icon | info |
RESPECT You Collected all DJMAX RESPECT Trophies. | |
DJMAX GRAND MASTER You have reached Level 99. | |
BEAT MAESTRO Cleared 50 missions. | |
Break the Limit Cleared 500 patterns in MAXCOMBO. | |
Perfect Perfectionist Accumulated 300,000,000 points. | |
Half Empty? Half Full! You have reached Level 50. | |
You Must Be a Pro Cleared 30 missions. | |
Diligence Will Pay Off One Day Accumulated 200,000,000 points. | |
S Rank Master Acquired S Rank for 50 times. | |
Combos First! Cleared 300 patterns in MAXCOMBO. | |
THE LORD OF COMBO Accomplished 999999 combos. | |
JUST 100% Cleared a pattern from RESPECT category with PERFECT. | |
Jaw Dropping Performance Cleared with 5000 or more combos. | |
I Will Rule This Game Cleared all songs. | |
ARCADE KID Cleared ARCADE Mode with 4 Buttons. | |
The 5th Wave Cleared ARCADE Mode with 5 Buttons. | |
Awesome MIX! Cleared ARCADE Mode with 6 Buttons. | |
Try your ability. Do it!! Cleared ARCADE Mode with 8 Buttons. | |
Hopefully This Trophy Will Help You Keep Calm Failed a stage for the first time. | |
Maybe Next Time.. Cleared with a single BREAK. | |
Super Rookie You have reached Level 10. | |
A Smooth Ride Cleared 10 missions. | |
Hidden Talent Cleared 100 patterns in MAXCOMBO. | |
Each Single Point Counts Accumulated 100,000,000 points. | |
YOLO Acquired A Rank for 100 times. | |
Combo Meister Accomplished 100000 combos. | |
Happy Lucky Day Cleared with 777 combos. | |
Ask to Wind Cleared only with "Portable 1" songs in ARCADE mode. | |
Your Own Miracle Cleared only with "Portable 2" songs in ARCADE mode. | |
Plate Collector Acquired 30 plates. | |
The Gear of All Gears Acquired 15 gears. | |
Everything about Notes Acquired 10 notes. | |
My Little Gallery Acquired 100 images. | |
Slang Festival Acquired 50 comments. | |
Testing Your Skills Cleared 30 patterns with difficulty level 10 or higher in MAXCOMBO. | |
You're So Into This Accomplished 70% success rate of 4 Button Master Score. | |
Archeologist Found a hidden BGA for the first time. | |
Saved in My Heart Found all the hidden BGA. | |
DJ Alpha Resigns Beat the mission against A.I. | |
Become an NB RANGER Watched all NB RANGER videos in Collection. | |
No One Likes to Lose Played Online Match 10 times. | |
This is for You Watched CREDITS for the first time. | |
Where Did You Come From…? Cleared all TRILOGY songs in S Rank. | |
That's Gotta be My Girlfriend! Cleared "Someday" in MAX COMBO. | |
TRILOGY Metaplay Cleared Arcade mode playing only TRILOGY Songs. | |
Here Comes a New Skin...! Used TRILOGY UI Skin. | |
Don't Miss Out On Upcoming Events! Cleared mission "DJMAX RESPECT U". | |
And Now You Deserve This Handmade Trophy! Acquired 10 TRILOGY Song Images. | |
Pikaboo! Found a Hidden BGA from a TRILOGY Song. | |
Let Me Be "Clear" On These Cleared all Clazziquai Edition songs in S Rank. | |
Welcome to the CLUB TOUR Cleared "Electronic City". | |
Is it too late to start collecting these? Watched all characters of the Gear : First Kiss. | |
What Makes A Professional Rhythm Gamer Achieved 100000 Combos with songs only from the Clazziquai Edition. | |
METROTRONICS Cleared Arcade mode playing only Clazziquai Edition Songs. | |
Go Back From the Top Found a Hidden BGA from a Clazziquai Edition Song. | |
PLATINUM CREW Cleared all TECHNIKA songs in S rank. | |
Rolling On the Screen Played all the patterns you can play in "Technical Mixing". | |
Happy 10th Birthday for TECHNIKA Cleared the hidden pattern in MAX COMBO. | |
First Step Set Complete Cleared all the songs in the "First Step" mission. | |
ONLY FOR ARCADE Cleared ARCADE mode only with TECHNIKA songs. | |
Stylish eSper Shooting Sports Watched a SuperSonic video in Collection. | |
What a Surprise Played "Mr.Perfect" mission. | |
I Bet You Don't Have This at Home Acquired 5 TECHNIKA Plates. | |
SON OF SUN Cleared "SON OF SUN" in MAX COMBO with "SON OF SUN" GEAR and NOTE Skins. | |
Rare Card Anyways Found a Hidden BGA from a TECHNIKA Song. | |
Do you want to try BLACK SQUARE? Cleared a 100 pattern BLACK SQUARE song with MAX COMBO. | |
Welcome back to the CLUB TOUR! Cleared all the BLACK SQUARE songs with S Rank. | |
I'll go with Fermion Played Fermion using Fermion GEAR and NOTE Skins. | |
REDESIGN?! Cleared the "RD Colosseum" mission. | |
The toughest difficulty in the DJMAX series Cleared a BLACK SQUARE song at MAXIMUM difficulty level with MAX COMBO. | |
Are you sure you want a BLACK SQUARE song? Cleared ARCADE mode only with BLACK SQUARE songs. | |
Play it NOW! Cleared a BLACK SQUARE song 10 times in a row. | |
Disc Fragment Cleared all songs you can obtain through LINK DISC with MAX COMBO. | |
We're in the endgame now Cleared "The Others". | |
DJMAX will Return Equipped "METRO PROJECT" plate. | |
I`ll be the POP MASTER Cleared all TECHNIKA 2 songs in S rank. | |
So you were talented in the end Cleared "STAR MIXING". | |
CREW RACE Cleared ARCADE mode only with TECHNIKA 2 songs. | |
Dance of Death Cleared D2 2 times using D2 gear and notes. | |
The TECHNIKA Boom is Coming Watched a TECHNIKA 2 advertisement in Collection. | |
Rainbow MAX Cleared PERFECT with the new TB pattern. | |
How long will you avoid using FEVER? Cleared using the new TB pattern and FEVER 3 times. | |
CREW CHALLENGE Cleared all TECHNIKA 3 tracks with S rank. | |
Something..Something's happening… Cleared 10 patterns of TECHNIKA 3 with MAX COMBO. | |
Wow! New Track! Cleared ALiCE with S rank. | |
Pretty picture by pretty picture Earned 10 TECHNIKA 3 images. | |
Plate Villain Earned 5 TECHNIKA 3 Plates. | |
Visiting Hot Places Cleared MAXIMUM pattern of TECHNIKA 3 with MAX COMBO. | |
Absolutely, Do Missions Played all missions in POP MIXING. | |
Deemo Cleared 42 DEEMO patterns. | |
Masked Lady Acquired 10 DEEMO plates. | |
Alice Failed to clear DEEMO track for the first time. | |
DJMAX ACADEMY Cleared all V EXTENSION tracks with S rank. | |
Battle Against Self Cleared 50 V EXTENSION patterns with MAX COMBO. | |
Not Expected Cleared "Starlight Guitar" mission. | |
Babe, Ima die Cleared "Icy Blonde" mission. | |
Dream it Cleared "Dream it" in MAX COMBO with "Dream it" Gear&Note. | |
Collect Collect Earned 10 V EXTENSION images. | |
Collecting Desire Never Ends Earned 3 V EXTENSION plates. | |
Million Master Cleared 3 patterns of CYTUS tracks with PERFECT PLAY. | |
The Mastermind Cleared Entrance with MAX COMBO. | |
Aesir Cleared L with MAX COMBO. | |
CAPSO! Acquired 5 CYTUS Plates. | |
CHUNITHM QUEST Cleared all CHUNITHM tracks with MAX COMBO. | |
WORLD`S END Played CHUNITHM tracks 15 difficulty pattern. | |
Skill Activated Played CHUNITHM tracks earned 45000 additional score with FEVER. | |
Over Power Cleared CHUNITHM track with over 9,000 COMBO. | |
Chuni Penguin Equipped CHUNITHM Plate. | |
MADE BY MUSICIANS Cleared all PORTABLE 3 Tracks with S Rank. | |
REmixVOLUTION Cleared all REMIX PORTABLE 3 Tracks. | |
Now or never Cleared PORTABLE 3 track with MAX COMBO wearing PORTABLE 3 Gear. | |
Put your Hanz up! Watched Hanz up! Making Video. | |
Rewind Mode Cleared Rewind Mission. | |
Rollin' Rollin' Earned 10 Portable 3 Images. | |
ESTINATION Cleared OBLIVION, OBLIVION ~Rockin' Night Style~, Obelisque in order. | |
The Bard Cleared SIN, SIN ~The Last Scene~, HELIX in order. | |
CITY POP YUKIKA's track with MAX COMBO. | |
Florist Earned all images of ESTiMATE. | |
Super Galaxy Star Found Hidden BGA within ESTiMATE DLC. | |
VVS Cleared all EXTENSION 2 tracks with S Rank. | |
I HAVE NO FEAR Cleared VERSUS Mission. | |
NEXT LEVEL Cleared EXTENSION 2 tracks in order of NORMAL - HARD - MAXIMUM. | |
ATTACK! Cleared MAXIMUM pattern of Arcade Love. | |
Could you turn off the light? Need to see my gear. Cleared a track with V EX 2 Gear and FEVER OFF setting. | |
COLORFUL Equipped one of EXTENSION 2 Plates. | |
A good eye-dea Found a hidden BGA from EXTENSION 2 tracks. |