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Sonic CD

Sonic CD


Sega CD

achievements (102)

iconinfoRA score
Palmtree Panic Act 1Palmtree Panic Act 1
Finish Palmtree Panic Act 1 in its Good Future.
5 points
Palmtree Panic Act 2Palmtree Panic Act 2
Finish Palmtree Panic Act 2 in its Good Future.
5 points
Collision Chaos Act 1Collision Chaos Act 1
Finish Collision Chaos Act 1 in its Good Future.
5 points
Collision Chaos Act 2Collision Chaos Act 2
Finish Collision Chaos Act 2 in its Good Future.
5 points
Tidal Tempest Act 1Tidal Tempest Act 1
Finish Tidal Tempest Act 1 in its Good Future.
5 points
Tidal Tempest Act 2Tidal Tempest Act 2
Finish Tidal Tempest Act 2 in its Good Future.
5 points
Quartz Quadrant Act 1Quartz Quadrant Act 1
Finish Quartz Quadrant Act 1 in its Good Future.
5 points
Quartz Quadrant Act 2Quartz Quadrant Act 2
Finish Quartz Quadrant Act 2 in its Good Future.
5 points
Wacky Workbench Act 1Wacky Workbench Act 1
Finish Wacky Workbench Act 1 in its Good Future.
5 points
Wacky Workbench Act 2Wacky Workbench Act 2
Finish Wacky Workbench Act 2 in its Good Future.
5 points
Stardust Speedway Act 1Stardust Speedway Act 1
Finish Stardust Speedway Act 1 in its Good Future.
5 points
Stardust Speedway Act 2Stardust Speedway Act 2
Finish Stardust Speedway Act 2 in its Good Future.
5 points
Metallic Madness Act 1Metallic Madness Act 1
Finish Metallic Madness Act 1 in its Good Future.
5 points
Metallic Madness Act 2Metallic Madness Act 2
Finish Metallic Madness Act 2 in its Good Future.
5 points
Palmtree Panic "G"Palmtree Panic "G"
Break 4 life monitors in Palmtree Panic Act 1.
10 points
Palmtree Panic "P"Palmtree Panic "P"
Break 4 life monitors in Palmtree Panic Act 2.
10 points
Collision Chaos "G"Collision Chaos "G"
Break 2 life monitors in Collision Chaos Act 1.
10 points
Collision Chaos "P"Collision Chaos "P"
Break 2 life monitors in Collision Chaos Act 2.
10 points
Tidal Tempest "G"Tidal Tempest "G"
Break 2 life monitors in Tidal Tempest Act 1.
10 points
Tidal Tempest "P"Tidal Tempest "P"
Break 2 life monitors in Tidal Tempest Act 2.
10 points
Quartz Quadrant "G"Quartz Quadrant "G"
Break 2 life monitors in Quartz Quadrant Act 1.
10 points
Quartz Quadrant "P"Quartz Quadrant "P"
Break 2 life monitors in Quartz Quadrant Act 2.
10 points
Wacky Workbench "G"Wacky Workbench "G"
Break 3 life monitors in Wacky Workbench Act 1.
10 points
Wacky Workbench "P"Wacky Workbench "P"
Break 2 life monitors in Wacky Workbench Act 2.
10 points
Stardust Speedway "G"Stardust Speedway "G"
Break 3 life monitors in Stardust Speedway Act 1.
10 points
Stardust Speedway "P"Stardust Speedway "P"
Break 3 life monitors in Stardust Speedway Act 2.
10 points
Metallic Madness "G"Metallic Madness "G"
Break 2 life monitors in Metallic Madness Act 1.
10 points
Metallic Madness "P"Metallic Madness "P"
Break 2 life monitors in Metallic Madness Act 2.
10 points
Palmtree Panic "B"Palmtree Panic "B"
Finish Palmtree Panic Act 3 with 100 Rings. (No damage or power-ups)
10 points
Collision Chaos "B"Collision Chaos "B"
Finish Collision Chaos Act 3 with 77 Rings. (No damage or power-ups)
10 points
Tidal Tempest "B"Tidal Tempest "B"
Finish Tidal Tempest Act 3 with 100 Rings. (No damage or power-ups)
10 points
Quartz Quadrant "B"Quartz Quadrant "B"
Finish Quartz Quadrant Act 3 with 100 Rings. (No damage or power-ups)
10 points
Wacky Workbench "B"Wacky Workbench "B"
Finish Wacky Workbench Act 3 with 109 Rings. (No damage or power-ups)
10 points
Stardust Speedway "B"Stardust Speedway "B"
Finish Stardust Speedway Act 3 with 80 Rings or more. (No damage or power-ups)
10 points
Metallic Madness "B"Metallic Madness "B"
Finish Metallic Madness Act 3 with 100 Rings. (No damage or power-ups)
10 points
Dev Time Attack Stage 1-1Dev Time Attack Stage 1-1
00'24"10 CXX (Palmtree Panic Act 1)
10 points
Dev Time Attack Stage 1-2Dev Time Attack Stage 1-2
00'21"55 TOT (Palmtree Panic Act 2)
10 points
Dev Time Attack Stage 1-3Dev Time Attack Stage 1-3
00'21"08 ANN (Palmtree Panic Act 3)
10 points
Dev Time Attack Stage 2-1Dev Time Attack Stage 2-1
00'49"60 TOT (Collision Chaos Act 1)
10 points
Dev Time Attack Stage 2-2Dev Time Attack Stage 2-2
00'47"50 TOT (Collision Chaos Act 2)
10 points
Dev Time Attack Stage 2-3Dev Time Attack Stage 2-3
00'14"85 3PE (Collision Chaos Act 3)
10 points
Dev Time Attack Stage 3-1Dev Time Attack Stage 3-1
00'41"20 3PE (Tidal Tempest Act 1)
10 points
Dev Time Attack Stage 3-2Dev Time Attack Stage 3-2
00'54"75 3PE (Tidal Tempest Act 2)
10 points
Dev Time Attack Stage 3-3Dev Time Attack Stage 3-3
01'01"33 KAZ (Tidal Tempest Act 3)
10 points
Dev Time Attack Stage 4-1Dev Time Attack Stage 4-1
00'28"85 ANN (Quartz Quadrant Act 1)
10 points
Dev Time Attack Stage 4-2Dev Time Attack Stage 4-2
00'36"25 DDS (Quartz Quadrant Act 2)
10 points
Dev Time Attack Stage 4-3Dev Time Attack Stage 4-3
00'59"60 DDS (Quartz Quadrant Act 3)
10 points
Dev Time Attack Stage 5-1Dev Time Attack Stage 5-1
00'50"10 TAC (Wacky Workbench Act 1)
10 points
Dev Time Attack Stage 5-2Dev Time Attack Stage 5-2
00'48"83 AXE (Wacky Workbench Act 2)
10 points
Dev Time Attack Stage 5-3Dev Time Attack Stage 5-3
01'10"50 DDS (Wacky Workbench Act 3)
10 points
Dev Time Attack Stage 6-1Dev Time Attack Stage 6-1
00'33"65 CXX (Stardust Speedway Act 1)
10 points
Dev Time Attack Stage 6-2Dev Time Attack Stage 6-2
00'27"96 TAK (Stardust Speedway Act 2)
10 points
Dev Time Attack Stage 6-3Dev Time Attack Stage 6-3
01'09"75 3PE (Stardust Speedway Act 3)
10 points
Dev Time Attack Stage 7-1Dev Time Attack Stage 7-1
00'32"78 ANN (Metallic Madness Act 1)
10 points
Dev Time Attack Stage 7-2Dev Time Attack Stage 7-2
02'08"41 UNT (Metallic Madness Act 2)
10 points
Dev Time Attack Stage 7-3Dev Time Attack Stage 7-3
01'30"75 TNO (Metallic Madness Act 3)
10 points
Find and destroy the Robotnik statue.
5 points
Final FeverFinal Fever
Get a life from the blessing of the goddess.
5 points
Game OverGame Over
I'm outta here!
3 points
Speed Up!! Lv 1Speed Up!! Lv 1
Complete Time Attack mode in less than 37'27"57.
5 points
Speed Up!! Lv 2Speed Up!! Lv 2
Complete Time Attack mode in less than 30'21"05.
5 points
Speed Up!! MaxSpeed Up!! Max
Complete Time Attack mode in less than 25'46"12.
10 points
Dev Time Attack Special 1Dev Time Attack Special 1
00'17"00 CXX (Special Stage 1)
10 points
Dev Time Attack Special 2Dev Time Attack Special 2
00'14"85 TOT (Special Stage 2)
10 points
Dev Time Attack Special 3Dev Time Attack Special 3
00'16"00 CXX (Special Stage 3)
10 points
Dev Time Attack Special 4Dev Time Attack Special 4
00'20"65 KAZ (Special Stage 4)
10 points
Dev Time Attack Special 5Dev Time Attack Special 5
00'22"35 KAZ (Special Stage 5)
10 points
Dev Time Attack Special 6Dev Time Attack Special 6
00'16"95 CXX (Special Stage 6)
10 points
Dev Time Attack Special 7Dev Time Attack Special 7
00'19"20 KAZ (Special Stage 7)
10 points
Have all the power-ups active at the same time.
3 points
Find the hidden monitors.
3 points
Secret Special StageSecret Special Stage
Finish the secret special stage.
5 points
Little PlanetLittle Planet
Finish Stardust Speedway Act 3 and save Amy.
5 points
Zone ClearZone Clear
Destroy all Metal Sonic holograms in one session.
25 points
Cosmic EternityCosmic Eternity
Get all Time Stones.
10 points
Sonic BoomSonic Boom
Finish the game with the bad ending in one session.
10 points
Believe in YourselfBelieve in Yourself
Finish the game with the good ending in one session.
25 points
You Can Do AnythingYou Can Do Anything
Finish the game with the good ending and no deaths in one session.
50 points
Palmtree Panic AnnihilationPalmtree Panic Annihilation
Destroy 100 Badniks without losing a single Ring in Palmtree Panic.
10 points
Colision Chaos AnnihilationColision Chaos Annihilation
Destroy 100 Badniks without losing a single Ring in Collision Chaos.
10 points
Tidal Tempest AnnihilationTidal Tempest Annihilation
Destroy 60 Badniks without losing a single Ring in Tidal Tempest.
10 points
Quartz Quadrant AnnihilationQuartz Quadrant Annihilation
Destroy 80 badnicks without losing a single Ring in Quartz Quadrant.
10 points
Wacky Workbench AnnihilationWacky Workbench Annihilation
Destroy 40 Badniks without losing a single Ring in Wacky Workbench.
10 points
Stardust Speedway AnnihilationStardust Speedway Annihilation
Destroy 60 Badniks without losing a single Ring in Stardust Speedway.
10 points
Metallic Madness AnnihilationMetallic Madness Annihilation
Destroy 40 Badniks without losing a single Ring in Metallic Madness.
10 points
The fastest DJThe fastest DJ
Kazuyuki Hoshino 42-03-01
1 points
Spooky SonicSpooky Sonic
Masato Nishimura 46-12-25
1 points
Takumi Miyake 42-04-21
1 points
Kawaii SonicKawaii Sonic
Masahiro Sanpei 44-11-09
1 points
See You Next GameSee You Next Game
Yasushi Yamaguchi 40-12-11
1 points
Palmtree Panic BossPalmtree Panic Boss
Finish Palmtree Panic Act 3.
5 points
Tidal Tempest BossTidal Tempest Boss
Finish Tidal Tempest Act 3.
5 points
Collision Chaos BossCollision Chaos Boss
Finish Collision Chaos Act 3.
5 points
Quartz Quadrant BossQuartz Quadrant Boss
Finish Quartz Quadrant Act 3.
5 points
Wacky Workbench BossWacky Workbench Boss
Finish Wacky Workbench Act 3.
5 points
Green Time StoneGreen Time Stone
Get the Green Time Stone.
3 points
Orange Time StoneOrange Time Stone
Get the Orange Time Stone.
3 points
Yellow Time StoneYellow Time Stone
Get the Yellow Time Stone.
3 points
Blue Time StoneBlue Time Stone
Get the Blue Time Stone.
3 points
Emerald Time StoneEmerald Time Stone
Get the Emerald Time Stone.
3 points
Purple Time StonePurple Time Stone
Get the Purple Time Stone.
3 points
Red Time StoneRed Time Stone
Get the Red Time Stone.
3 points
© 2024-2025 smol farm. Game content copyright their respective owners. Built by Thorne (/u/ens0).