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Shining Force CD

Shining Force CD


Sega CD

achievements (112)

iconinfoRA score
Leader's PromotionLeader's Promotion
Promote Nick to class HERO
10 points
Dwarven WarriorDwarven Warrior
Promote Ruce to class GLDT
10 points
Elven ArcherElven Archer
Promote Shade to class SNIP
10 points
Friendly GiantFriendly Giant
Promote Sig to class MMNK
10 points
Elven MagicianElven Magician
Promote Wendy to class WIZ
10 points
Paladin Centaur IPaladin Centaur I
Promote Apis to class PLDN
10 points
Allied Giant MasterAllied Giant Master
Promote Cray to class MMNK
10 points
Cavalier Traveller ICavalier Traveller I
Reach the area behind the fence in battle 2 of book 1
2 points
Boarded by the EnemyBoarded by the Enemy
Complete battle 1 of book 1
10 points
Battle at Miniyom IslandBattle at Miniyom Island
Complete battle 2 of book 1
10 points
Road to Miniyom FortRoad to Miniyom Fort
Complete battle 3 of book 1
10 points
Cavalier Traveller IICavalier Traveller II
Occupy the three doors in battle 4 of book 1
3 points
Chest Hunter IChest Hunter I
Open all the chests in battle 4 of book 1
3 points
At the Gates of Miniyom FortAt the Gates of Miniyom Fort
Complete battle 4 of book 1
10 points
Chest Hunter IIChest Hunter II
Open the chest in battle 5 of book 1
3 points
Inside Miniyom FortInside Miniyom Fort
Complete battle 5 of book 1
10 points
Asreet IslandAsreet Island
Complete battle 6 of book 1
10 points
Cavalier Traveller IIICavalier Traveller III
Occupy the enemy village while matching the shape of the land encircled islet in battle 6 of book 1
2 points
Master BirdmanMaster Birdman
Promote Claude to class BDBT
10 points
Cavalier Traveller IVCavalier Traveller IV
Visit 6 doors and the stairs in battle 7 of book 1 (not simultaneous)
3 points
Asreet VillageAsreet Village
Complete battle 7 of book 1
10 points
Centaurian Bow KnightCentaurian Bow Knight
Promote Stock to class BWNT
10 points
Greater Healer IGreater Healer I
Promote Mayfair to class VICR
10 points
Road to Asreet TowerRoad to Asreet Tower
Complete battle 8 of book 1
10 points
Chest Hunter IIIChest Hunter III
Open all the chests in battle 9 of book 1
3 points
Asreet Tower 1FAsreet Tower 1F
Complete battle 9 of book 1
10 points
Asreet Tower RoofAsreet Tower Roof
Complete battle 10 of book 1
25 points
Cypress PortCypress Port
Complete battle 11 of book 1
10 points
Great MageGreat Mage
Promote Yeesha to class WIZ
5 points
Therian BerserkerTherian Berserker
Promote Gyan to class BRSK
5 points
Four Ways to SundayFour Ways to Sunday
Recruit Domingo
5 points
Battle on the PlainsBattle on the Plains
Complete battle 12 of book 1
10 points
Chest Hunter IVChest Hunter IV
Open all the chests in battle 13 of book 1
3 points
Cavalier Traveller VCavalier Traveller V
Reach the stairs on the other side of Kashing in battle 13 of book 1
2 points
In the Cave of DeathIn the Cave of Death
Complete battle 13 of book 1
10 points
Weathered CentaurWeathered Centaur
Promote Kashing to class PLDN
5 points
Road to Gundoll FortressRoad to Gundoll Fortress
Complete battle 14 of book 1
10 points
At the Gates of GundollAt the Gates of Gundoll
Complete battle 15 of book 1
25 points
Chest Hunter VChest Hunter V
Open the chest in battle 15 of book 1
2 points
Cavalier Traveller VICavalier Traveller VI
Land in the northmost balcony in battle 15 of book 1
2 points
Inside Gundoll FortressInside Gundoll Fortress
Complete battle 16 of book 1
25 points
Cypress Mountain RegionCypress Mountain Region
Complete battle 17 of book 1
25 points
Road to Cypress CastleRoad to Cypress Castle
Complete battle 18 of book 1
25 points
Gates of Cypress CastleGates of Cypress Castle
Complete battle 19 of book 1
25 points
Cavalier Traveller VIICavalier Traveller VII
Occupy the northmost spot on each side of the castle wall in battle 19 of book 1
2 points
Magical FriendshipMagical Friendship
Recruit Amigo
5 points
Chest Hunter VIChest Hunter VI
Open the chest in battle 19 of book 1
2 points
Inside Cypress CastleInside Cypress Castle
Complete battle 20 of book 1
25 points
Facing the DevilFacing the Devil
Complete battle 21 of book 1
25 points
Cavalier Traveller VIIICavalier Traveller VIII
Defeat the Evil Monster while occupying the arch and the throne in battle 21 of book 1
10 points
Woldol's DefeatWoldol's Defeat
Complete battle 22 of book 1
25 points
Cavalier Traveller IXCavalier Traveller IX
Defeat Scorpion Woldol while preventing reinforcements from arriving in battle 22 of book 1 (do battle 22 in 1 session)
10 points
Unexpected AmbushUnexpected Ambush
Complete battle 1 of book 2
10 points
Chasing the ThiefChasing the Thief
Complete battle 2 of book 2
10 points
You created a HeroYou created a Hero
Promote Deanna to class HERO
10 points
First Mage, First ClassFirst Mage, First Class
Promote Natasha to class WIZ
10 points
Greater WarriorGreater Warrior
Promote Jaha to class GLDT
10 points
Paladin Centaur IIPaladin Centaur II
Promote Eric to class PLDN
10 points
Paladin CentauridePaladin Centauride
Promote Dawn to class PLDN
10 points
Master MonkMaster Monk
Promote Luke to class MMNK
10 points
Greater Healer IIGreater Healer II
Promote Slade to class VICR
10 points
Continuing the PursuitContinuing the Pursuit
Complete battle 3 of book 2
10 points
Cavalier Traveller XCavalier Traveller X
Squat at the house in battle 4 of book 2
3 points
Closing in on the TargetClosing in on the Target
Complete battle 4 of book 2
10 points
Chest Hunter VIIChest Hunter VII
Open the chest in battle 5 of book 2
2 points
Defeat the Dark MageDefeat the Dark Mage
Complete battle 5 of book 2
10 points
Greater Bow KnightGreater Bow Knight
Promote Graham to class BWNT
10 points
Chasing the GargoyleChasing the Gargoyle
Complete battle 6 of book 2
10 points
Betrayal at the CourtBetrayal at the Court
Complete battle 7 of book 2
10 points
Chest Hunter VIIIChest Hunter VIII
Open the chest in battle 7 of book 2
2 points
Defeat the ImposterDefeat the Imposter
Complete battle 8 of book 2
10 points
Crackshot SniperCrackshot Sniper
Promote Chester to class SNIP
10 points
Royal MagusRoyal Magus
Promote May to class WIZ
10 points
Chest Hunter IXChest Hunter IX
Open the chest in battle 9 of book 2
2 points
At the Gates of PortobelloAt the Gates of Portobello
Complete battle 9 of book 2
10 points
Chest Hunter XChest Hunter X
Open all the chests in battle 10 of book 2
2 points
Cavalier Traveller XICavalier Traveller XI
Squat at the eastern stairs in battle 8 of book 2
2 points
Cavalier Traveller XIICavalier Traveller XII
Board the ship in battle 10 of book 2
2 points
Steal the Enemy ShipSteal the Enemy Ship
Complete battle 10 of book 2
10 points
Unexpected SplitUnexpected Split
Complete battle 11 of book 2
10 points
Towards Algam FortTowards Algam Fort
Complete battle 12 of book 2
10 points
Cavalier Traveller XIIICavalier Traveller XIII
Stand on the rocks on the eastmost plateau in battle 13 of book 2
2 points
Stealth ClimbersStealth Climbers
Complete battle 13 of book 2
10 points
Chest Hunter XIChest Hunter XI
Open the chest in battle 13 of book 2
2 points
Invade from AboveInvade from Above
Complete battle 14 of book 2
10 points
Chest Hunter XIIChest Hunter XII
Open all the chests in battle 15 of book 2
2 points
Uncovered DarknessUncovered Darkness
Complete battle 15 of book 2
10 points
Invade from BelowInvade from Below
Complete battle 16 of book 2
10 points
Take the FieldTake the Field
Complete battle 17 of book 2
10 points
Facing the Enemy SoloFacing the Enemy Solo
Complete battle 18 of book 2
10 points
Chest Hunter XIIIChest Hunter XIII
Open all the chests in battle 18 of book 2
2 points
Crouching Tiger, Hidden LeafCrouching Tiger, Hidden Leaf
Recruit Hanzou a.k.a. Higins
5 points
Delayed by the EnemyDelayed by the Enemy
Complete battle 19 of book 2
25 points
Chest Hunter XIVChest Hunter XIV
Open all the chests in battle 20 of book 2
2 points
Cavalier Traveller XIVCavalier Traveller XIV
Deface the statue by standing on its face in battle 20 of book 2
2 points
Chest Hunter XVChest Hunter XV
Open all the chests in battle 21 of book 2
2 points
Through the Narrow PassThrough the Narrow Pass
Complete battle 20 of book 2
25 points
Chase the SacrificeChase the Sacrifice
Complete battle 21 of book 2
25 points
The Man Called Rush (Musashi, actually)The Man Called Rush (Musashi, actually)
Recruit Musashi a.k.a. Rush
5 points
An Old and Familiar EvilAn Old and Familiar Evil
Complete battle 22 of book 2
25 points
Chest Hunter XVIChest Hunter XVI
Open all the chests in battle 22 of book 2
2 points
Chest Hunter XVIIChest Hunter XVII
Open the chest in battle 23 of book 2
2 points
Save Nick in TimeSave Nick in Time
Complete battle 23 of book 2
25 points
End of IomEnd of Iom
Complete battle 24 of book 2
25 points
Dava's GraveyardDava's Graveyard
Complete battle 1 of book 3
10 points
Dava's Dining RoomDava's Dining Room
Complete battle 2 of book 3
10 points
Temptation DojoTemptation Dojo
Complete battle 3 of book 3
10 points
Fast BuildersFast Builders
Complete battle 4 of book 3
10 points
Chest Hunter XVIIIChest Hunter XVIII
Open all the chests in battle 4 of book 3
2 points
You vs your ShadowsYou vs your Shadows
Complete battle 5 of book 3
25 points
Nick Save the QueenNick Save the Queen
Complete battle 6 of book 3
25 points
Whole gang of bad guysWhole gang of bad guys
Complete book 4
25 points
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