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Fish Files, The

Fish Files, The


Game Boy Color

achievements (33)

iconinfoRA score
Adventure Game BasicsAdventure Game Basics
Examine five hotspots in Dante's room
2 points
Look What You've DoneLook What You've Done
Ruin Fritz's mug
4 points
Smashing Good LooksSmashing Good Looks
Break a Mirror
3 points
The Ultimate ToolThe Ultimate Tool
Get the Multi-use
5 points
Free At LastFree At Last
Help the Electrician
5 points
The Truth is Down ThereThe Truth is Down There
Get the FBI badge
3 points
Gotta Slobber 'em AllGotta Slobber 'em All
Win at Bonkemon
5 points
Breaking Not-So-BadBreaking Not-So-Bad
Make the acid
10 points
Complete the Chef's request
5 points
Playing Dress-UpPlaying Dress-Up
Distract Frau Kruger
10 points
Be Kind, RewindBe Kind, Rewind
Watch the videotape
10 points
Time Flies When You're Solving a MysteryTime Flies When You're Solving a Mystery
Night has arrived
2 points
Papers PleasePapers Please
Gain access to Xavoc
5 points
Gain access to the military base
5 points
Break into the safe in the library
5 points
Arrive in another dimension
10 points
Proper AttireProper Attire
Find a military uniform for Fabropulos
5 points
Major HelpMajor Help
Return with Major Gaid
10 points
Beware of CatBeware of Cat
Gain access to the abandoned factory
5 points
Does it Blend?Does it Blend?
Give Beppo the ultra-powerful blender
10 points
Far Out, ManFar Out, Man
Return with Mark
10 points
Toga, Toga, TogaToga, Toga, Toga
Help Dante blend in
4 points
The HauntingThe Haunting
Scare away the Roman guard
10 points
A Great PerformanceA Great Performance
Return with Puse
10 points
Find your way through the sewer maze
4 points
Big Gray Door OpenerBig Gray Door Opener
Break into the barn
5 points
Your Job Here is DoneYour Job Here is Done
Send the alternate hackers home
5 points
Still Trying to Get the GirlStill Trying to Get the Girl
Find Mary's fish
3 points
Pod PeoplePod People
Free the prisoners
5 points
I Wonder What This DoesI Wonder What This Does
Pull the lever in the spaceship cockpit
2 points
So Long, and Thanks for All the FishSo Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
Convince the aliens to leave
10 points
It Came From the DormsIt Came From the Dorms
Prevent an all-out war
10 points
Breaking the Fourth WallBreaking the Fourth Wall
Discover the development studio
3 points

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