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achievements (36)

Raiding BarbariansRaiding Barbarians
Conquered BarbariansConquered Barbarians
Serving BarbariansServing Barbarians
Wild GruesWild Grues
Captured GruesCaptured Grues
Warbred GruesWarbred Grues
Castle of TeslagradCastle of Teslagrad
City of TeslagradCity of Teslagrad
Tower of TeslagradTower of Teslagrad
Foreign nation of AngloriaForeign nation of Angloria
Foreign nation of MesmerForeign nation of Mesmer
Foreign nation of MotorlandForeign nation of Motorland
Crafting Volt WalkersCrafting Volt Walkers
Crafting Iron LiceCrafting Iron Lice
Crafting Power PlantsCrafting Power Plants
The Guardian FernusThe Guardian Fernus
The Guardian FaradeusThe Guardian Faradeus
The Guardian OrbThe Guardian Orb
Glorious AllianceGlorious Alliance
Glorious CoronationGlorious Coronation
Glorious RuleGlorious Rule
Grand AmbitionGrand Ambition
Lone AmbitionLone Ambition
Failed AmbitionFailed Ambition
Kings GriefKings Grief
Kings GrudgeKings Grudge
Kings VengeanceKings Vengeance
Fathers AlertnesFathers Alertnes
Resourceful FatherResourceful Father
Protective FatherProtective Father
Oleg's GriefOleg's Grief
Oleg's AdoptionOleg's Adoption
Oleg's DutyOleg's Duty
Long for a familyLong for a family
Long for a saviorLong for a savior
Long for a pastLong for a past
© 2024-2025 smol farm. Game content copyright their respective owners. Built by Thorne (/u/ens0).