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BMX Air Master

BMX Air Master


Atari 2600

achievements (44)

iconinfoRA score
Combo 8Combo 8
Execute combination 8: 720+ loop, 3+ rotations, 3+ flips, must do feet, must do hands, must do forward, must do X up, 3+ bounces.
5 points
Combo 1Combo 1
Execute combination 1: 720+ loop, no rotations, no flips, no feet, must do hands, no move forward, must X up, no bounces.
3 points
Combo 2Combo 2
Execute combination 2: 180 loop, 1 rotation, no flips, must do feet, no hands, must do move forward, no X up, no bounces.
3 points
Combo 3Combo 3
Execute combination 3: 360 loop, 3+ rotations, 3+ flips, no feet, no hands, no move forward, no X up, no bounces.
3 points
Combo 4Combo 4
Execute combination 4: 720+ loop, no rotations, no flips, must do feet, must do hands, must do forward, must do X up, 1 bounce.
3 points
Combo 5Combo 5
Execute combination 5: 720+ loop, 3+ rotations, 3+ flips, no feet, no hands, no forward, no X up, no bounce.
3 points
Combo 6Combo 6
Execute combination 6: no loop, 3+ rotations, 3+ flips, must do feet, must do hands, must do forward, must do X up, no bounce.
3 points
Combo 7Combo 7
Execute combination 7: 720+ loop, no rotations, no flips, no feet, must do hands, must do forward, no X up, 3+ bounces.
3 points
Half Pipe BeginnerHalf Pipe Beginner
Complete the Half Pipe stage with a score higher than 0 on Practice Standard.
1 points
Half Pipe NoviceHalf Pipe Novice
Complete the Half Pipe Stage with a score higher or equal to 7,500 on Practice Standard.
2 points
Half Pipe ExpertHalf Pipe Expert
Complete the Half Pipe Stage with a score higher than or equal to 20,000 on Practice Standard.
5 points
Quarter Pipe BeginnerQuarter Pipe Beginner
Complete the Quarter Pipe stage with a score higher than 0 on Practice Standard.
1 points
Quarter Pipe NoviceQuarter Pipe Novice
Complete the Quarter Pipe stage earning 5,000 or more points on Practice Standard.
2 points
Quarter Pipe ExpertQuarter Pipe Expert
Complete the Quarter Pipe stage earning 13,000 or more points on Practice Standard.
5 points
The Ramp Jump BeginnerThe Ramp Jump Beginner
Complete the Ramp Jump stage earning more than 0 points on Practice Standard.
1 points
The Ramp Jump NoviceThe Ramp Jump Novice
Complete the Ramp Jump stage earning 3,000 or more points on Practice Standard.
2 points
The Ramp Jump ExpertThe Ramp Jump Expert
Complete the Ramp Jump stage earning 7,500 or more points on Practice Standard.
5 points
Standard Looper IStandard Looper I
Loop Stages once (looping earns you an extra man!) on Standard Arcade.
1 points
Standard Looper IIStandard Looper II
Loop Stages twice on Standard Arcade.
2 points
Standard Looper IIIStandard Looper III
Loop Stages thrice on Standard Arcade.
3 points
Score over 4,000 points in a single launch.
5 points
My Hero ZeroMy Hero Zero
Have zero points at your 1st event loop in Standard Arcade. It really is a free guy; see how convenient that is?
0 points
Have 9 lives.
2 points
BMX Air MasterBMX Air Master
Earn a score of 200,000 or more in Standard Arcade within 3 loops. Note: Achievement should pop after score is tallied during the Ramp stage on the 3rd loop at the end of the event.
25 points
[Tutorial] Loop Backwards[Tutorial] Loop Backwards
Execute a backwards 360+ loop trick. (Must be done as 1st trick and only trick on a jump)
1 points
[Tutorial] Loop Forwards[Tutorial] Loop Forwards
Execute a forwards 360+ loop trick. (Must be done as 1st trick and only trick on a jump)
1 points
[Tutorial] Flip[Tutorial] Flip
Execute a single Flip trick (press left while midair). (Must be done as 1st trick and only trick on a jump)
1 points
[Tutorial] Rotate[Tutorial] Rotate
Execute a Rotate trick (press right while midair). (Must be done as 1st trick and only trick on a jump)
1 points
[Tutorial] Feet[Tutorial] Feet
Execute a Feet trick (while midair and holding the action button, press down). (Must be done as 1st trick and only trick on a jump)
1 points
[Tutorial] Hands[Tutorial] Hands
Execute a Hands trick (while midair and holding the action button, press up). (Must be done as 1st trick and only trick on a jump)
1 points
[Tutorial] Move Forward[Tutorial] Move Forward
Execute a Move Forward trick (while midair and holding the action button, press right). (Must be done as 1st trick and only trick on a jump)
1 points
[Tutorial] X Up[Tutorial] X Up
Execute an X Up trick (while midair and holding the action button, press left). (Must be done as 1st trick)
1 points
[Tutorial] Bounce[Tutorial] Bounce
Execute a Bounce trick (bounce on your front or back tire by launching of the half or quarter pipe at high speed, holding up as soon as you're midair, and you'll inch forward as you loop forwards)
1 points
Dave Mirra's ChallengeDave Mirra's Challenge
Get a max end of stage bonus of 800 points for doing 8 different tricks (see forum for a handy guide).
5 points
Matt Hoffman's ChallengeMatt Hoffman's Challenge
Get a max end of stage bonus of 8,000 points on the Half Pipe for doing all 8 combinations [this bonus resets if you crash] (see forum for a handy guide).
10 points
On the Quarter Pipe, successfully perform a trick after landing at the top of the ramp. (Must be done in Practice Standard)
2 points
Chicken OutChicken Out
On the Ramp Jump, successfully land after the 1st ramp on the same screen. (Must be done in Practice Standard)
1 points
Is This Even Legal?Is This Even Legal?
On the Ramp Jump, perform a Bounce trick to clear the ramp and successfully land.
2 points
Hot RodHot Rod
On the Ramp Jump, faceplant after the first ramp without going to the next screen. (Must be done in Practice Standard on 1st or 2nd jump)
0 points
Among the Clouds of JupiterAmong the Clouds of Jupiter
On loop 3, on the Quarter Pipe event, get as high as you can.
3 points
Custom Combo: The HelicopterCustom Combo: The Helicopter
On the Ramp Jump event, after turning upside down (press down), rotate 8 times, then turn rightside up and land.
5 points
BMX Air ApprenticeBMX Air Apprentice
Earn a score of 100,000 or more in Standard Arcade within 3 loops. Note: Achievement should pop after score is tallied during the Ramp stage on the 3rd loop at the end of the event.
10 points
T. J. Lavin's Combo ChallengeT. J. Lavin's Combo Challenge
Get a post-event combo bonus of 3000 on the Quarter Pipe (see forum for a handy guide).
5 points
Alex Kidd's Combo ChallengeAlex Kidd's Combo Challenge
Get a post-event combo bonus of 3000 on the Ramp Jump (see forum for a handy guide).
10 points
© 2024 smol farm. Game content copyright their respective owners. Built by Thorne (/u/ens0).