icon | info | gamerscore |
Pacifist Finished a normal level without using abilities, weapons or melee. | 60 | |
Runner Finished a normal level in under 20 seconds. | 60 | |
Sneaky Finished a normal level without being seen. | 100 | |
Grit Played 20 levels without dying. | 60 | |
Spiderbot Defeated the spiderbot. | 50 | |
Centipede Defeated the centipede. | 50 | |
Hovertank Defeated the hovertank. | 50 | |
Hard Work Killed 1000 enemies. | 50 | |
Explosive Killed 8 enemies with a single explosion. | 100 | |
You've just been erased Killed 3 enemies with a single railgun bullet. | 60 | |
Overseer Stopped the Overseer 1.0. | 60 | |
You're special Completed all special levels. | 100 | |
Stat Master Upgraded a stat to level 100. | 100 | |
Unlocker Unlocked all unlockables. | 100 |