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Pokemon HeartGold Version | Pokemon SoulSilver Version

Pokemon HeartGold Version | Pokemon SoulSilver Version


Nintendo DS

achievements (137)

iconinfoRA score
Strong Gusts from the EastStrong Gusts from the East
Defeat Falkner without using super effective Attacks and obtain the Zephyr Badge. [Option: Set mode, Level Cap: 13]
5 points
Breaking the HiveBreaking the Hive
Defeat Bugsy without using super effective Attacks and obtain the Hive Badge. [Option: Set mode, Level Cap: 17]
5 points
Cameron's Personal ModelCameron's Personal Model
Fill the Photo Album on the PC with 36 Pictures of different Locations.
10 points
Rolled Too FarRolled Too Far
Defeat Whitney without using super effective Attacks and deserve the Plain Badge. [Option: Set mode, Level Cap: 19]
5 points
Cursed ForeverCursed Forever
Defeat Morty without using super effective Attacks and obtain the Fog Badge. [Option: Set mode, Level Cap: 25]
5 points
Getting an UppercutGetting an Uppercut
Defeat Chuck without using super effective Attacks and obtain the Storm Badge. [Option: Set mode, Level Cap: 31]
5 points
Magnetic AnomalyMagnetic Anomaly
Defeat Jasmine without using super effective Attacks and obtain the Mineral Badge. [Option: Set mode, Level Cap: 35]
5 points
Crushing Some Ice for My DrinkCrushing Some Ice for My Drink
Defeat Pryce without using super effective Attacks and obtain the Glacier Badge. [Option: Set mode, Level Cap: 34]
5 points
Unleash the DragonUnleash the Dragon
Defeat Clair without using super effective Attacks and deserve the Rising Badge. [Option: Set mode, Level Cap: 41]
5 points
The Impeccable OneThe Impeccable One
Obtain a Dratini knowing 'Extreme Speed' in the Dragon's Den for answering all Questions correctly.
3 points
Tough WordsTough Words
Learn all trendy phrases.
5 points
Gifted TrainerGifted Trainer
Get all Gift Pokemon (not counting Tentacool). [See comments]
10 points
Ekans CharmerEkans Charmer
Get all colored Flutes.
5 points
Round One... Fight!Round One... Fight!
Defeat the Elite Four and the Champ in Round One. [Option: Set mode, Single Session, Level Cap: 45]
25 points
Ultimate CopycatUltimate Copycat
Teach a Smeargle four different HM moves.
5 points
Johto Hidden Item FinderJohto Hidden Item Finder
Get all hidden items in Johto.
25 points
Kanto Hidden Item FinderKanto Hidden Item Finder
Get all hidden items in Kanto.
10 points
Johto Item GathererJohto Item Gatherer
Get all visible items in Johto.
25 points
Kanto Item GathererKanto Item Gatherer
Get all visible items in Kanto.
10 points
Johto Master TrainerJohto Master Trainer
Battle all non-missable trainers in Johto.
25 points
Kanto Master TrainerKanto Master Trainer
Battle all non-missable trainers in Kanto.
25 points
Smashing RocksSmashing Rocks
Defeat Brock without using super effective Attacks and obtain the Boulder Badge. [Option: Set mode, Level Cap: 54]
5 points
Like a Cold ShowerLike a Cold Shower
Defeat Misty without using super effective Attacks and obtain the Cascade Badge. [Option: Set mode, Level Cap: 54]
5 points
Warning! Blackout!Warning! Blackout!
Defeat Lt. Surge without using super effective Attacks and obtain the Thunder Badge. [Option: Set mode, Level Cap: 53]
5 points
Getting Rid of the WeedsGetting Rid of the Weeds
Defeat Erika without using super effective Attacks and obtain the Rainbow Badge. [Option: Set mode, Level Cap: 56]
5 points
I Am the Next Ninja MasterI Am the Next Ninja Master
Defeat Janine without using super effective Attacks and obtain the Soul Badge. [Option: Set mode, Level Cap: 50]
5 points
Lose Your MindLose Your Mind
Defeat Sabrina without using super effective Attacks and obtain the Marsh Badge. [Option: Set mode, Level Cap: 55]
5 points
Here Is Another BreakoutHere Is Another Breakout
Defeat Blaine without using super effective Attacks and obtain the Volcano Badge. [Option: Set mode, Level Cap: 59]
5 points
Preparing to Be the Real ChampionPreparing to Be the Real Champion
Defeat Blue without using super effective Attacks and obtain the Earth Badge. [Option: Set mode, Level Cap: 60]
5 points
And the Champion Is...And the Champion Is...
Defeat the Elite Four and the Champ in Round Two. [Option: Set mode, Single Session, Level Cap: 70]
25 points
Creator of the Universe [Event]Creator of the Universe [Event]
Witness the Birth of a Legendary Pokemon at the Sinjoh Ruins and return back to the Alph Ruins.
5 points
A Special Forest Dwellers [Event]A Special Forest Dwellers [Event]
Find the Spikey-Eared Pichu and let Professor Elm give you some Information about it.
5 points
Hero of Time [Event]Hero of Time [Event]
Defeat Giovanni in the Tohjo Falls and prevent Team Rocket's Comeback.
5 points
The Mystery about the Enigma Stone [Event]The Mystery about the Enigma Stone [Event]
Bring the Enigma Stone to the Pewter Museum and capture the appearing Eon Pokemon.
5 points
Resistance Is FutileResistance Is Futile
Defeat each rematchable trainer's final team.
25 points
Silver License of Pokemon CatchingSilver License of Pokemon Catching
Catch all obtainable Pokemon on the Johto Pokedex. [Non-event and no external trades]
50 points
Gold License of Pokemon CatchingGold License of Pokemon Catching
Catch all 373 (HG) | 371 (SS) obtainable Pokemon on the National Pokedex. [Non-event and no external trades]
50 points
Collection TradeCollection Trade
Trade with a Shard Collector and get three Berries for it.
2 points
Mommy's FavoriteMommy's Favorite
Obtain a Package from your Mother.
1 points
Apricorn FarmerApricorn Farmer
Harvest all Apricorn Trees on one day.
5 points
Miltank VeterinarianMiltank Veterinarian
Help the sick Miltank.
2 points
Multifunctional Device [Event]Multifunctional Device [Event]
Find a secret Room and discover all Forms of Rotom.
3 points
A Lost CivilizationA Lost Civilization
Solve all eight Puzzles of the Ruins of Alph.
3 points
Joining the Magikarp CompetitionJoining the Magikarp Competition
Show the Fishing Guru a big Magikarp and get rewarded for it.
3 points
Buy Cheap, Sell ExpensiveBuy Cheap, Sell Expensive
Buy all Items from the Man in the Bargain Shop on Monday Morning.
2 points
Is There a Reason They Are Sold in the Underground?Is There a Reason They Are Sold in the Underground?
Buy some Medicine from the Herb Shop in the Goldenrod Tunnel.
1 points
A Bond That Cannot Be BrokenA Bond That Cannot Be Broken
Collect five Shiny Leaves and get a Leaf Crown crafted.
5 points
Complete level 8 of Voltorb Flip.
50 points
I Should Become a Bug CatcherI Should Become a Bug Catcher
Win the Bug Catching Contest and get your Reward.
3 points
Forget It, I Will Study EntomologyForget It, I Will Study Entomology
Catch a Pokemon in the Bug Catching Contest which is at least worth 350 Points.
5 points
Fashion GuruFashion Guru
Get at least one of every obtainable accessory and backdrop.
25 points
The Wind Wasn't with HimThe Wind Wasn't with Him
Defeat Falkner for the Zephyr Badge.
5 points
His Bugs Aren't That ToughHis Bugs Aren't That Tough
Defeat Bugsy for the Hive Badge.
5 points
She Just Lost, You Hear?She Just Lost, You Hear?
Defeat Whitney for the Plain Badge.
5 points
Does He Believe in Ghosts?Does He Believe in Ghosts?
Defeat Morty for the Fog Badge.
5 points
The Pounding WaterfallThe Pounding Waterfall
Defeat Chuck for the Storm Badge.
5 points
She's RustyShe's Rusty
Defeat Jasmine for the Mineral Badge.
5 points
When the Ice and Snow Melt, Spring ArrivesWhen the Ice and Snow Melt, Spring Arrives
Defeat Pryce for the Glacier Badge.
5 points
This Is Where Her Battle EndsThis Is Where Her Battle Ends
Defeat Clair for the Rising Badge.
5 points
It Is Called RetroIt Is Called Retro
Obtain the GB Sounds from Game Freak's Sound Designer.
2 points
Final Battle... Or Is It?Final Battle... Or Is It?
Defeat the Elite Four in Round One and enter the Hall of Fame.
10 points
Defeat Lt. Surge for the Thunder Badge.
5 points
The Future Was WrongThe Future Was Wrong
Defeat Sabrina for the Marsh Badge.
5 points
Date Interrupting PestDate Interrupting Pest
Defeat Misty for the Cascade Badge.
5 points
Flower ArrangementFlower Arrangement
Defeat Erika for the Rainbow Badge.
5 points
Like Father Like DaughterLike Father Like Daughter
Defeat Janine for the Soul Badge.
5 points
Rock-Hard ResistanceRock-Hard Resistance
Defeat Brock for the Boulder Badge.
5 points
Spirit Burned OutSpirit Burned Out
Defeat Blaine for the Volcano Badge.
5 points
You're That Pathetic?You're That Pathetic?
Defeat Blue for the Earth Badge.
5 points
Inside the HurricaneInside the Hurricane
Defeat Falkner in the Fighting Dojo.
5 points
No Chance Against My Insect BarrierNo Chance Against My Insect Barrier
Defeat Bugsy in the Fighting Dojo.
5 points
What Did You Say?What Did You Say?
Defeat Whitney in the Fighting Dojo.
5 points
I Will Ban You ForeverI Will Ban You Forever
Defeat Morty in the Fighting Dojo.
5 points
Now You Have LostNow You Have Lost
Defeat Chuck in the Fighting Dojo.
5 points
Feel My Sword of DestinyFeel My Sword of Destiny
Defeat Jasmine in the Fighting Dojo.
5 points
I Send You Right into Another Ice AgeI Send You Right into Another Ice Age
Defeat Pryce in the Fighting Dojo.
5 points
Everyone Makes Wrong DecisionsEveryone Makes Wrong Decisions
Defeat Clair in the Fighting Dojo.
5 points
Fear My EarthquakeFear My Earthquake
Defeat Brock in the Fighting Dojo.
5 points
I Was Confident about My WinI Was Confident about My Win
Defeat Misty in the Fighting Dojo.
5 points
Electric Short CircuitElectric Short Circuit
Defeat Lt. Surge in the Fighting Dojo.
5 points
I Am Going HardcoreI Am Going Hardcore
Defeat Erika in the Fighting Dojo.
5 points
Don't Joke with the DarksideDon't Joke with the Darkside
Defeat Janine in the Fighting Dojo.
5 points
Let Me Be the Fortune TellerLet Me Be the Fortune Teller
Defeat Sabrina in the Fighting Dojo.
5 points
Clog the VolcanoClog the Volcano
Defeat Blaine in the Fighting Dojo.
5 points
Do I Get Your Cheerleaders Now?Do I Get Your Cheerleaders Now?
Defeat Blue in the Fighting Dojo.
5 points
Ultimate PokerushUltimate Pokerush
Defeat all 16 Gymleaders in the Fighting Dojo in one session without leaving the Building.
25 points
Rise of a New ChampionRise of a New Champion
Defeat the Elite Four in Round Two and enter the Hall of Fame.
25 points
Battle at the Snowy PeakBattle at the Snowy Peak
Defeat Red.
10 points
Feels like an Antique CollectionFeels like an Antique Collection
Obtain every TM in the Overworld.
25 points
I Don't See a DifferenceI Don't See a Difference
Let one of the Haircut Brothers give your Pokemon a new Haircut.
1 points
Relaxing and a Cup of TeaRelaxing and a Cup of Tea
Let Daisy give your Pokemon a Massage.
1 points
Seems like a Lucky DaySeems like a Lucky Day
Obtain the Item 'Lucky Egg' from a wild Chansey.
5 points
How Could Something Like That Punch?How Could Something Like That Punch?
Show the Lady on Route 14 a Chansey and obtain a 'Lucky Punch'.
2 points
Resurrected WanderersResurrected Wanderers
Catch Raikou, Entei and Suicune.
10 points
Spliced DNASpliced DNA
Catch Mewtwo (No Master Ball).
5 points
Why Don't You Give Such Information for Free?Why Don't You Give Such Information for Free?
Buy all 27 Data Cards in the Pokeathlon Dome.
10 points
Unbeatable PokeathleteUnbeatable Pokeathlete
Obtain all 10 Solidarity Crowns in the Pokeathlon Dome by getting an End Result of 450 or more in every Course.
25 points
Get Potential out of EverythingGet Potential out of Everything
Obtain all 10 Trust Crowns in the Pokeathlon Dome by having at least 200 Medalist Pokemon.
100 points
Novice Team CaptainNovice Team Captain
Obtain a Star on your Trainer Card by beating all Normal Records of the Pokeathlon Minigames.
10 points
Professional Team CaptainProfessional Team Captain
Obtain all 10 Potential Crowns in the Pokeathlon Dome by beating all Mastery Records of the Minigames.
25 points
Greatest Pokeathlete of All TimeGreatest Pokeathlete of All Time
Obtain all 10 Friendship Crowns in the Pokeathlon Dome by having a Total of 4.500 Pokeathlon Points.
50 points
Without Even JumpingWithout Even Jumping
Obtain a Jump Medal in the Pokeathlon Dome with Diglett or Dugtrio.
5 points
Uncontrolled AncientsUncontrolled Ancients
Catch either Kyogre or Groudon (No Master Ball).
5 points
Roaming Lati@sRoaming Lati@s
Catch either Latias or Latios (No Master Ball).
5 points
Three Birds with Three StonesThree Birds with Three Stones
Catch Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres.
10 points
Tower GuardiansTower Guardians
Catch a Level 45 Lugia or Ho-Oh (No Master Ball).
10 points
Ring the BellRing the Bell
Catch a Level 70 Lugia or Ho-Oh (No Master Ball).
10 points
Kids Shouldn't SmokeKids Shouldn't Smoke
Get all Incenses.
5 points
Captain's CollectionCaptain's Collection
Get all Plates.
5 points
Primo's FolderPrimo's Folder
Unlock all wallpapers for the Pokemon Storage System. [See comments]
3 points
No Wonder I Never Heard about YouNo Wonder I Never Heard about You
Obtain the Silver Print of the Battle Tower.
25 points
All My Wishes Came TrueAll My Wishes Came True
Obtain the Gold Print of the Battle Tower.
50 points
You Should Pay More Attention to the BattlesYou Should Pay More Attention to the Battles
Obtain the Silver Print of the Battle Factory.
25 points
Your Cheats Have No UseYour Cheats Have No Use
Obtain the Gold Print of the Battle Factory.
50 points
Did You Need to Prepare for the Loss?Did You Need to Prepare for the Loss?
Obtain the Silver Print of the Battle Hall.
25 points
Lord of the ElementsLord of the Elements
Obtain the Gold Print of the Battle Hall.
50 points
Caitlin's DisappointmentCaitlin's Disappointment
Obtain the Silver Print of the Battle Castle.
25 points
A New Position Has Been VacatedA New Position Has Been Vacated
Obtain the Gold Print of the Battle Castle.
50 points
Surprises from the Game BoardSurprises from the Game Board
Obtain the Silver Print of the Battle Arcade.
25 points
Seems like You Lost EverythingSeems like You Lost Everything
Obtain the Gold Print of the Battle Arcade.
50 points
Johto's Battle RoyaleJohto's Battle Royale
Get a Streak of 100 Wins or more in the Battle Tower and obtain a Star on the Trainer Card.
50 points
At Least I Can Gamble HereAt Least I Can Gamble Here
Win a Prize via a Scratch-Off Card by having three of the same Pokemon.
3 points
Look How Good I AmLook How Good I Am
Obtain all 5 Special Trophies in the Pokeathlon Dome.
25 points
My Own Pocket GardenMy Own Pocket Garden
Have all 43 regular available Berries in the Berry Pocket at once.
25 points
I Reached the Top Just to See This!I Reached the Top Just to See This!
Witness the Diamond Dust on Mt. Silver.
5 points
How to Design a PokeballHow to Design a Pokeball
Attach eight Seals to a single Ball Capsule.
1 points
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little BallTwinkle, Twinkle, Little Ball
Have all 77 obtainable Seals in the Seal Case at once
25 points
Stranded From the Rest of the WorldStranded From the Rest of the World
Get gifted a Tentacool.
5 points
Call the UnownCall the Unown
Use your Radio to communicate with the Unown in the Alph Ruins to find new ones.
1 points
It's Not Unown AnymoreIt's Not Unown Anymore
Complete all Pages of the Unown Report and solve the Mystery behind the Unown.
4 points
Big FamilyBig Family
Get all items from the Week Siblings.
5 points
Fulfilling an Old Man's WishFulfilling an Old Man's Wish
Get all items given by Bill's grandfather.
5 points
My Lucky NumberMy Lucky Number
Win a Prize at the Pokemon Lottery Corner.
2 points
Passionate TraderPassionate Trader
Complete all 10 regular Trades in Kanto and Johto.
10 points
Moonlight SonataMoonlight Sonata
Watch the Clefairy Dance on Mt. Moon.
2 points
Double DragonDouble Dragon
Defeat Clair and Lance in a Double Battle.
5 points
After All That TrainingAfter All That Training
Defeat the Rival at Indigo Plateau.
5 points

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