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Videocart-01: Tic-Tac-Toe, Shooting Gallery, Doodle, Quadra-Doodle

Videocart-01: Tic-Tac-Toe, Shooting Gallery, Doodle, Quadra-Doodle


Fairchild Channel F

achievements (12)

iconinfoRA score
Win Tac ToeWin Tac Toe
Win a game of tic-tac-toe
5 points
Tie Tac ToeTie Tac Toe
Tie a game of tic-tac-toe
1 points
Turkey Tac ToeTurkey Tac Toe
Lose a game of tic-tac-toe
1 points
Ten Tac ToeTen Tac Toe
Play 10 games of Tic Tac Toe in one session
3 points
Doodle RainbowDoodle Rainbow
Look at all the colors you have to work with in Doodle
1 points
Doodle ShapesDoodle Shapes
Look at all the sizes you have to work with in Doodle
1 points
Quick ShotQuick Shot
Score 10 points in the shooting gallery in two minutes on the fastest speed
3 points
Speed ShooterSpeed Shooter
Score 25 points in the shooting gallery in two minutes on the fastest speed
5 points
Ultimate Quick DrawUltimate Quick Draw
Score 50 points in the shooting gallery in two minutes on the fastest speed
10 points
Rookie ShooterRookie Shooter
Score 10 points in the shooting gallery in one session
3 points
Intermediate ShooterIntermediate Shooter
Score 25 points in the shooting gallery in one session
4 points
Advanced ShooterAdvanced Shooter
Score 50 points in the shooting gallery in one session
5 points

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