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Amstrad CPC

achievements (35)

iconinfoRA score
Ready for Space CombatReady for Space Combat
Complete the initial powerup section of Level 1
1 points
Boy ScoutBoy Scout
Collect every powerup orb in the initial powerup section of Level 1
2 points
Close the Bay DoorsClose the Bay Doors
Defeat every Hatch in Level 1
5 points
No Leaving LavaNo Leaving Lava
Defeated 30 or more Lava rocks from the volcanoes in Level 1
5 points
Volcano VictorVolcano Victor
Traversed and Cleared Level 1
5 points
Rock HopperRock Hopper
Defeated 80 Enemies in Level 2 in one life.
5 points
Rock RewardRock Reward
Traversed and Cleared Level 2
5 points
Defeated 10 Moai in Level 3
5 points
Bigger BoomsBigger Booms
Defeated all the large ships at the end of Level 3
5 points
Headed for SuccessHeaded for Success
Traversed and Cleared Level 3
5 points
Boy Scout IIBoy Scout II
Collect every powerup orb in the initial powerup section of Level 4
5 points
You've Got Something Against HatchesYou've Got Something Against Hatches
Defeat every Hatch in Level 4
5 points
More Volcanoes Can't Stop YouMore Volcanoes Can't Stop You
Traversed and Cleared Level 4
5 points
Defeated 20 Skeletons in Level 5
5 points
Traversed and Cleared Level 5
5 points
Asteroids Shouldn't Have TentaclesAsteroids Shouldn't Have Tentacles
Defeated 10 Tentacled Asteroids in Level 6
5 points
Weird RocksWeird Rocks
Traversed and Cleared Level 6
5 points
Traversed and Cleared Level 7
10 points
Had Fun Storming the CastleHad Fun Storming the Castle
Defeated 45 Enemies in Level 8 in one life.
10 points
Traversed and Cleared Level 8 and saved the day.
25 points
Love of TrepanningLove of Trepanning
Cleared a second loop of the game.
50 points
Beat the game without losing a life.
100 points
It's an Older ModelIt's an Older Model
Beat the game without the laser.
50 points
Lethal WeaponLethal Weapon
Armed yourself at full speed with missiles, upgraded laser, the option, and a full shield.
5 points
Scored 10,000 or more points.
2 points
Scored 50,000 or more points.
5 points
Candy BarCandy Bar
Scored 100,000 or more points.
10 points
Veteran PilotVeteran Pilot
Scored 250,000 or more points.
25 points
Space AceSpace Ace
Scored 500,000 or more points.
25 points
Forgot How To ShootForgot How To Shoot
Traverse the main part of Level 1 without killing any enemies and reach the boss (Can power up during the power up section)
10 points
Tentacle DodgerTentacle Dodger
Traverse through the tentacle rocks of Level 6 without killing any of them.
10 points
Primitive JourneyPrimitive Journey
Starting from the Moai section, complete Level 3 without any upgrades.
10 points
Fighter PilotFighter Pilot
Kill 50 enemies without dying
5 points
Alien HunterAlien Hunter
Kill 100 enemies without dying
5 points
Kill 250 enemies without dying
10 points
© 2024 smol farm. Game content copyright their respective owners. Built by Thorne (/u/ens0).