icon | info | RA score |
Master Ryo. Use all the skills that expend Ryo's energy without changing the character.(Use all the skills that expend Takuma's energy) | 10 points | |
Master Robert. Use all the skills that expend Robert's energy without changing the character.(Use all the skills that expend Takuma's energy | 10 points | |
Master Takuma. Use all the skills that expend Takuma's energy without changing the character.(Special and D.move aren't necessary) | 10 points | |
Master Jack. Use all the skills that expend Jack's energy without changing the character.(Special and D.move aren't necessary) | 10 points | |
Master Yuri. Use all the skills that expend Yuri's energy without changing the character.(Special and D.move aren't necessary) | 10 points | |
Master King. Use all the skills that expend King's energy without changing the character.(Special and D.move aren't necessary) | 10 points | |
Master Big. Use all the skills that expend Big's energy without changing the character. (Special and D.move aren't necessary) | 10 points | |
Master John. Use all the skills that expend John's energy without changing the character. (Use all the skills that expend Takuma's energy) | 10 points | |
Master Kisaragi. Use all the skills that expend Kisaragi's energy without changing the character.(Special and D.move aren't necessary) | 10 points | |
Master Lee. Use all the skills that expend Lee's energy without changing the character.(Special and D.move aren't necessary) | 10 points | |
Master Micky. Use all the skills that expend Micky's energy without changing the character. (Special and D.move aren't necessary) | 10 points | |
Master Temjin. Use all the skills that expend Temjin's energy changing the character.(Special and D.move aren't necessary) | 10 points | |
Ryo the champion. Beat Mr. Big as Ryo. | 25 points | |
Robert the champion. Beat Mr. Big as Robert. | 25 points | |
Takuma the champion. Beat Mr. Big as Takuma. | 25 points | |
Jack the champion. Beat Mr. Big as Jack. | 25 points | |
Yuri the champion Beat Mr. Big as Yuri. | 25 points | |
King the champion. Beat Mr. Big as King. | 25 points | |
Big the champion. Beat Mr. Big as Big. | 25 points | |
Kisaragi the champion. Beat Mr. Big as Kisaragi. | 25 points | |
John the champion. Beat Mr. Big as John. | 25 points | |
Lee the champion. Beat Mr. Big as Lee. | 25 points | |
Temjin the champion. Beat Mr. Big as Temjin. | 25 points | |
Micky the champion. Beat Mr. Big as Micky. | 25 points | |
It was not my fault. Destroy Micky's clothes. | 5 points | |
Oh, really? Destroy Ryo's clothes. | 5 points | |
You could buy better clothes. Destroy Robert's clothes. | 5 points | |
It was not my intention. Destroy Yuri's clothes. | 5 points | |
Sorry ... Again. destroy the king's clothes. | 5 points | |
Haoh Shou Koh Ken! (Ryo) Defeat the enemy with Ryo's special technique. | 5 points | |
Ryuko Ranbu! (Ryo) Defeat the enemy with Ryo's desperate technique. | 5 points | |
Haoh Shou Koh Ken! (Robert) Defeat the enemy with Robert's special technique. | 5 points | |
Ryuko Ranbu! (Robert) Defeat the enemy with Robert's desperate technique. | 5 points | |
Haoh Shou Koh Ken! (Takuma) Defeat the enemy with Takuma's special technique. | 5 points | |
Ryuko Ranbu! (Takuma) Defeat the enemy with Takuma's desperate technique. | 5 points | |
Super Hip Attack! Defeat the enemy with Jack's special technique. | 5 points | |
Haoh Shou Koh Ken! (Yuri) Defeat the enemy with Yuri's special technique. | 5 points | |
Hien Houou Kyaku! Defeat the enemy with Yuri's desperate technique. | 5 points | |
Double Strike! Defeat the enemy with King's special technique. | 5 points | |
Surprise Rose Defeat the enemy with King's desperate technique. | 5 points | |
Blaster Wave! Defeat the enemy with Big's special technique. | 5 points | |
Rising Spear Defeat the enemy with Big's desperate technique. | 5 points | |
Mega Smasher! Defeat the enemy with John's special technique. | 5 points | |
Atomic Smash! Defeat the enemy with John's desperate technique. | 5 points | |
Zantetsu Ha! Defeat the enemy with Kisaragi's special technique. | 5 points | |
Zantetsu Tourohken! Defeat the enemy with Kisaragi's desperate technique. | 5 points | |
Shinku Kuten Sou Defeat the enemy with Leei's special technique. | 5 points | |
Kachu Hiensou! Defeat the enemy with Leei's desperate technique. | 5 points | |
Super Mongolian Fire Tackle! Defeat the enemy with Temjin's special technique. | 5 points | |
Mongolian Temjin-Renbu! Defeat the enemy with Temjin's desperate technique. | 5 points | |
Planet Gale Defeat the enemy with Micky's special technique. | 5 points | |
Rush Bomber Defeat the enemy with Micky's desperate technique. | 5 points | |
Deforestation. Take down the tree in the bonus game. | 10 points | |
Clean face. Win a fight without getting hurt. | 10 points | |
Secret Technique. Complete the special training. | 10 points | |
Beat'em up. Defeat all enemies in the bonus game. | 10 points | |
The King of Fighters! Defeat Geese Howard. (Geese only appears on difficulty 4 or higher.) | 50 points |