icon | info | RA score |
Reserved Rifleman [1-1] Clear Mt. Fuji Day in 15 shots or less. | 5 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [1-2] Clear Mt. Fuji Dusk in 15 shots or less. | 5 points | |
Honshū Hero Clear all Mt.Fuji Stages without losing a life. | 10 points | |
Fuji Fanatic Clear all Mt.Fuji Stages. | 5 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [1-3] Clear Mt. Fuji Night in 18 shots or less. | 5 points | |
100 Cups of Coffee Collect 3 Hourglass powerups in a single stage. | 3 points | |
Bubble-Blocking Babies Obtain the Forcefield Powerup. | 1 points | |
Buster's Veil Pop the final ball in a stage with the Force Field powerup. | 3 points | |
Heavy Machine Gun! Fire 15 Salvos of the Vulcan Missle in a single stage. (4 Shots on screen at once) | 5 points | |
Burst Fire Busting! Obtain the Vulcan Missle Powerup. | 1 points | |
Double Barrel Busting! Obtain the Doubleshot Powerup. | 1 points | |
Slow Your Roll, Buster! Obtain the Hourglass Powerup. | 1 points | |
Stop. Busting Time! Obtain the Time Freeze Powerup. | 1 points | |
No Time to Defrost Have Time Freeze active with all Balls popped. | 3 points | |
Hooked on Busting! Obtain the Powerwire powerup. | 1 points | |
A Backpack Ready to Bust Obtain all Powerups in a single stage. | 5 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [2-4] Clear Mt. Keirin Day in 15 shots or less. | 5 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [2-5] Clear Mt. Keirin Dusk in 21 shots or less. | 5 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [2-6] Clear Mt. Keirin Night in 30 shots or less. | 5 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [3-7] Clear Emerald Temple Day in 22 shots or less. | 5 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [3-8] Clear Emerald Temple Dusk in 14 shots or less. | 5 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [3-9] Clear Emerald Temple Night in 34 shots or less. | 5 points | |
Keirin King Clear all Mt.Keirin Stages. | 5 points | |
Emerald Enthusiast Clear all Emerald Temple Stages. | 5 points | |
Guilin Gladiator Clear all Mt.Keirin Stages without losing a life. | 10 points | |
Thailand Tenacity Clear all Emerald Temple Stages without losing a life. | 10 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [4-10] Clear Ankor Watt Day in 30 shots or less. | 5 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [4-11] Clear Ankor Watt Dusk in 30 shots or less. | 5 points | |
Ankor Watt Warrior Clear all Ankor Watt Stages. | 5 points | |
Cambodia Coveted Clear all Ankor Watt Stages without losing a life. | 10 points | |
Australia Ace Clear all Australia Stages. | 5 points | |
Steve's Successor Clear all Australia Stages without losing a life. | 10 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [4-12] Clear Ankor Watt Night in 28 shots or less. | 5 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [5-13] Clear Australia Day in 22 shots or less. | 5 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [5-14] Clear Australia Dusk in 30 shots or less. | 5 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [5-15] Clear Australia Night in 24 shots or less. | 5 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [6-16] Clear Taj Mahal Day in 37 shots or less. | 5 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [6-17] Clear Taj Mahal Dusk in 24 shots or less. | 5 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [6-18] Clear Taj Mahal Night in 23 shots or less. | 5 points | |
Taj Mahal Triumphed Clear all Taj Mahal Stages. | 5 points | |
India Intuition Clear all Taj Mahal Stages without losing a life. | 10 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [7-19] Clear Leningrad Day in 30 shots or less. | 5 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [7-20] Clear Leningrad Dusk in 28 shots or less. | 5 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [7-21] Clear Leningrad Night in 22 shots or less. | 5 points | |
Leningrad Legend Clear all Leningrad Stages. | 5 points | |
Russia Rockstar Clear all Leningrad Stages without losing a life. | 10 points | |
Buster Backup! Have 5 Reserve Lives. | 10 points | |
France Flawless Clear all Paris Stages without losing a life. | 10 points | |
Paris Prodigy Clear all Paris Stages. | 5 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [8-22] Clear Paris Day in 47 shots or less. | 10 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [8-23] Clear Paris Dusk in 31 shots or less. | 5 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [8-24] Clear Paris Night in 30 shots or less. | 5 points | |
British Buster Clear all London Stages without losing a life. | 10 points | |
London Lover Clear all London Stages. | 5 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [9-25] Clear London Day in 17 shots or less. | 5 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [9-26] Clear London Dusk in 23 shots or less. | 5 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [9-27] Clear London Night in 30 shots or less. | 5 points | |
Spanish Sweep Clear all Barcelona Stages without losing a life. | 10 points | |
Barcelona Bested Clear all Barcelona Stages. | 5 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [10-28] Clear Barcelona Day in 34 shots or less. | 5 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [10-29] Clear Barcelona Dusk in 27 shots or less. | 5 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [10-30] Clear Barcelona Night in 37 shots or less. | 5 points | |
Greek God Clear all Athens Stages without losing a life. | 10 points | |
Athens Accomplished Clear all Athens Stages. | 5 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [11-31] Clear Athens Day in 30 shots or less. | 10 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [11-32] Clear Athens Dusk in 31 shots or less. | 10 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [11-33] Clear Athens Night in 23 shots or less. | 10 points | |
Egypt Eccentric Clear all Egypt Stages. | 5 points | |
Top Giza Clear all Egypt stages without losing a life. | 10 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [12-34] Clear Egypt Day in 31 shots or less. | 10 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [12-35] Clear Egypt Dusk in 27 shots or less. | 10 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [12-36] Clear Egypt Night in 37 shots or less. | 10 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [13-37] Clear Kenya Day in 31 shots or less. | 10 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [13-38] Clear Kenya Dusk in 30 shots or less. | 10 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [13-39] Clear Kenya Night in 40 shots or less. | 10 points | |
Kenya Keen Clear all Kenya Stages. | 5 points | |
Swahili Swag Clear all Kenya stages without losing a life. | 10 points | |
New York Ninja Clear all New York Stages. | 5 points | |
American Achievement Clear all New York Stages without losing a life. | 10 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [14-40] Clear New York Day in 32 shots or less. | 10 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [14-41] Clear New York Dusk in 26 shots or less. | 10 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [14-42] Clear New York Night in 24 shots or less. | 5 points | |
Mayan Marvel Clear all Maya Stages. | 10 points | |
Aztec Ascendant Clear all Maya Stages without losing a life. | 10 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [15-43] Clear Maya Day in 30 shots or less. | 10 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [15-44] Clear Maya Dusk in 26 shots or less. | 5 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [15-45] Clear Maya Night in 40 shots or less. | 10 points | |
Antartica Accomplished Clear all Antartica Stages. | 10 points | |
Beautiful Borealis Clear all Antartica Stages without losing a life. | 10 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [16-46] Clear Antartica Day in 30 shots or less. | 10 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [16-47] Clear Antartica Dusk in 70 shots or less. | 25 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [16-48] Clear Antartica Night in 32 shots or less. | 10 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [17-49] Clear Easter Island Day in 54 shots or less. | 10 points | |
Reserved Rifleman [17-50] Clear Easter Island Night in 55 shots or less. | 10 points | |
Easter Island Extravaganza Clear both Easter Island Stages. | 10 points | |
Mo'ai Mastered Clear both Easter Island Stages without losing a life. | 10 points | |
A Grand Holiday Clear all Stages in one run. | 25 points | |
Buster Bros. Bested! Clear all Stages in one run, using at most 3 Extra Credits. | 50 points | |
Buster Bankroll Earn a High Score of 200000 or greater. | 5 points | |
Around the World in 80 Minutes Clear all Stages in under 80 minutes. (One Run) | 25 points | |
Buster BIOS THE FOLLOWING BIOS SETTINGS ARE REQUIRED: Player = 03, Level = NOMAL or Higher, Extend 4th = 1,000,000. | 0 points | |
The Brother of All Busters! Clear all Stages in one run on Very Difficult, using at most one Extra Credit. | 100 points | |
Krab Knockout Have 25 Hermit Crabs KO'd during one run. | 5 points | |
Buster's Outta Bullets! Survive until the timer reaches 0 in Taj Mahal Day, without firing a shot. | 10 points | |
Keirin Kredits! Collect the Yashichi in Mt. Keirin Night for a bonus life! | 10 points | |
Barcelona Bounty! Collect the Yashichi in Barcelona Night for a bonus life! | 10 points | |
Worth Busting Your Butt! Have 8 Reserve Lives! | 25 points | |
Bustin' With the Basics Clear all Mt.Fuji Stages without collecting any Food or Powerups. | 10 points | |
5 Second Rule! Collect 10 Food items before they start to flash. | 5 points | |
Hunger PANGs Collect 30 Food items in a single run. | 25 points | |
Buster's Blazing Backpack! Collect 50 Powerups in one session. | 10 points | |
Time is Ticking Buster Bro! Clear Barcelona Dusk with 1 Second or less on the clock. | 10 points | |
Breakneck Busting! Clear Mt.Fuji Day in 14 Seconds or less. | 10 points |