icon | info | RA score |
Wrecked Arachnus-X Defeat Arachnus-X without taking damage | 10 points | |
Vitalit-E Acquire an Energy Tank | 4 points | |
Mighty Morphin' Recover the Morph Ball ability | 5 points | |
Explosive Chamber Download the Missile data | 4 points | |
L1 Access (Blue) Unlock Level 1 Locks | 5 points | |
L2 Access (Green) Unlock Level 2 Locks | 5 points | |
L3 Access (Yellow) Unlock Level 3 locks | 5 points | |
L4 Access (Red) Unlock Level 4 Locks | 10 points | |
Wrecked Elephant Bird Defeat the Charge Core-X without taking damage | 25 points | |
Focused Shot Recover the Charge Beam ability | 5 points | |
Firecracker Download the Bomb data | 4 points | |
Wrecked Zazabi Defeat Zazabi without taking damage | 10 points | |
More Kick Recover the High Jump and Jump Ball abilities | 5 points | |
Wrecked Serris Defeat Serris without taking damage | 25 points | |
Leg Day Paid Off Regain the Speed Booster power | 5 points | |
Tripled Firepower Download the Super Missile data | 5 points | |
Wrecked B.O.X. Defeat the B.O.X. Security Robot without taking damage | 10 points | |
Stay Frosty Recover the Varia Suit effect | 5 points | |
Frigid Chamber Add an Ice effect to your missiles | 5 points | |
Open Wide Recover the Wide Beam ability | 5 points | |
Under Pressure Reactivate the cooling unit with at least 4 minutes remaining | 25 points | |
Wrecked Human Core-X Defeat the Human Core-X without taking damage | 25 points | |
Blinding Power Download the Power Bomb data | 5 points | |
Wrecked Yakuza Defeat Yakuza without taking damage | 50 points | |
Space Ninja Recover the Space Jump ability | 5 points | |
Wrecked Nettori Defeat Nettori without taking damage | 25 points | |
Piercing Their Pants Recover the Plasma Beam ability | 5 points | |
Amphibious Recover the Gravity Suit effect | 5 points | |
Diffusion Missiles Add Diffusion to your Missiles | 5 points | |
Shinespark Legend I wonder how many players will see this message...? | 50 points | |
Wave Beam Recover the Wave Beam ability | 5 points | |
Wrecked Infected B.O.X. Defeat the infected B.O.X Security Robot without taking damage | 25 points | |
Quick Thinking Escape the Restricted Laboratory within 10 seconds | 25 points | |
Screw Attack Regain the Screw Attack ability | 10 points | |
Wrecked SA-X Defeat SA-X without taking damage | 25 points | |
Swift Escape Escape the station with at least 1 minute remaining | 25 points | |
Wrecked Omega Metroid Defeat the Omega Metroid without taking damage | 25 points | |
Mission Complete Complete the mission | 25 points | |
Hasty Complete the mission in less than 4 hours | 10 points | |
Don't Stop Me Now Complete the mission in less than 2 hours | 25 points | |
Completionist Complete the mission with all items collected | 25 points | |
Space Juggernaut Complete the mission with all items collected in less than 2 hours | 50 points | |
Bare-bones Complete the mission with a missile capacity of 15 or less and no Energy Tanks or Power Bomb Expansions. | 100 points |