icon | info | RA score |
Angkor Wat Complete Angkor Wat | 5 points | |
Angkor Wat Secrets Find 8 Secrets | 2 points | |
The First Treasure of the Tomb Raider Find Lara Croft's iconic backpack | 1 points | |
Exemplary Student Complete Angkor Wat without taking any damage (from beginning to end, no loading, all 8 secrets, Path of Heretical only) | 2 points | |
Race for the Iris Complete Race for the Iris | 5 points | |
The Pupil Excels the Master Reach the Iris before Werner Von Croy | 2 points | |
Tomb of Seth Complete Tomb of Seth | 5 points | |
Tomb of Seth Secrets Find 5 Secrets | 2 points | |
Ancient Hocus Pocus Witness Ahmed running away in fear from the ancient inscriptions | 1 points | |
Burial Chambers Complete Burial Chambers | 5 points | |
Burial Chambers Secrets Find 5 Secrets | 2 points | |
He Who Removes the Amulet Shall Have Released Set Find the Amulet of Horus | 1 points | |
Ninja Pass through the blade trap without taking damage | 2 points | |
Valley of the Kings Complete Valley of the Kings | 5 points | |
Valley of the Kings Secrets Find 3 Secrets | 2 points | |
Did I Win? Finish the level while being ahead of Ahmed | 2 points | |
KV5 Complete KV5 | 5 points | |
KV5 Secrets Find 4 Secrets | 2 points | |
You're Too Slow! Make it through the gate before Ahmed closes it | 2 points | |
Did I Actually Win Now? Finish the level while being ahead of Ahmed again | 2 points | |
Temple of Karnak Complete Temple of Karnak (Must have Hypostyle Key and Sun Goddess Statue) | 5 points | |
Temple of Karnak Secret 1 Find Secret 1 | 1 points | |
Temple of Karnak Secret 2 Find Secret 2 | 1 points | |
Temple of Karnak Secret 3 Find Secret 3 | 1 points | |
Temple of Karnak Secret 4 Find Secret 4 | 1 points | |
There’s No Use Hiding Find and kill all the blue-robed assassins (in one session, without leaving the level) | 2 points | |
The Great Hypostyle Hall Complete The Great Hypostyle Hall (must have Sun Goddess Statue + Sun Disk or just the Sun Talisman) | 5 points | |
Old Friend See your former professor sending assassins after you | 1 points | |
Lara Croft Leaves No Witnesses Find and kill all the black-robed assassins (in one session, without leaving the level) | 2 points | |
Sacred Lake Complete Sacred Lake | 5 points | |
Sacred Lake Secrets Find 1 Secret | 2 points | |
Tomb of Semerkhet Complete Tomb of Semerkhet | 5 points | |
Tomb of Semerkhet Secrets Find 7 Secrets | 2 points | |
Defeating a Pharaoh at His Own Game Win the game against Semerkhet | 2 points | |
Guardian of Semerkhet Complete Guardian of Semerkhet | 5 points | |
Guardian of Semerkhet Secrets Find 3 Secrets | 2 points | |
Acrobat Pass through the blades at the beginning of the level without taking any damage | 2 points | |
Desert Railroad Complete Desert Railroad | 5 points | |
Desert Railroad Secrets Find 3 Secrets | 2 points | |
Alexandria Complete Alexandria | 1 points | |
Alexandria Secrets Find 1 Secret | 2 points | |
Foreshadowing? Find the bike in the back-alley | 1 points | |
The Place to Begin Revisit Jean-Yves before entering the egyptian adventure area in Coastal Ruins | 2 points | |
You Must Hurry and Find the Library Revisit Jean-Yves after entering the egyptian adventure area in Coastal Ruins but before The Catacombs | 2 points | |
Good Luck, My Friend Revisit Jean-Yves in Alexandria between the Temple of Poseidon and the Lost Library | 2 points | |
Tread Carefully Now... and Not Too Much Sightseeing, Hmm? Revisit Jean-Yves in Alexandria before entering Pharos, Temple of Isis | 2 points | |
Coastal Ruins Complete Coastal Ruins | 2 points | |
Is That... No Way... Find Von Croy's broken glasses | 2 points | |
Catacombs Complete Catacombs (must have collected all the 4 Tridents) | 5 points | |
Catacombs Secret 1 Find Secret 1 | 1 points | |
Catacombs Secret 2 Find Secret 2 | 1 points | |
Catacombs Secret 3 Find Secret 3 | 1 points | |
Catacombs Secret 4 Find Secret 4 | 1 points | |
Ghostbuster I Defeat the first Air Wraith | 2 points | |
Ghostbuster II Defeat the second Air Wraith | 2 points | |
Temple of Poseidon Complete Temple of Poseidon | 5 points | |
Temple of Poseidon Secrets Find 1 Secret | 2 points | |
Ghostbuster III Defeat the third Air Wraith | 2 points | |
Ghostbuster IV Defeat the fourth and fifth Air Wraiths | 2 points | |
The Lost Library Complete The Lost Library (must have the Pharos Pillar) | 5 points | |
The Lost Library Secret 1 Find Secret 1 | 1 points | |
The Lost Library Secret 2 Find Secret 2 | 1 points | |
The Lost Library Secret 3 Find Secret 3 | 1 points | |
Geocentrism Solve the puzzle in the planetarium | 2 points | |
Hall of Demetrius Complete Hall of Demetrius (must have Pharos Knot + Pharos Pillar) | 5 points | |
Boom! Kill the three assassins in a single explosion | 2 points | |
Pharos, Temple of Isis Complete Pharos, Temple of Isis (must have collected all pieces of Mechanical Scarab) | 5 points | |
Baby Shark Boom-Boom-Boom-Boom! Kill the shark | 2 points | |
Cleopatra's Palaces Complete Cleopatra's Palaces | 5 points | |
Cleopatra's Palaces Secrets Find 1 Secret | 2 points | |
Nonsecretive Secret Find the hidden crossbow ammo | 2 points | |
Throne Overtaken Defeat the two guardians of Cleopatra without taking any damage | 2 points | |
City of the Dead Complete City of the Dead | 5 points | |
City of the Dead Secret 1 Find Secret 1 | 1 points | |
City of the Dead Secret 2 Find Secret 2 | 1 points | |
Precise Aiming Break the pendulum without releasing the locusts | 2 points | |
Just Cleaning Up Destroy every turret in one go and without loading | 2 points | |
Chambers of Tulun Complete Chambers of Tulun | 5 points | |
Chambers of Tulun Secret 1 Find Secret 1 | 2 points | |
Chambers of Tulun Secret 2 Find Secret 2 | 2 points | |
Stay! Capture the Minotaur, climb the ladder and reach the Citadel Gate before he escapes. | 2 points | |
Citadel Gate Complete Citadel Gate (must have Nitrous Oxide Cannister) | 5 points | |
Citadel Gate Secrets Find 1 Secret | 2 points | |
Trenches Complete Trenches | 5 points | |
Street Bazaar Complete Street Bazaar (must have all the Mine Detonator pieces) | 5 points | |
Street Bazaar Secrets Find 1 Secret | 2 points | |
Citadel Complete Citadel | 5 points | |
Citadel Secrets Find 2 Secrets | 2 points | |
The Sphinx Complex Complete The Sphinx Complex | 5 points | |
The Sphinx Complex Secrets Find 1 Secret | 1 points | |
Underneath the Sphinx Complete Underneath the Sphinx | 5 points | |
Underneath the Sphinx Secrets Find 1 Secret | 1 points | |
Demon Herding Lock up the two Bull Guardians | 2 points | |
Menkaure's Pyramid Complete Menkaure's Pyramid | 5 points | |
Menkaure's Pyramid Secrets Find 1 Secret | 1 points | |
Helping Hand I Kill the three scorpions and save the lives of both guards | 2 points | |
Inside Menkaure's Pyramid Complete Inside Menkaure's Pyramid | 5 points | |
Inside Menkaure's Pyramid Secrets Find 1 Secret | 1 points | |
Do You Bleed? Kill the Hawk Headed Guardian | 4 points | |
The Mastabas Complete The Mastabas | 5 points | |
The Mastabas Secrets Find 1 Secret | 1 points | |
Headhunter Break every gemstone in the level | 2 points | |
The Great Pyramid Complete The Great Pyramid | 5 points | |
The Great Pyramid Secrets Find 1 Secret | 1 points | |
Khufu's Queens Pyramids Complete Khufu's Queens Pyramids | 5 points | |
Khufu's Queens Pyramids Secrets Find 1 Secret | 2 points | |
Ancient Guardian Kill the Hawk Headed Guardian | 4 points | |
Helping Hand II Kill both giant scorpions while saving both guards | 2 points | |
Inside the Great Pyramid Complete Inside the Great Pyramid | 5 points | |
Inside the Great Pyramid Secrets Find 1 Secret | 2 points | |
Temple of Horus Reach Horus | 5 points | |
Untouchable Escape from Horus without taking damage | 25 points | |
The End Finish the Game | 10 points | |
No Stone Unturned Find all the 70 secrets | 10 points | |
Tomb Raider Master Finish the game with all secrets found and without using any medkits | 25 points | |
Shotgun Find the Shotgun | 2 points | |
Shotgun Ammo Obtain at least 200 Normal Ammo and 175 Wideshot Ammo | 10 points | |
Uzi Find the Uzi | 2 points | |
Uzi Ammo Obtain at least 1250 Uzi Ammo | 10 points | |
Grenade Gun Find the Grenade Gun | 2 points | |
Grenade Gun Ammo Obtain at least 25 Normal Ammo, 10 Super Ammo and 10 Flash Ammo | 10 points | |
Crossbow Find the Crossbow | 2 points | |
Crossbow Ammo Obtain at least 100 Normal Ammo, 45 Poison Ammo and 60 Explosive Ammo | 10 points | |
Revolver Find the Revolver | 2 points | |
Revolver Ammo Obtain at least 50 Revolver Ammo | 10 points | |
Medipacks Obtain at least 60 Small Medipacks and 45 Large Medipacks | 10 points | |
Flares Obtain at least 250 Flares | 10 points | |
NLNMAS I Cambodia & Race for the Iris: No Loading, No Medipacks, All Secrets | 10 points | |
NLNMAS II Tomb of Seth & Burial Chambers: No Loading, No Medipacks, All Secrets | 25 points | |
NLNMAS III Valley of the Kings & KV5: No Loading, No Medipacks, All Secrets | 10 points | |
NLNMAS IV Temple of Karnak, The Great Hypostyle Hall & Sacred Lake: No Loading, No Medipacks, All Secrets | 25 points | |
NLNMAS IX Pharos, Temple of Isis & Cleopatra's Palace (must have Pharos Pillar + Pharos Knot): No Loading, No Medipacks, All Secrets | 25 points | |
NLNMAS V Tomb of Semerkhet & Guardian of Semerkhet: No Loading, No Medipacks, All Secrets | 25 points | |
NLNMAS VI Desert Railroad: No Loading, No Medipacks, All Secrets | 5 points | |
NLNMAS VII Alexandria, Catacombs & Temple of Poseidon: No Loading, No Medipacks, All Secrets | 25 points | |
NLNMAS VIII The Lost Library, Hall of Demetrius & Coastal Ruins (must have Pharos Pillar + Pharos Knot): No Loading, No Medipacks, All Secrets | 25 points | |
NLNMAS X City of the Dead, Chambers of Tulun, Citadel Gate & Trenches (must have all secrets before reaching Street Bazaar): No Loading, No Medipacks, All Secrets | 25 points | |
NLNMAS XI Street Bazaar & Citadel: No Loading, No Medipacks, All Secrets | 25 points | |
NLNMAS XII The Sphinx Complex & Underneath the Sphinx: No Loading, No Medipacks, All Secrets | 25 points | |
NLNMAS XIII Menkaure's Pyramid & Inside Menkaure's Pyramid: No Loading, No Medipacks, All Secrets | 25 points | |
NLNMAS XIV The Mastabas & The Great Pyramid: No Loading, No Medipacks, All Secrets | 25 points | |
NLNMAS XV Khufu's Queens Pyramids & Inside the Great Pyramid: No Loading, No Medipacks, All Secrets | 25 points | |
NLNMAS XVI Temple of Horus: No Loading, No Medipacks, All Secrets | 25 points |