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Toy Story Racer

Toy Story Racer



achievements (126)

iconinfoRA score
Woody IWoody I
Complete your first level with Woody
2 points
Woody IIWoody II
Complete 4 levels with Woody
10 points
Woody IIIWoody III
Complete 8 levels with Woody
10 points
Woody IVWoody IV
Complete 12 levels with Woody
10 points
Woody VWoody V
Complete 16 levels with Woody
10 points
Woody VIWoody VI
Complete all levels with Woody
10 points
Woody PuzzleWoody Puzzle
Complete the Woody puzzle
5 points
Woody Challenge IWoody Challenge I
Finish each lap in the first place in "Shootout at the Attic Corral" with Woody
10 points
Woody Challenge IIWoody Challenge II
Knockout 22 or more in "Wild Wild Woody" with Woody
25 points
Woody Challenge IIIWoody Challenge III
Finish each lap in the first place in "Knockout Trophy" with Woody
25 points
Rex IRex I
Complete your first level with Rex
2 points
Rex IIRex II
Complete 4 levels with Rex
10 points
Complete 8 levels with Rex
10 points
Rex IVRex IV
Complete 12 levels with Rex
10 points
Rex VRex V
Complete 16 levels with Rex
10 points
Rex VIRex VI
Complete all levels with Rex
10 points
Rex PuzzleRex Puzzle
Complete the Rex puzzle
5 points
Rex Challenge IRex Challenge I
Finish each lap in the first place in "Tyrannosaurus Trophy" with Rex
10 points
Rex Challenge IIRex Challenge II
Knockout 5 or more in "Game Over Rex?" with Rex
10 points
Rex Challenge IIIRex Challenge III
Complete the level with 20 or more seconds left in "Parking or Darting?" with Rex
10 points
Mr. Potato Head IMr. Potato Head I
Complete your first level with Mr. Potato Head
2 points
Mr. Potato Head IIMr. Potato Head II
Complete 4 levels with Mr. Potato Head
10 points
Mr. Potato Head IIIMr. Potato Head III
Complete 8 levels with Mr. Potato Head
10 points
Mr. Potato Head IVMr. Potato Head IV
Complete 12 levels with Mr. Potato Head
10 points
Mr. Potato Head VMr. Potato Head V
Complete 16 levels with Mr. Potato Head
10 points
Mr. Potato Head VIMr. Potato Head VI
Complete all levels with Mr. Potato Head
10 points
Mr. Potato Head PuzzleMr. Potato Head Puzzle
Complete the Mr. Potato Head puzzle
5 points
Mr. Potato Head Challenge IMr. Potato Head Challenge I
Score 18 points in "Potato Cup" with Mr. Potato Head
10 points
Mr. Potato Head Challenge IIMr. Potato Head Challenge II
Knockout 11 or more in "Don't Become a Baked Potato!" with Mr. Potato Head
25 points
Mr. Potato Head Challenge IIIMr. Potato Head Challenge III
Finish each lap in the first place in "Fast Hash Brown" with Mr. Potato Head
25 points
Rocky Gibraltar IRocky Gibraltar I
Complete your first level with Rocky Gibraltar
2 points
Rocky Gibraltar IIRocky Gibraltar II
Complete 4 levels with Rocky Gibraltar
10 points
Rocky Gibraltar IIIRocky Gibraltar III
Complete 8 levels with Rocky Gibraltar
10 points
Rocky Gibraltar IVRocky Gibraltar IV
Complete 12 levels with Rocky Gibraltar
10 points
Rocky Gibraltar VRocky Gibraltar V
Complete all levels with Rocky Gibraltar
10 points
Rocky Gibraltar PuzzleRocky Gibraltar Puzzle
Complete the Rocky Gibraltar puzzle
5 points
Rocky Gibraltar Challenge IRocky Gibraltar Challenge I
Score 29 or more points in "Muscle Cup" with Rocky Gibraltar
10 points
Rocky Gibraltar Challenge IIRocky Gibraltar Challenge II
Knockout all in "Lights, Camera, Action!" with Rocky Gibraltar
25 points
Rocky Gibraltar Challenge IIIRocky Gibraltar Challenge III
Knockout 22 or more in "It Will Be Tough to Win This Rocky!" with Rocky Gibraltar
25 points
Lenny ILenny I
Complete your first level with Lenny
2 points
Lenny IILenny II
Complete 4 levels with Lenny
10 points
Lenny IIILenny III
Complete all levels with Lenny
10 points
Lenny PuzzleLenny Puzzle
Complete the Lenny puzzle
5 points
Lenny Challenge ILenny Challenge I
Complete the level with 10 or more seconds left in "10 Pin Target" with Lenny
10 points
Lenny Challenge IILenny Challenge II
Finish each lap in the first place in "Bo-Peeping Tom?" with Lenny
10 points
Lenny Challenge IIILenny Challenge III
Knockout 24 or more in "Binocular Battle" with Lenny
25 points
Hamm IHamm I
Complete your first level with Hamm
2 points
Hamm IIHamm II
Complete 4 levels with Hamm
10 points
Hamm IIIHamm III
Complete 8 levels with Hamm
10 points
Hamm IVHamm IV
Complete 12 levels with Hamm
10 points
Hamm VHamm V
Complete all levels with Hamm
10 points
Hamm PuzzleHamm Puzzle
Complete the Hamm puzzle
5 points
Hamm Challenge IHamm Challenge I
Knockout 5 or more in "Skating Bacon!" with Hamm
10 points
Hamm Challenge IIHamm Challenge II
Complete the level with 4 or more seconds left in "A Collection of Parking Tickets?" with Hamm
10 points
Hamm Challenge IIIHamm Challenge III
Score 88 in "Adventures in Pork" with Hamm
25 points
Babyface IBabyface I
Complete your first level with Babyface
2 points
Babyface IIBabyface II
Complete 4 levels with Babyface
10 points
Babyface IIIBabyface III
Complete all levels with Babyface
10 points
Babyface PuzzleBabyface Puzzle
Complete the Babyface puzzle
5 points
Babyface Challenge IBabyface Challenge I
Complete the level with 12 or more seconds left in "Target Dolly!" with Babyface
10 points
Babyface Challenge IIBabyface Challenge II
Knockout 24 or more in "Put a Brave Face on" with Babyface
25 points
Babyface Challenge IIIBabyface Challenge III
Score 88 points in "Babyface one more Lap" with Babyface
25 points
Complete your first level with RC
2 points
Complete 4 levels with RC
10 points
Complete 8 levels with RC
10 points
Complete 12 levels with RC
10 points
Complete 16 levels with RC
10 points
Complete all levels with RC
10 points
RC PuzzleRC Puzzle
Complete the RC puzzle
5 points
RC Challenge IRC Challenge I
Knockout 5 or more in "You Will be Bowled Over!" with RC
10 points
RC Challenge IIRC Challenge II
Complete the level with 6 or more seconds left in "Sale!" with RC
10 points
RC Challenge IIIRC Challenge III
Finish each lap in the first place in "Trouble at the Pier" with RC
25 points
Buzz Lightyear IBuzz Lightyear I
Complete your first level with Buzz Lightyear
2 points
Buzz Lightyear IIBuzz Lightyear II
Complete 4 levels with Buzz Lightyear
10 points
Buzz Lightyear IIIBuzz Lightyear III
Complete 8 levels with Buzz Lightyear
10 points
Buzz Lightyear IVBuzz Lightyear IV
Complete 12 levels with Buzz Lightyear
10 points
Buzz Lightyear VBuzz Lightyear V
Complete 16 levels with Buzz Lightyear
10 points
Buzz Lightyear VIBuzz Lightyear VI
Complete all levels with Buzz Lightyear
10 points
Buzz Lightyear PuzzleBuzz Lightyear Puzzle
Complete the Buzz Lightyear puzzle
5 points
Buzz Lightyear Challenge IBuzz Lightyear Challenge I
Score 28 or more points in "Space Race Trophy" with Buzz Lightyear
10 points
Buzz Lightyear Challenge IIBuzz Lightyear Challenge II
Complete the level with 40 or more seconds left in "There Can be Only One" with Buzz Lightyear
10 points
Buzz Lightyear Challenge IIIBuzz Lightyear Challenge III
Knockout 12 or more in "Battling with Style" with Buzz Lightyear
25 points
Little Green Man ILittle Green Man I
Complete your first level with Little Green Man
2 points
Little Green Man IILittle Green Man II
Complete 4 levels with Little Green Man
10 points
Little Green Man IIILittle Green Man III
Complete 8 levels with Little Green Man
10 points
Little Green Man IVLittle Green Man IV
Complete all levels with Little Green Man
10 points
Little Green Man PuzzleLittle Green Man Puzzle
Complete the Little Green Man puzzle
5 points
Little Green Man Challenge ILittle Green Man Challenge I
Complete the level with 12 or more seconds left in "Hoarding the Billboard" with Little Green Man
10 points
Little Green Man Challenge IILittle Green Man Challenge II
Finish each lap in the first place in "Food on the Go" with Little Green Man
25 points
Little Green Man Challenge IIILittle Green Man Challenge III
Knockout 22 or more in "Claw Through to Victory" with Little Green Man
25 points
Bo Peep IBo Peep I
Complete your first level with Bo Peep
2 points
Bo Peep IIBo Peep II
Complete 4 levels with Bo Peep
10 points
Bo Peep IIIBo Peep III
Complete 8 levels with Bo Peep
10 points
Bo Peep IVBo Peep IV
Complete 12 levels with Bo Peep
10 points
Bo Peep VBo Peep V
Complete all levels with Bo Peep
10 points
Bo Peep PuzzleBo Peep Puzzle
Complete the Bo Peep puzzle
5 points
Bo Peep Challenge IBo Peep Challenge I
Complete the level with 6 or more seconds left in "Bowling Pin Pickup" with Bo Peep
10 points
Bo Peep Challenge IIBo Peep Challenge II
Knockout 5 or more in "Bowling Down the Competition" with Bo Peep
10 points
Bo Peep Challenge IIIBo Peep Challenge III
Score 31 or more points in "Sheep Race Cup" with Bo Peep
25 points
Slinky Dog ISlinky Dog I
Complete your first level with Slinky Dog
2 points
Slinky Dog IISlinky Dog II
Complete 4 levels with Slinky Dog
10 points
Slinky Dog IIISlinky Dog III
Complete 8 levels with Slinky Dog
10 points
Slinky Dog IVSlinky Dog IV
Complete 12 levels with Slinky Dog
10 points
Slinky Dog VSlinky Dog V
Complete 16 levels with Slinky Dog
10 points
Slinky Dog VISlinky Dog VI
Complete all levels with Slinky Dog
10 points
Slinky Dog PuzzleSlinky Dog Puzzle
Complete the Slinky Dog puzzle
5 points
Slinky Dog Challenge ISlinky Dog Challenge I
Finish each lap in the first place in "Racing in a Lofty Place!" with Slinky Dog
10 points
Slinky Dog Challenge IISlinky Dog Challenge II
Knockout 5 or more in "Dinner is in the Dog" with Slinky Dog
10 points
Slinky Dog Challenge IIISlinky Dog Challenge III
Complete the level with 20 or more seconds left in "A Walk in the Park?" with Slinky Dog
10 points
Complete the level and unlock him
2 points
Mr. Potato HeadMr. Potato Head
Complete the level and unlock him
2 points
Rocky GibraltarRocky Gibraltar
Complete the level and unlock him
2 points
Complete the level and unlock him
2 points
Complete the level and unlock him
2 points
Complete the level and unlock him
2 points
Little Green ManLittle Green Man
Complete the level and unlock him
2 points
Slinky DogSlinky Dog
Complete the level and unlock him
2 points
Soldier ISoldier I
Complete the level and collect your first soldier
2 points
Soldier IISoldier II
Complete the level and collect 25 soldiers
10 points
Soldier IIISoldier III
Complete the level and collect 50 soldiers
10 points
Soldier IVSoldier IV
Complete the level and collect 75 soldiers
10 points
Soldier VSoldier V
Complete the level and collect 100 soldiers
10 points
Soldier VISoldier VI
Complete the level and collect 125 soldiers
10 points
Soldier VIISoldier VII
Complete the level and collect 150 soldiers
10 points
Soldier VIIISoldier VIII
Complete the level and collect 175 soldiers
10 points
Soldier IXSoldier IX
Complete the level and collect all soldiers
25 points

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