icon | info | gamerscore |
The Stone League Reach the Stone League. | 25 | |
The Silver League Reach the Silver League. | 30 | |
The Bronze League Reach the Bronze League. | 25 | |
Tactics Study Spectate another in-match player. | 25 | |
Supreme! Claim 5 Achievements | 25 | |
Spell Slinger Play 5 spells in a row during an online Match and then win. | 25 | |
Supreme Crafter Craft a Supreme card. | 25 | |
Resource Master Use 100000 Gold. | 25 | |
Resource Manager Use 10000 Gold. | 25 | |
Resource Gatherer Use 1000 Gold. | 25 | |
Rare Crafter Craft a Rare card. | 25 | |
Ranked Winner Win 3 Ranked Battles. | 25 | |
Ranked Obliterator Win 100 Ranked Battles. | 30 | |
Ranked Master Win 500 Ranked Battles. | 35 | |
Ranked Conqueror Win 10 Ranked Battles. | 25 | |
Ranked Annihilator Win 50 Ranked Battles. | 25 | |
Power Master Use 250 Power Tokens. | 25 | |
Power Manager Use 100 Power Tokens. | 25 | |
Power Gatherer Use 25 Power Tokens. | 25 | |
Novice Collection Acquire a collection of 50 cards. | 30 | |
Master Collection Acquire a collection of 100 cards. | 35 | |
Legendary! Complete 15 Achievements. | 25 | |
Legendary Royale! Complete 30 Achievements. | 30 | |
Legendary Crafter Craft a Legendary Card. | 25 | |
Know it all Win a Ranked battle with 8 different Masters. | 30 | |
Friend Challenger Play a "vs. Friends" battle with 3 different friends. | 25 | |
Defeat them all Win against 8 different Masters. | 25 | |
Deck Maker Create 3 decks. | 25 | |
Daily Winner Complete 3 Daily Quests. | 25 | |
Daily Obliterator Complete 50 Daily Quests. | 25 | |
Daily Master Complete 100 Daily Quests. | 30 | |
Daily Conqueror Complete 10 Daily Quests. | 25 | |
Daily Annihilator Complete 25 Daily Quests. | 25 | |
Common Crafter Craft a Common card. | 25 | |
Close one Win a Ranked Battle with less than 100 Health left. | 25 | |
Challenge completed! Complete 1 Practice Match on Hard. | 25 | |
Challenge accepted! Complete 1 Practice Match on Medium. | 25 | |
Apprentice Collection Acquire a collection of 25 cards. | 25 |