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Final Fantasy Chronicles: Chrono Trigger

Final Fantasy Chronicles: Chrono Trigger



achievements (141)

iconinfoRA score
A Fine Noble ManA Fine Noble Man
Obtain a unanimous not guilty verdict at the trial
5 points
Behave Yourself TodayBehave Yourself Today
Obtain your allowance from Mom
2 points
Lucky FelineLucky Feline
Win a racing bet at the Millennial Fair with Catalack
3 points
Shiny Metal JointsShiny Metal Joints
Defeat Gato
2 points
Bell RingerBell Ringer
Hit the bell in the Bell minigame at the Millennial Fair
2 points
Beer RunBeer Run
Guzzle all 8 cans of soda in the drinking minigame at the Millennial Fair
5 points
A Cute Little DollA Cute Little Doll
Win a Poyozo Doll at Norstein's Tent at the Millennial Fair
2 points
Win a cat at Norstein's Tent at the Millennial Fair
2 points
Cathedral CrashersCathedral Crashers
Defeat Yakra without a character dying (no New Game Plus)
5 points
Safe and SoundSafe and Sound
Bring Marle back to 1000 A.D.
5 points
Treasure Hunter ITreasure Hunter I
Find the Lode Sword in the Guardia Castle Jail
3 points
Nothing But a Bucket of BoltsNothing But a Bucket of Bolts
Defeat the Dragon Tank without a character dying (no New Game Plus)
10 points
A Ruined WorldA Ruined World
Escape from the Chancellor and find yourself in an odd world
5 points
Being on GuardBeing on Guard
Defeat the Guardian without a character dying (no New Game Plus)
10 points
On That DayOn That Day
Find out the truth about what happened in 1999 A.D.
5 points
We Will Ride the Wind, Babe!We Will Ride the Wind, Babe!
Beat Johnny in the Bike Race with a score of at least 1500 W.P. and claim your reward
25 points
Treasure Hunter IITreasure Hunter II
Find the hidden Mid Ether in the Factory
2 points
When the Clocks StoppedWhen the Clocks Stopped
Reach the End of Time
5 points
Clairvoyant ProtectorClairvoyant Protector
Rescue the girl's lost kitten without upsetting her
2 points
All the FriskiesAll the Friskies
Increase your amount of cat food at Norstein's Tent
3 points
The Vestiges of TimeThe Vestiges of Time
Happen upon the plans of a frail old man at Keeper's Dome
5 points
Why Yes, I Will Bring ItWhy Yes, I Will Bring It
Defeat the Heckran without initating its counterattack or replenishing MP (no New Game Plus)
10 points
On to BattleOn to Battle
Receive the Gold Helm from the commander at Zenan Bridge
5 points
Dem BonesDem Bones
Defeat the Zombor before Crono learns true magic double elemental techs, Robo in the party, and no character deaths (no New Game Plus)
10 points
Keeping Tabs for BootyKeeping Tabs for Booty
Obtain a Magic Tab for exchanging a tittalating picture
2 points
Treasure Hunter IIITreasure Hunter III
Find the Silver Stud and the Silver Earring in the Denadoro Mountains
3 points
No Blowing Wind Over Here!No Blowing Wind Over Here!
Defeat Masamune without using Slash (no New Game Plus)
10 points
The Hilt of PowerThe Hilt of Power
Obtain the Masamune from the Denadoro Mountains
5 points
So Strong!So Strong!
Defeat a Nu at the Hunting Ground and claim its unique reward
3 points
Treasure Hunter IVTreasure Hunter IV
Find the Elixir in the Reptite Lair
3 points
Defeat Nizabel in the Reptite Lair with the use of single-target damaging techs and no deaths (No New Game Plus)
10 points
The Power Has Returned!The Power Has Returned!
Revitalize the Masamune
5 points
Ozzie's In a Pickle!Ozzie's In a Pickle!
Clear Ozzie's booby traps without getting hit, entering a battle or falling into a pit (starts when he first retreats)
5 points
The Black Wind HowlsThe Black Wind Howls
Defeat Magus with the use of single-target damaging single techs, no replenishing MP, and no deaths (no New Game Plus)
10 points
Leader of the FiendsLeader of the Fiends
Defeat Magus
5 points
Family EntanglementFamily Entanglement
Try to mend a falling out between family royalty with a special item, but for it to only get worse
2 points
Merchant TidingsMerchant Tidings
Witness a reunion for a rescued merchant's son
2 points
Defeat Nizbel at the Tyrano Lair with the use of single-targeting damaging single techs and no deaths (no double or triple techs; no New Game Plus)
10 points
Chronosaurus RexChronosaurus Rex
Defeat the Black Tyrano without damaging Azala (no deaths; no New Game Plus)
10 points
Deep ImpactDeep Impact
Witness the arrival of Lavos
5 points
Treasure Hunter VTreasure Hunter V
Obtain all the secret treasure of Zeal
5 points
Solid RockSolid Rock
Defeat the Golem (no deaths; no New Game Plus)
5 points
Acquire the Red Mail
2 points
Acquire the Blue Mail
2 points
Acquire the White Mail
2 points
Acquire the Black Mail
2 points
Unsealed BountyUnsealed Bounty
Acquire all possible treasures from sealed chests and rooms in the game
10 points
Treasure Hunter VITreasure Hunter VI
Choose a treasure from a sealed chest in the Forest Ruins
2 points
The Wings of TimeThe Wings of Time
Acquire the Epoch
5 points
Tamer of BeastsTamer of Beasts
Defeat the Mud Imp without defeating his beast companions (no deaths; no New Game Plus)
5 points
Juicy Juicy EducationJuicy Juicy Education
Defeat a Rubble or Turret
3 points
At the Heart of GaiaAt the Heart of Gaia
Defeat Giga Gaia with the use of single-target damaging techs and not destroying the arms (no triple techs; no deaths; no fire and shadow-absorbing equipment equipped on any characters; no New Game Plus)
10 points
Rusty Trusty DaggerRusty Trusty Dagger
Free Melchoir, and obtain the Ruby Knife
5 points
Ultimate DaughterUltimate Daughter
Obtain all Taban Equipment for Lucca
5 points
Treasure Hunter VIITreasure Hunter VII
Acquire the Demon Hit in the Ocean Palace
3 points
Granite TwinsGranite Twins
Defeat the Golems in the Ocean Palace without letting them attack with elemental magic (no New Game Plus)
5 points
Photo FinishPhoto Finish
Defeat Lavos at the Ocean Palace and reach the Dream Team in a regular new game (L<=45; no GreenDream or Lifeline)
50 points
The FallThe Fall
Bare witness to a tragedy, both personal and globally
5 points
Cowardly StoneCowardly Stone
Defeat the Golem Boss (no New Game Plus)
5 points
On the Wings of TemporalityOn the Wings of Temporality
Retake the Epoch from Dalton
5 points
The Demon of TimeThe Demon of Time
Recruit Magus
2 points
Vengence of the BogVengence of the Bog
Defeat Magus in Antiquity as Frog alone (L<=45, no New Game Plus, no elemental protective equipment or Barrier)
10 points
No Truce PossibleNo Truce Possible
Defeat Magus in Antiquity
5 points
Casuality StrikeCasuality Strike
Crash the Epoch into Lavos
1 points
The Maw in the SkyThe Maw in the Sky
Defeat the head of a Lavos Spawn without its shell (single-hit attack must be winning move; no New Game Plus; no GreenDream or Lifeline)
25 points
Bear Witness to MagicBear Witness to Magic
Have Spekkio gift magic to all your party members, even if only in spirit
5 points
A Heartfelt MomentA Heartfelt Moment
Use the Chrono Trigger on the summit of Death Peak with Marle and Lucca in the party
5 points
At The Turn of the BladeAt The Turn of the Blade
Learn the Spin Strike triple tech
2 points
Dry Dry AdventureDry Dry Adventure
Clear the Sunken Cave and agree to help Fiona recover the forest with only Robo, Lucca, and Frog in the party (no fire or shadow protection armor; no New Game Plus)
10 points
Revitalized LandRevitalized Land
Make Fiona's dream come true
5 points
Clutch RescueClutch Rescue
Save Lara
2 points
A Firey ViewA Firey View
Defeat the Son of Sun with a party of Crono, Ayla, and Magus, and without wearing fire absorbing armor (no New Game Plus)
5 points
Hey Mom, Take a Look at My FriendsHey Mom, Take a Look at My Friends
Show all of your party members to your mom
5 points
Blinded By TechnologyBlinded By Technology
Acquire the Wondershot and the Sun Shades
5 points
The Legacy of CyrusThe Legacy of Cyrus
Obtain the fully powered Masamune
5 points
Sweet DreamsSweet Dreams
Learn the Golden Dream triple tech
2 points
Demonic GoodiesDemonic Goodies
Acquire the Flea Vest, Slasher 2, and OzziePants from Magus's former allies and then defeat them (no New Game Plus)
10 points
In a Pickle No More!In a Pickle No More!
Witness Ozzie's demise
5 points
Rusty TravelersRusty Travelers
Defeat the Rust Tyrano before the countdown ends (no GreenDream or Lifeline; no New Game Plus)
10 points
Multicolored SpoilsMulticolored Spoils
Acquire the Rainbow Shell
5 points
Defense in Our TimeDefense in Our Time
Defeat Yakra XIII with Crono, Lucca, and Marle in your party (no Chaos protection; no Haste; no GreenDream or Lifeline; no deaths; no New Game Plus)
5 points
Guardia Marches Again!Guardia Marches Again!
Witness Marle and her father reconcile
5 points
Royal StoawayRoyal Stoaway
Rescue the Chancellor from a chest in 1000 A.D.
2 points
Psychodelic DredsPsychodelic Dreds
Have Melchior craft the PrismDress or Prism Helms
2 points
All The Colors of the RainbowAll The Colors of the Rainbow
Have Melchior craft the Rainbow and the PrismSpecs
3 points
Mega PowerMega Power
Defeat the Mega Mutant without the use of magic (no New Game Plus)
5 points
Giga PowerGiga Power
Defeat Giga Mutant with the use of one-target damaging single techs (no deaths; no New Game Plus)
5 points
Terra PowerTerra Power
Defeat the Terra Mutant with the use of one-target damaging single techs (no Haste; no New Game Plus)
5 points
You're No Longer My MotherYou're No Longer My Mother
Defeat Queen Zeal with Magus in the party (no GreenDream or Lifeline; no New Game Plus)
5 points
Smashed From ExistenceSmashed From Existence
Finish off the Black Omen
5 points
Mega Man RundownMega Man Rundown
Defeat all the phases of Lavos's attack mode (no GreenDream or Lifeline; no New Game Plus)
5 points
Beyond TimeBeyond Time
Finish the game after using the Chrono Trigger
25 points
Once More...with WisdomOnce More...with Wisdom
Start a run with New Game Plus
1 points
Tough LoveTough Love
Defeat Atropos XR without the use of techs (no Rage Band or FrenzyBand equipped; no New Game Plus)
5 points
No Zebetites for You!No Zebetites for You!
Defeat Mother Brain with all of her displays still alive (no double or triple techs; no Haste; no New Game Plus)
10 points
Present GoodiesPresent Goodies
Collect all the treasure of 1000 A.D. (chests and tabs)
10 points
Middle GoodiesMiddle Goodies
Collect all the treasure of 600 A.D. (chests and tabs)
10 points
Future GoodiesFuture Goodies
Collect all the treasure of 2300 A.D. (chests and tabs)
10 points
Prehistoric GoodiesPrehistoric Goodies
Collect all the treasure of 65 million BC
10 points
Antiquated GoodiesAntiquated Goodies
Collect all the treasure of 12,000 B.C. and the Black Omen (chests and tabs)
10 points
All Treasures, All TimesAll Treasures, All Times
Collect all the treasure of the game (chests and tabs)
25 points
Amphibian CadetAmphibian Cadet
Defeat Frog Spekkio and claim his reward
5 points
Primate SergeantPrimate Sergeant
Defeat Kilwala Spekkio and claim his reward
5 points
Gremlin LieutenantGremlin Lieutenant
Defeat Goblin Spekkio and claim his reward
5 points
Guardian MajorGuardian Major
Defeat Omnicrone Spekkio and claim his reward (no GreenDream or Lifeline)
10 points
Magician ColonelMagician Colonel
Defeat Masamune Spekkio and claim his reward (L<50; no GreenDream or Lifeline)
10 points
Ultimate GeneralUltimate General
Defeat Nu Spekkio and claim his reward (no New Game Plus; no GreenDream or Lifeline)
10 points
Gimme ShelterGimme Shelter
Probe a bush in 600 A.D. for a surprise
1 points
Successor of GuardiaSuccessor of Guardia
Finish the game before returning Marle to her home
10 points
Attentive StudentAttentive Student
Get a reward for being enthusiastic of learning the mechanics of the game
2 points
Good NightGood Night
Finish the game after reaching the End of Time
10 points
The Legendary HeroThe Legendary Hero
Finish the game after the Battle at Zenan Bridge
10 points
The Unknown PastThe Unknown Past
Finish the game after getting the Hero's Medal
10 points
People of the TimesPeople of the Times
Finish the game after reconstructing the Masamune
10 points
The OathThe Oath
Finish the game after giving the Masamune to Frog
10 points
The Dino AgeThe Dino Age
Finish the game after defeating Magus
10 points
What the Prophet SeeksWhat the Prophet Seeks
Finish the game after defeating Azala
10 points
Memory LaneMemory Lane
Finish the game right after Schala opens the sealed door in Zeal
10 points
One of You Shall Surely Perish...One of You Shall Surely Perish...
Hear some odd philosophical things in Enhasa...including a terrible omen
3 points
In the End, the Future Refused to ChangeIn the End, the Future Refused to Change
After reaching the End of Time, but before entering Medina Village, get to at least the Nizabel round of the battle mode of Lavos before falling and witnessing a tragedy (L<=12; no New Game Plus)
10 points
Jelly CalciumJelly Calcium
Find and defeat a hidden enemy in the Northern Ruins (no New Game Plus)
5 points
Ain't Afraid of No GhostsAin't Afraid of No Ghosts
Actually damage Cyrus's ghost
2 points
Dream TeamDream Team
Finish the game either at the beginning or at the Ocean Palace
10 points
The Whole GangThe Whole Gang
Finish a battle with Boss Orbs and their Side Kicks without any running away in the Black Omen (no New Game Plus)
5 points
Finish the game after the Ocean Palace disaster and escaping the Blackbird
25 points
Final FlashFinal Flash
Obtain the Omega Flare triple tech
2 points
Wild PolkaWild Polka
Obtain the Puyozo Dance triple tech
2 points
Everlasting DarknessEverlasting Darkness
Obtain the Dark Eternal triple tech
2 points
People of MagicPeople of Magic
Learn all the single, double, and experienced triple techs of the game
10 points
The Lone SaviorThe Lone Savior
Defeat Lavos with Crono alone (L<=60)
10 points
Easily AmusedEasily Amused
Acquire 10G through a self-depreciating act
1 points
Mano a ManoMano a Mano
Defeat Slash in the second round with the use of one-target damaging single techs and no deaths (No New Game Plus)
10 points
Magic of All PersuasionsMagic of All Persuasions
Defeat Flea with the use of one-target damaging single techs and no deaths (no New Game Plus)
10 points
Treasure Hunter VIIITreasure Hunter VIII
Obtain the Magic Tab on the Blackbird
3 points
Treasure Hunter IXTreasure Hunter IX
Obtain the hidden treasure in Ozzie's Fort
2 points
Treasure Hunter XTreasure Hunter X
Obtain all the tabs in the Geno Dome
3 points
Massive DamageMassive Damage
Do 9,999 damage to an enemy in a single hit (L<96; No New Game Plus)
5 points
Renegade of the SkiesRenegade of the Skies
Run into a very enigmatic man in Zeal
1 points
Nothing But Blue Birds All Day LongNothing But Blue Birds All Day Long
Find and defeat a flock of flying enemies in the Guardia Forest of 600 A.D.
2 points
You're the Piano Man!You're the Piano Man!
Have a...wooly pianist play a tune
1 points
There Is A New Master In TownThere Is A New Master In Town
Defeat and claim the rewards for all the forms of Spekkio
25 points

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