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Videocart-16: Dodge-It

Videocart-16: Dodge-It


Fairchild Channel F

achievements (8)

iconinfoRA score
Master of WarMaster of War
In a single life, travel clockwise around the room three times (leaving the wall or moving counter-clockwise will reset the count) [Mode 2 or 4]
2 points
Forbidden ZoneForbidden Zone
Score 500 points without entering the left side of the screen [Mode 2 or 4]
2 points
Remain still for 30 seconds without dying [Mode 2 or 4]
2 points
Wall is LavaWall is Lava
Score 500 points in one life without touching a wall [Mode 2 or 4]
3 points
If You Can Dodge a Wrench, You Can Dodge a BallIf You Can Dodge a Wrench, You Can Dodge a Ball
Score 500 points in one life [Mode 2 or 4]
1 points
Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and DodgeDodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and Dodge
Score 1000 points in one life [Mode 2 or 4]
5 points
Down, but Not OutDown, but Not Out
Score a total of 3000 points within 5 lives (reset to retry) [Mode 2 or 4]
5 points
Back to BackBack to Back
Earn 750 or more points in a row on two consecutive lives [Mode 2 or 4]
5 points

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