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Videocart-10: Maze, Jailbreak, Blind-Man's-Bluff, Trailblazer

Videocart-10: Maze, Jailbreak, Blind-Man's-Bluff, Trailblazer


Fairchild Channel F

achievements (8)

iconinfoRA score
The Cat and the MouseThe Cat and the Mouse
Escape the Labyrinth Maze (Game 1) while being chased by the cat.
5 points
The Cat and the RatThe Cat and the Rat
Escape the Jailbreak Maze (Game 2) while being chased by the cat.
5 points
The Cat and the MoleThe Cat and the Mole
Escape the Blind-Man's Bluff Maze (Game 3) while being chased by the cat.
10 points
The Cat and the GopherThe Cat and the Gopher
Escape the Trailblazer Maze (Game 4) while being chased by the cat.
10 points
Labyrinth MazeLabyrinth Maze
Escape the Labyrinth Maze (Game 1).
1 points
Jailbreak MazeJailbreak Maze
Escape the Jailbreak Maze (Game 2).
3 points
Blind-Man's Bluff MazeBlind-Man's Bluff Maze
Escape the Blind-Man's Bluff Maze (Game 3).
10 points
Trailblazer MazeTrailblazer Maze
Escape the Trailblazer Maze (Game 4).
3 points

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