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Escape | Escape Man

Escape | Escape Man


Arcadia 2001

achievements (7)

iconinfoRA score
Little EscapeLittle Escape
Escape 1 map
2 points
Not So Big EscapeNot So Big Escape
Escape 2 maps (game>1)
5 points
Quite Impressive EscapeQuite Impressive Escape
Escape 3 maps (game>1) without losing a life
10 points
Great EscapeGreat Escape
Escape 4 maps on the hardest difficulty (game=4, opt=4)
10 points
Stealth ModeStealth Mode
Clear the first map without killing any enemy
2 points
Maze AddictMaze Addict
Score 2500 points
5 points
Score 5000 points
10 points

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