above on all Trial battles in the Battle Review.
10 points
The Theme Should be ClownsThe Theme Should be Clowns
Earn an A Rank or above on all Theme battles in the Battle Review.
10 points
Served ColdServed Cold
Earn an A Rank or above on all Revenge battles in the Battle Review.
10 points
The Ultimate YakuzaThe Ultimate Yakuza
Earn an A Rank or above on all Ultimate battles in the Battle Review.
25 points

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