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Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back

Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back



achievements (75)

iconinfoRA score
Baby BlueBaby Blue
Obtain the Sapphire in Turtle Woods.
5 points
Turtle PowerTurtle Power
Break every box in Turtle Woods without dying.
5 points
Shell ShockedShell Shocked
Get to the end of Turtle Woods in less than 1:28.
10 points
Aka to KuroAka to Kuro
Obtain the Ruby in Snow Go.
10 points
Buried in the SnowBuried in the Snow
Break every box in Snow Go without dying.
5 points
Get to the end of Snow Go in less than 1:25.
10 points
Catch a WaveCatch a Wave
Break every box in Hang Eight without dying.
10 points
Surfer's StompSurfer's Stomp
Get to the end of Hang Eight in less than 1:48.
10 points
Down in the HoleDown in the Hole
Break every box in The Pits without dying.
10 points
Hole to FeedHole to Feed
Get to the end of The Pits in less than 1:57.
10 points
Break every box in Crash Dash without dying.
10 points
Mad Dash MelodyMad Dash Melody
Get to the end of Crash Dash in less than 1:56.
10 points
Jungle BoogieJungle Boogie
Obtain every clear gem in the Jungle Warp Room.
10 points
Insane in the BrainInsane in the Brain
Defeat Ripper Roo.
5 points
Most Miserable LifeMost Miserable Life
Obtain 10 extra lives from the Warp Room.
5 points
Break every box in Snow Biz without dying.
10 points
Angel in the SnowAngel in the Snow
Get to the end of Snow Biz in less than 1:38.
10 points
Surfin' USASurfin' USA
Break every box in Air Crash without dying.
10 points
Country AirCountry Air
Get to the end of Air Crash in less than 1:42.
10 points
Going on a Bear HuntGoing on a Bear Hunt
Break every box in Bear It without dying.
5 points
Running BearRunning Bear
Get to the end of Bear It in less than 1:26.
10 points
Rolling RockRolling Rock
Break every box in Crash Crush without dying.
10 points
Ready Set RollReady Set Roll
Get to the end of Crash Crush in less than 2:14.
10 points
Emerald LabyrinthEmerald Labyrinth
Obtain the Emerald in The Eel Deal.
5 points
Electric FeelElectric Feel
Break every box in The Eel Deal without dying.
5 points
Electric ShockElectric Shock
Get to the end of The Eel Deal in less than 1:47.
10 points
Obtain every clear gem in the Ice Warp Room.
10 points
Blood BrothersBlood Brothers
Defeat the Komodo Brothers.
5 points
Golden SneerGolden Sneer
Obtain the Topaz in Plant Food.
10 points
Bridge over Troubled WaterBridge over Troubled Water
Break every box in Plant Food without dying.
10 points
Green RiverGreen River
Get to the end of Plant Food in less than 1:50.
10 points
The Sewers of the StrandThe Sewers of the Strand
Break every box in Sewer or Later without dying.
10 points
Creeping Through the SewersCreeping Through the Sewers
Get to the end of Sewer or Later in less than 1:06.
10 points
Paddington BearPaddington Bear
Break every box in Bear Down without dying.
10 points
Bear the BurdenBear the Burden
Get to the end of Bear Down in less than 1:31.
10 points
My City of RuinsMy City of Ruins
Break every box in Road to Ruin without dying.
10 points
Race Among the RuinsRace Among the Ruins
Get to the end of Road to Ruin in less than 1:10.
10 points
Dangerous and MovingDangerous and Moving
Break every box in Un-Bearable without dying.
25 points
Nas Ne DogonyatNas Ne Dogonyat
Get to the end of Un-Bearable in less than 2:49.
10 points
Straight out the SewerStraight out the Sewer
Obtain every clear gem in the Sewer Warp Room.
10 points
Tiger in a SpotlightTiger in a Spotlight
Defeat Tiny Tiger.
5 points
Just Hanging OutJust Hanging Out
Break every box in Hangin' Out without dying.
10 points
Hang You From the HeavensHang You From the Heavens
Get to the end of Hangin' Out in less than 1:50.
10 points
Dig It UpDig It Up
Break every box in Diggin' It without dying.
10 points
Dig! Dig! Dig!Dig! Dig! Dig!
Get to the end of Diggin' It in less than 2:55.
10 points
Cold As IceCold As Ice
Break every box in Cold Hard Crash without dying.
25 points
The Snow HowlingThe Snow Howling
Get to the end of Cold Hard Crash in less than 3:06.
10 points
Dancin' In the RuinsDancin' In the Ruins
Break every box in Ruination without dying.
10 points
In the Time of My RuinIn the Time of My Ruin
Get to the end of Ruination in less than 2:00.
10 points
Purple HeartPurple Heart
Obtain the Amethyst in Bee-Having.
5 points
Bee in Your BonnetBee in Your Bonnet
Break every box in Bee-Having without dying.
10 points
Bumble Bee (Sting Me)Bumble Bee (Sting Me)
Get to the end of Bee-Having in less than 2:24.
10 points
Rocky TopRocky Top
Obtain every clear gem in the Mountain Warp Room.
10 points
Master ExploderMaster Exploder
Defeat N. Gin.
5 points
Super Sharp ShooterSuper Sharp Shooter
Defeat N. Gin using no more than 75 wumpa fruit.
25 points
The Piston CupThe Piston Cup
Break every box in Piston It Away without dying.
25 points
Mechanical DanceMechanical Dance
Get to the end of Piston It Away in less than 2:30.
10 points
Rocket ManRocket Man
Break every box in Rock It without dying.
5 points
Short BurstsShort Bursts
Get to the end of Rock It in less than 1:41.
10 points
Your Precious MoonYour Precious Moon
Break every box in Night Fight without dying.
10 points
Enter the DarknessEnter the Darkness
Get to the end of Night Fight in less than 2:07.
10 points
Darkness of the UnknownDarkness of the Unknown
Get to the end of Night Fight without using any of the fireflies.
10 points
Jet Pack KicksJet Pack Kicks
Break every box in Pack Attack without dying.
10 points
Robot BirdRobot Bird
Get to the end of Pack Attack in less than 1:56.
10 points
Space RockSpace Rock
Break every box in Spaced Out without dying.
10 points
A Dream into Outer SpaceA Dream into Outer Space
Get to the end of Spaced Out in less than 1:47.
10 points
Obtain every clear gem in the Space Warp Room.
10 points
Perfect EnemyPerfect Enemy
Defeat the final boss.
10 points
Rise and Shine, Ursine!Rise and Shine, Ursine!
Break every box in Totally Bear without dying.
25 points
Dark HorseDark Horse
Get to the end of Totally Bear in less than 1:19.
10 points
Break every box in Totally Fly without dying.
25 points
Coming Out of the DarkComing Out of the Dark
Get to the end of Totally Fly in less than 1:48.
10 points
Hello Darkness My Old FriendHello Darkness My Old Friend
Get to the end of Totally Fly without using any of the fireflies.
25 points
Little SecretLittle Secret
Obtain every clear gem in the Secret Warp Room.
10 points
The Craziest DiamondThe Craziest Diamond
View the secret ending.
50 points

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