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Michael Jackson's Moonwalker

Michael Jackson's Moonwalker


Sega Genesis

achievements (50)

iconinfoRA score
Annie, Are You Okay?Annie, Are You Okay?
Rescue a child
1 points
Smooth CriminalSmooth Criminal
Clear Stage 1-3
10 points
Beat itBeat it
Clear Stage 2-3
10 points
Hit ArtistHit Artist
Score over 10,000 Points
5 points
Clear Stage 3-3
10 points
Platinum ArtistPlatinum Artist
Score over 100,000 Points
10 points
Billie JeanBillie Jean
Clear Stage 4-3
10 points
Who's Bad?Who's Bad?
Clear Stage 5-3
25 points
Score over 800,000 Points
25 points
King of PopKing of Pop
Clear Stage 6-1 [Hard]
50 points
Fool GravityFool Gravity
Perform a Moonwalk for 5 seconds (counts time while moving, resets when Moonwalk ends)
3 points
Form a GroupForm a Group
Dance with 7 or more people at once
10 points
Slide down some stairs
2 points
Speed DemonSpeed Demon
Complete Stage 1-1 under 1m10s [Normal+]
25 points
Emergency EntranceEmergency Entrance
Activate the movable stairs in stage 1 any round
1 points
Underground MysteriesUnderground Mysteries
Open a manhole cover in stage 2-3
1 points
Cleaning the StreetsCleaning the Streets
Take out an enemy while dancing on a fire hydrant in stage 2 any round
2 points
Groove and SwingGroove and Swing
Swing from a branch in stage 3 any round
1 points
Break a no dancing sign in stage 4 any round
1 points
Non-stick DancingNon-stick Dancing
Moonwalk through a spider web in stage 4 any round (start Moonwalk before entering web, no turning around)
3 points
Break all computers and servers in stage 5-1 (9 total)
5 points
Faster Going BackwardsFaster Going Backwards
Moonwalk across the bottom floor conveyor in stage 5-2 travelling against the direction of conveyor (left to right, no turning around)
5 points
Nightlife DashNightlife Dash
Complete Stage 1-1 under the par time 2m00s [Normal+]
5 points
Club Fever FrenzyClub Fever Frenzy
Complete Stage 1-2 under the par time 2m00s [Normal+]
5 points
Speed WalkSpeed Walk
Complete Stage 1-3 under the par time 2m00s [Normal+]
10 points
Midnight Street RaceMidnight Street Race
Complete Stage 2-1 under the par time 3m00s [Normal+]
5 points
Chasing the Urban BeatChasing the Urban Beat
Complete Stage 2-2 under the par time 3m00s [Normal+]
5 points
Streets of SpeedStreets of Speed
Complete Stage 2-3 under the par time 3m00s [Normal+]
5 points
Moonlit Zombie BlitzMoonlit Zombie Blitz
Complete Stage 3-1 under the par time 4m00s [Normal+]
5 points
Chasing Shadows in the Haunted WoodsChasing Shadows in the Haunted Woods
Complete Stage 3-2 under the par time 4m00s [Normal+]
5 points
Survivor’s Dance of the Living DeadSurvivor’s Dance of the Living Dead
Complete Stage 3-3 under the par time 4m00s [Normal+]
5 points
Cave of Eight-Legged TangoCave of Eight-Legged Tango
Complete Stage 4-1 under the par time 5m00s [Normal+]
5 points
Dancing Through the Spider’s LairDancing Through the Spider’s Lair
Complete Stage 4-2 under the par time 5m00s [Normal+]
5 points
Underground EscapeUnderground Escape
Complete Stage 4-3 under the par time 5m00s [Normal+]
5 points
Sprint Through Hostile TerritorySprint Through Hostile Territory
Complete Stage 5-1 under the par time 6m00s [Normal+]
5 points
Dance of InfiltrationDance of Infiltration
Complete Stage 5-2 under the par time 6m00s [Normal+]
5 points
Starstruck on Sunset StreetStarstruck on Sunset Street
Collect the falling star in Stage 2-1
3 points
Electric Avenue TransformationElectric Avenue Transformation
Collect the falling star in Stage 2-2
3 points
Robot Boogie in the CityRobot Boogie in the City
Collect the falling star in Stage 2-3
3 points
Moonwalk Among the Walking DeadMoonwalk Among the Walking Dead
Collect the falling star in Stage 3-1
3 points
Electro-Dance Battle in the Zombie AbyssElectro-Dance Battle in the Zombie Abyss
Collect the falling star in Stage 3-2
3 points
Cybernetic Savior vs. the UndeadCybernetic Savior vs. the Undead
Collect the falling star in Stage 3-3
3 points
Starry Secrets Among the StalactitesStarry Secrets Among the Stalactites
Collect the falling star in Stage 4-1
4 points
Dance of the Arachnid AnnihilationDance of the Arachnid Annihilation
Collect the falling star in Stage 4-2
4 points
Bionic Battle with the Spider SwarmBionic Battle with the Spider Swarm
Collect the falling star in Stage 4-3
4 points
Starlit DancefloorStarlit Dancefloor
Collect the falling star in Stage 5-1
5 points
Battlefield of the Dancing MachineBattlefield of the Dancing Machine
Collect the falling star in Stage 5-2
5 points
International SuperstarInternational Superstar
Score over 400,000 Points
10 points
Mr. BigMr. Big
Clear Stage 6-1
10 points
Clear Stage 6-1 without using a continue [Normal+]
50 points

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