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PlayStation 4

achievements (33)

Unlock all BLEED Trophies.
Story Clear: EasyStory Clear: Easy
Clear Story Mode on Easy.
Story Clear: NormalStory Clear: Normal
Clear Story Mode on Normal.
Story Clear: HardStory Clear: Hard
Clear Story Mode on Hard.
Story Clear: Very HardStory Clear: Very Hard
Clear Story Mode on Very Hard.
Arcade Clear: EasyArcade Clear: Easy
Clear Arcade Mode on Easy.
Arcade Clear: NormalArcade Clear: Normal
Clear Arcade Mode on Normal.
Arcade Clear: HardArcade Clear: Hard
Clear Arcade Mode on Hard.
Arcade Clear: Very HardArcade Clear: Very Hard
Clear Arcade Mode on Very Hard.
Challenge Mode ChampionChallenge Mode Champion
Win a Challenge Mode fight against 3 opponents.
Secret Mission 01: Gate CrasherSecret Mission 01: Gate Crasher
Completely trash Guppy's Manor.
Secret Mission 02: Anti-OmeletteSecret Mission 02: Anti-Omelette
Don't break any egg's in the Earth's core.
Secret Mission 03: Lil' MamaSecret Mission 03: Lil' Mama
Don't trip any lasers in the Hi-Security Complex.
Secret Mission 04: Speed DemonSecret Mission 04: Speed Demon
Reach and defeat Bunny Rockette in 3 minutes.
Secret Mission 05: Preferred PolaritySecret Mission 05: Preferred Polarity
Only fight one color of blob in the underground Lab.
Secret Mission 06: Clean ShoesSecret Mission 06: Clean Shoes
Don't step on the regenerating blocks in the Dragon's stomach.
Secret Mission 07: Perfect PacifistSecret Mission 07: Perfect Pacifist
Do no damage and take no damage in the Hall of Heroes.
Intrepid ExplorerIntrepid Explorer
Investigate the pit in Guppy's Manor.
Quiet ContemplationQuiet Contemplation
Recite some poetry atop the Hall of Heroes.
Excessively StylishExcessively Stylish
Reflect a bullet that was reflected by the Rival.
S-Rank: BattalionS-Rank: Battalion
Defeat Battalion with an S-Rank.
S-Rank: Bubble CoreS-Rank: Bubble Core
Defeat the Bubble Core with an S-Rank.
S-Rank: Bunny RocketteS-Rank: Bunny Rockette
Defeat Bunny Rockette with an S-Rank.
S-Rank: Chopper CoreS-Rank: Chopper Core
Defeat the Chopper Core with an S-Rank.
S-Rank: Dragon HeartS-Rank: Dragon Heart
Defeat the Dragon Heart with an S-Rank.
S-Rank: Gibby & StuS-Rank: Gibby & Stu
Defeat Gibby & Stu with an S-Rank.
S-Rank: GuppyS-Rank: Guppy
Defeat Guppy with an S-Rank.
S-Rank: Laser BotsS-Rank: Laser Bots
Defeat the Laser Bots with an S-Rank.
S-Rank: Mantis CoreS-Rank: Mantis Core
Defeat the Mantis Core with an S-Rank.
S-Rank: Mirror CoreS-Rank: Mirror Core
Defeat the Mirror Core with an S-Rank.
S-Rank: RivalS-Rank: Rival
Defeat the Rival with an S-Rank.
S-Rank: Spider CoreS-Rank: Spider Core
Defeat the Spider Core with an S-Rank.
S-Rank: White Mk IIS-Rank: White Mk II
Defeat White Mk II with an S-Rank.

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